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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Stairways, Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, contract, 1264 Staley, A. E., Manufacturing Co., contract, change, 1344 Staley, J. E., degree, 425 Staley, S. C , appointment, 158, 159, 993 Stalion, J. T., appointment, 333, 1166 Stallings, R. L., Jr., appointment, 1229 declination, 13x6 Stallmeyer, J. E., appointment, 531, 675, 959 fellowship, 402 Stallsworth, W. R., degree, 598 Stamm, A. M., certificate, 42 Stamm, Marjorie A., degree, 590 Stamps, F. W., appointment, 212, 1041, 1276 Standard Air Co., purchase, 483 Standard Asbestos Manufacturing Co., contract, change, 640 purchase, 767 Standard Brands, Inc., contract, change, 1208 Fleischmann Laboratories, contract, 378 Standard Insurance Co., of New York, insurance, purchase, 1494 Standard Oil Co., contract, change, 1208 Standard Oil Co. of California, gift, 549, 1212 Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, contract, 33 gift, 1469 Standard Oil Co. of Ohio, gift, 1212 Stanek, F. J., appointment, 134, 875, 969 Stanfield, Christine, appointment, 875, 1019 degree, 1245 Stanfield, Rachel E., degree, 1536 Stange, C. M., degree, 1561 Stange, H. A., degree, 594 Stangeland, R. E . t degree, 808 Stanich, E. G., degree, 1577 Stanislawsky, D. S., degree, 1549 Stanislavsky, Hazel W., degree, 1560 Stanley, Mrs. Barbara A., appointment, 293 Stanley, Constance D., degree, 1398 Stanley, Ellen L., appointment, 696 Stanley, J. T., degree, 1553 Stanley, J. W., degree, 811 Stanley, L. E., degree, 1568 Stanley, R. E., degree, 1564 Stanley, W. O., Jr., appointment, 14s, 69 2 . 980, 1448, 1499 Stanner, Mrs. Evelyn S., appointment, 294, "31 Stanton, Claire, appointment, 314, 1151 Stanton, G. T., appointment, 211 resignation, 732 Stanwyck, P. J., certificate, 489 Staples, W. R., degree, 454 Stapleton, J. R., degree, 1396 Stapleton, T. F., Jr., certificate, 42 Staplin, F. L., fellowship, 1483 Staran, Jill P., degree, 807 Starcher, Helen, appointment, 1098 Starck, Betty J., appointment, 264, 1100 Star counts, study, contract; 378 Star Course, scholarships, gift, 1211 Stark, M., insurance, purchase, i494> '495 Stark, W. H., degree, 588 Starkey, Mrs. Amy, appointment, 295, 1131 Starkey, Mrs. Meree E., appointment, 294 Starkie, Mrs. Evangeline W., appointment, 1166 Starkman, N., appointment, 362, 1191 Starks, Mary D., degree, 1541 Starman, C. V., degree, 419 Starr, B. A., certificate, 842 Starr, C. G., appointment, 79, 9 ' 2 . '45° Starr, C. J., appointment, 129, 964 Starr, Eunice, appointment, 307 Starr, J. R., appointment, 1118 Starr, L. A., appointment, 157. 991. 992 Starr, Sally, appointment, 322 Starwalt, O. C., appointment, 272, 1108 Stasiuk, Annabelle, degree, 829 Stastny, Dorothy, appointment, 31s, 1152 1761 Stastny, G. L., degree, 822, 1571 State Agricultural Extension, budget, 116, 276, 950, 1112 State auditor, additional powers, legislation, proposed, 717 State Board of Higher Education, proposed, 716 State Department, services of Carroll L. Birch, 841 State Department of Aeronautics, airport improvements, contract, 838 grant offer, acceptance, 858 funds for airport improvements, agency and participation agreement, 640 State Department of Public Welfare, Illinois Neuropsychiatry Institute, operation, transferred to University, 860 Illinois Psychopathic Institute, operation, policy and procedure, 860 Stateler, C. J., degree, 807 Stateler, F. W., appointment, 298, 1134 State Natural History Survey, research, gift, 1213 State of Illinois Building, space, lease, 866 State of the University, period 1946 to 1950, President's report, 381 State Water Survey, building, name, 36 Quonset building, electrical work, 1416 interior construction, 1416 purchase, 1416 rain gauge, purchase, 1521 Stathis, A. W., degree, 801 Stathopoulos, S. L., degree, 829 Station wagon, purchase, Institute of Aviation, 837 Physical Plant, 345, 671, 1305 Statistical Service Unit, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37 budget, 61, 256, 893, 1093 Statler, Shirley S., degree, 582 Statutes, amendment, approval of University contracts, 1255 authorization of purchases, 851 contracts for housing, 380 Statzer, D. E., degree, 824, 1575 Staub, A., appointment, 73 declination, 405 Staubus, G. J., certificate, 42 Stauffer, Irene B., appointment, 328, 1170 StauSer, R. S., appointment, 99, 933 Staugas, Mrs. Catherine J., appointment, 283 Staugas, L. A., appointment, 1093 Staugas, L. W., appointment, 179. S'« resignation, 732 Stauthammer, Joyce A., degree, 590 Stayton, D. B., appointment, 304, 1140 Stayton, T. R., appointment, 300, 1136 Steadman, Mrs. Frances, appointment, 324 Steadman, M. G., appointment, 360 Steam and water heating, study, contract, change, 1306 Steam plant, Chicago Professional Colleges, appropriation, addition, request, 383 release of funds, 519 Steam service piping, contract, Agricultural Engineering Research Laboratory, 1496 Animal Sciences Laboratory, 339 Men's Residence Halls Addition, 1496 Steam tunnel, piping, contract, 658 Steam, K. B., degree, 829 Stearnes Co., contract, 1290 addition, 707 change, 640 Stearns, B. K., degree, 1240 Stearns, Mrs. Barbara J., appointment, 1131 Stearns, R. P., appointment, 79, 695, 9'2 Stebbins, Norma J., appointment, 321 Stec, Constance, appointment, 1170 2 Steck, I. E., appointment, 354. » ' 8 Stecyk, A., degree,. 598 Steding, J. A., degree, 1552
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