UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1660]

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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Smedsvik, Sicily A., degree, 784 Smerdel, M. T., degree, 424, 1246 Smerkins, H., certificate, 489 Smetko, E. M., degree, 1397 Smilanik, Mary J. D„ degree, 1399 Smiley, A. G., degree, 788 Smiley, E. J., degree, 788 Smiley, J. E., degree, 587 Smiley, J. R., appointment, 77, 135, 399, 910, . I3S8, 1450 Smiley, Mrs. Jean N., appointment, 1132 Smiley, W. A., Jr., degree, 1286 Smissman, E. E., appointment, 1292 Smith, Albert A., degree, 821 Smith, Alfred A., degree, 424 Smith, A. W., appointment, 177, 511, 775 resignation, 778 Smith, Mrs. Alice R., appointment, 1099 Smith, Ann P., appointment, 309, n 46 Smith, Audrey E., appointment, 1124 Smith, B-, appointment, 126, 875, 961 t declination, 1234 Smith, B. A., degree, 794 Smith, B. G., degree, 801 Smith, B. O., appointment, 144, 692, 980, . 1447 Smith, Barbara, degree, 1400 Smith, Betty M., degree, 596 Smith, Beverly A., degree, 817 Smith, C. A. t degree, 813 Smith, C. D., appointment, 92, 925 degree, 413 Smith, C. E., Jr., degree, 1246 Smith, C. M., degree, 824 Smith, C. O., appointment, 357, U85 Smith, C. Opal, appointment, 270, 1106 Smith, C. R., certificate, 1329 Smith, C. W., appointment, 283, 1120 Smith, Clara E., appointment, 308, 1144 Smith, Dean A.,- degree, 814 Smith, Donald A., degree, 1250 Smith, Dean B., degree, 827 Smith, Douglas B., appointment, 142 resignation, 1234 Smith, D. F., degree, 803 Smith, D. I., degree, 820 Smith, D. L., degree, 1287 Smith, David R., degree, 1566 Smith, Don R., degree, 1563 Smith, D. T., degree, 1400 Smith, Donald Webb, degree, 804 Smith, Donald Wilson, appointment, 447, i o n Smith, Dawn E., certificate, 489 Smith, Delores J., degree, 1564 Smith, E., degree, 1553 Smith, E. B., degree, 1536 Smith, E. Evelyn, appointment, 108, 942 Smith, E. G., appointment, 255, 1092 authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 444, 602, 858, 1405 Smith, E. J., appointment, 260, 1096 Smith, E. R., appointment, 276, 1096 Smith, Eleanor, appointment, 8 Smith, Elizabeth J., appointment, 364 Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth T., appointment, 988 declination, 1234 Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth W., appointment, 295,



Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,

Mrs. Ellen, appointment, 29s, 1131 Evelyn, appointment, 323, n<5s F. A., Lumber Co., purchase, 838 F. B., appointment, 299, 1135 F. L., degree, 822 Frances R., appointment, 1093 G. D., degree, 424 G. F., appointment, 72, 905 G. M., Jr., degree, 815 Gerald W., degree, 1559 Guy W., degree, 811 G. Y., degree, 804 Georgina M., degree, 414 H., Jr., degree, 1247

Smith, H. D., degree, 1556 Smith, Harold E., appointment, 357. 1185 Smith, Harry E., degree, 1541 Smith, H. H., degree, 799 Smith, H. J., degree, 1243 Smith, Hampton M., degree, 410 Smith, Hobart M., appointment, 87, 701, 921 Smith, Helen L., appointment, 170, 1005 authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 4, 602 See also Sutherland, Mrs. Helen S. Smith, Mrs. Helen T., appointment, 1098 Smith, Ida, appointment, 317, 1155 Smith, Irene, appointment, 326, 116& Smith, J. B., appointment, 176, 1012 termination, 1280 Smith, James Hammond, appointment, 447, 967 Smith, James Henry, degree, 1282 Smith, John H., degree, 786 Smith, J. J., appointment, 1129 Smith, J. O., appointment, 133, 511, 968, 1456 Smith, J. P., Jr., degree, 797 Smith, J. W., degree, 421 Smith, J. W., Jr., degree, 811 Smith, Janice M., appointment, 108, 942 Smith, K., appointment, 330, 1172 Smith, K. T., member of advisory committee, 1194 Smith, K. W., appointment, 300, 1136 Smith, Mrs. Keo G., appointment, 222, 1058 Smith, L. C , Jr., degree, 596 Smith, Larry E., degree, 1389 Smith, Luther E., degree, 407 Smith, L. H., degree, 815 Smith, LeRoy J., degree, 803, 1542 Smith, Lyman J., appointment, 1229 Smith, L. M., degree, 807 Smith, L. P., degree, 58s Smith, L. R., appointment, 1350 Smith, Mrs. Laura E., appointment, 263, 1099 Smith, Lois L., degree, 813 Smith, Marion, appointment, 329, 1170 Smith, Max, degree, 424 Smith, Murray, degree, 1399 Smith, M. E., degree, 827 fellowship, 1 so 1 Smith, M. F., degree, 594 Smith, Marjorie L., degree, 15 75 Smith, Mary E., appointment, 324 Smith, Mrs. Mavis G., appointment, 296 Smith, May, appointment, 184, 1019 Smith, N., fellowship, 1484 Smith, N. B., degree, 809, 1557 Smith, N. D., Jr., degree, 420 Smith, N. E., degree, 799 Smith, Mrs. Norma A., appointment, 276 Smith, Mrs. Oleda B., appointment, 263, 1099 Smith, P. A., degree, 788 Smith, P. D., degree, 1542 Smith, P. E., degree, 791 Smith, P. L., degree, 1398 Smith, Richard A., degree, 7S6 Smith, Roger A., degree, 1565 Smith, R. C , degree, 1566 Smith, R. D., appointment, n 38 Smith, Ralph E., degree, 1391 Smith, Richard Ebbert, appointment, 279, 1116 Smith, Richard Eugene, degree, 811 Smith, Ralph F., degree, 577 Smith, Richard F., degree, 796 Smith, R. G., degree, 829 Smith, R. J., appointment, 153. 988 Smith, R. K., degree, 1395 Smith, Robert M., appointment, 278, 1115 Smith, Roland M., appointment, 75, 693, 908, '449 Smith, Raymond S., appointment, 98, 932 Smith, Robert S., degree, 792 Smith, R. W., degree, 1568 Smith, S. B., appointment, 246, 1085