UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1656]

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Shannon, Ellen J., degree, 408 Shannon, F. A . , appointment, 79, 695, 912 leave of absence, 604 Shanor, L., appointment, 7 1 , 9 0 4 , 1445 leave of absence, 604 Shapin, T . , Jr., appointment, 136, 972 discovery, patent rights, release, 1340 Shapira, F . M . , degree, 588 Shapiro, A . W . , certificate, 1329 Shapiro, A n n e P . , degree, 1397 Shapiro, B. L., certificate, 42 Shapiro, D . , degree, 1572 Shapiro, D . C , degree, 822, 1571 Shapiro, D . H . , degree, 807 Shapiro, F . , appointment, 358, 1187 Shapiro, H . , degree, 1394 Shapiro, H . E . , degree, 1563 Shapiro, I. L., certificate, 1330 Shapiro, J., certificate, 842 Shapiro, L., certificate, 1329 Shapiro, M . D . , appointment, 136 resignation, 405 Shapiro, M. K., degree, 594 Shapiro, N . , degree, 1559 fellowship, 1484 declination, 1487 Shapiro, R. D . , degree, 594 Shapiro, S. C , certificate, 488 Shapiro, S. E., appointment, 45, 246, 702, 1085 Shapiro, S. L., appointment, 359, 1187 Share, H . , degree, 829 Share, I. A . , degree, 831 SharifF, G. A . , degree, 829, 1568 Sharkey, R. H . , degree, 590 Sharp, E . , appointment, 1105 Sharp, E . A . , degree, 589 Sharp, M r s . Ernestine, appointment, 285 Sharp, F . T „ appointment, 329, 1171 Sharp, G., appointment, 318, 1157 Sharp, H . F . , appointment, 1229 Sharp, Katharine L., fellowship, gift, 1469 Sharp, R. D . , fellowship, 1485 declination, 1487 Sharp, R. E . , Jr., degree, 1548 Sharp & Dohme, Inc., contract, 1327, 1417, 1521 gift, 14 71 Sharpe, K. P . , appointment, 219, 1055 Sharpe, Merla B . , degree, 413 Shatkin, M r s . Joyce, appointment, 1350 Shattuck, A . B., degree, 1243 Shattuck, C. H . , appointment, 75. 6 9 3 , 700, 9 0 8 , 1449, 1455 Shattuck, S u s a n D . , degree, 786 S h a u g h n e s s y , H . J., appointment, 212, 1048 S h a u g h n e s s y , Julia, appointment, 1159 Shaver, Elizabeth L., degree, 1555 Shaver, R. H., degree, 782 Shavers, Doris W . , degree, 577 S h a w , C. E., degree, 1397 S h a w , D . R., degree, 807 S h a w , Jean C , appointment, 205, 398 S h a w , N . G., appointment, 360, 1189 S h a w , R u t h E . , degree, 423 S h a w , W . K., degree, 784 S h a w , W . R., degree, 827 S h a w , W . W . , degree, 815 S h a w l , R. I., appointment, 96, 688, 930, 1444 S h a w v e r , D . L., degree, 1282 S h a w - W a l k e r Co., purchase, 613 S h a y , F. J. R., degree, 1247 Shay, M a r y L., appointment, 79, 9 " S h e a , C. H . , certificate, 842 S h e a , M r s . Nellie, appointment, 309, 1147 S h e a , P . J., degree, 1243 Sheaff, H . M., appointment, 353. " 8 1 Shea-Matson Co., purchase, 344 Shearhurn, A . L., degree, 4 2 4 Shearburn, Mrs. Jean L., appointment, 270 Shearer, C. E . , appointment, 352 resignation, 479


Shearer, R. D . , certificate, 1329 Sheckler, C. K., degree, 799 Shedd, Harriet M . , degree, 452 Shedd, M . H . , appointment, Z77 Shedd, T . C , appointment, 124, 511, 6 9 1 , 957, 1446 Sheean, J., purchase, 376, 500, 5 0 1 , 838, 8 5 2 , 853. 854, 1416 Sheehan, E. F., appointment, 308, 1141 Sheek, Martha R., appointment, 3 9 8 , 478, 6 7 5 , 874, 904 , . Sheep Barn, sanitary facilities, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 38 Sheet metal work, contract, apartment building in Chicago, 1264 minor alterations and remodeling, 848, 1519 Sheets, M c K i n l e y Hospital, purchase, 1416 Sheffer, Jeanette F., degree, 1238 Sheffer, R. M . , degree, 1553 Sheffner, A. L., appointment, 398 degree, 1569 Shehan, W . H., degree, 598 Sheiry, Vannie L., appointment, 263, 1099 Shelhy, R. G., degree, 821 Sheldahl, L. D . , degree, 814 Shelden, Miriam A., appointment, 64, 897 Sheldon, E . H . , & Co., contract, 560, 1414 purchase, 8 5 3 , 1520 Sheldon, F. C , certificate, 42 Shelford, V . E . , appointment, 87, 920 Shellabarger, H e l e n A., degree, 807 Shell Chemical Corp., contract, change, 865 Shelley, Mrs. Dorothy E . , appointment, 4 3 0 , 898 Shell Fellowship Committee, gift, 549, 1212 Shellman, R. W . , degree, 1396 Shell Oil Co., purchase, 468, 711, 1327 Shellow, H . , appointment, 2 0 3 , 1038 Shelly, M r s . Edith R., appointment, 1097 Shelp, R. H . , degree, 595 Shelton, E . W . , degree, 1545 Shelton, J. C , degree, 1564 Shelton, J. G., degree, 791 Shelton, J. W . , degree, 1285 fellowship, 1483 Shelton, Marguerite M . , degree, 1286 Shelton, R. E., appointment, 160, 697, 700, 994. ' 4 5 3 , 1456 Shemaitis, R. D . , degree, 821 S h e n , Elizabeth H . H . , appointment, 73 declination, 405 S h e n , L i n E . J., degree, 1539 Shepard, D . K., degree, 1550 Shepard, H . R., appointment, 1380 Shepherd, C. W . , degree, 1564 Shepherd, Rosemary H., degree, 800 Shepherd, T . W . , degree, 585 Sheraden, Dorothy I. W . , degree, 4 ' 3 Sheraden, G. H . , degree, 8 2 1 , 1544 Sherbo, A., appointment, 398, 908 Shere, M r s . M a r i e O., appointment, 86, 478, 700, 920, 1456 declination, 1502 Sherer, H . C , appointment, 257 Sherer, M r s . Laurel K., appointment, 320 Sherk, P. M . , degree, 783 resignation, 778 Sherlock, J. P . , contract, 441 S h e r m a n , A l i c e E . , certificate, 4 2 S h e r m a n , M r s . I r e n e C , appointment, 211, 1047 S h e r m a n , L. A . , degree, 1398. *399 Sherman, L. J., degree, 1541 S h e r m a n , M. E . , degree, 1392 S h e r m a n , P h y l l i s , degree, 596 S h e r m a n , R. F., degree, 1 5 6 1 Sherrod, T . R., appointment, 209, 1045, 1380 Sherwin, C. W . , appointment, 132, 8 7 4 , 8 7 5 , 967, 1276 discovery, patent rights, release, 1418