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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

175O Schrader, Schrader, Schrader, Schrader, Schrader, degree, Schrader, Schrader, 1107 Schrader, Schramm, BOARD OF TRUSTEES A. L., degree, 817 Bernice, appointment, 177, 1013 Dorothy M., degree, 1550 F. M., degree, 780 G. F., appointment, 129, 1506 794 H. J., appointment, 133, 968 Mrs. Margaret, appointment, 270, Mrs. Rose W., appointment, 1127 W., appointment, 165, 166, 169, Schulstad, L. B., degree, 816 Schultheis, R. E., certificate, 488 Schulthes, W. £., appointment, 271, 1107 Schultz, A., appointment, 358, 1186 Schultz, A. L., certificate, 1178 Schultz, C. W., Jr., degree, 423 Schultz, Mrs. Elizabeth W., appointment, 266, 1102 1001, 1002, 1005 leave of absence, 474, 1317 representative at Conference on American Tradition, 1420 Schranz, E., degree, 1400 Schreiber, Joan, appointment, 1150 Schreiber, R. A., degree, 1557 Schreiber, W. J., Jr., degree, 421, 1345 Schreiber, W. P., degree, 812 Schreiman, Sylvia C , appointment, 322, 1164 Schreiner, Kathryn, appointment, 314 Schreiner, P. j . , degree, 592 Schrepferman, J. R., degree, 817 Schrey, E. L., appointment, 363, 1192 Schriefer, D. L., degree, 799 Schroeder, Edith, fellowship, 1481 declination, 1487 Schroeder, Eloise R., appointment, 267 Schroeder, F.,_Jr., degree, 583 Schroeder, J. T., certificate, 42 Schroeder, Mrs. Patricia J. B., appointment, . J 398 degree, 421 resignation, 573 Schroeder, Phyllis J., appointment, 275 Schroeder, R. R., degree, 1547 Schroeder, R. W., appointment, 247, 1086 Schroeder, W. H., degree, 1564 Schroeder's, contract, 340, 368, 848, 1208, 1519 adjustments, 33, 302, 524, 561, 611, 669, 7'3> 77o, 865, 1209, 1264, ! 1328, 1345, 1361, 1418, 1465, J495. S22 Schroer, P. P., degree, 814 Schroll, Mrs. Eleanor, appointment, 328, 1170 Schroll, L. D., degree, 1549 Schroth, Abbie M., degree, 1244 Schruhl, C. R., degree, 804 Schrull, Mrs. Wilberta, appointment, 262 Schrum, R. W., degree, 1397 Schrumpf, D. R., Jr., degree, 1562 Schubert, B. F., degree, 784 Schubert, C. E., appointment, 129, 964 Schubert, G. D., degree, 594 Schubert, J. E., appointment, 81, 914 Schubert, P. E., degree, 595 Schubert, R. E., degree, 1571 Schubert, W. C , Jr., degree, 1400 Schuchmann, E. G., Jr., degree, 585 Schuckmell, Natalie H., degree, 827 Schueler, A. P., degree, 579 Schueler, M. W., Jr., degree, 1252 Schueler, Marilyn, degree, 1550 Schueler, R. J., degree, 1252 Schueneman, G. J., degree, 424 Schuessler, P. E., degree, 1576 Schuette, G. W., degree, 595 Schuetz, Mrs. Christie B., appointment, 289 Schuetz, W. H.i appointment, 150, 985 Schuetze, E. W., degree, 801 Schuh, H., appointment, 1127 Schuldt, E. H., Jr., fellowship, 46 Schuler, E. T., certificate, 1329 Schuler, G. J., degree, 1544 Schuler, N. L., degree, 1564 Schulke, H. A., Jr., degree, 1542 Schulman, A. §., Electric Co., contract, 544 Schulman, J. K., degree, 816 Schulman, Muriel B., appointment, 289 Schulman, S., fellowship, 682 resignation, 879 Schultz, H. A., appointment, 147, 148, I54> 689, 692, 980, 983, 989, 1448 Schultz, H. F., degree, 1392 Schultz, H. L., degree, X243 Schultz, J., Jr., degree, 1551 fellowship, 150X Schultz, Mrs. Joan, appointment, 1093 Schultz, L., appointment, 219 Schultz, L. G., degree, 1390 fellowship, 1483 Schultz, L. W., appointment, 363, 1191 Schultz, Louise, degree, 817 Schultz, Mrs. Manda F., appointment, 1099 Schultz, R. E., appointment, 146, 983 Schultz, Sandy S., degree, 1247 Schulz, G. W., appointment, 332 Schulz, P. G., Jr., degree, 799 Schulz, W. F., appointment, 132, 967 Schulze, H. C , degree, 1251 Schulze, Juanita A., degree, 800 Schumacher, A. A., degree, 709 Schumacher, C. F., degree, 810 Schumacher, E. G., degree, 1566 Schumacher, Mary T., appointment, 297, 1134 Schumaier, C. P., degree, 788 Schumaker, Marjorie I., degree, 409 Schumann, D. W-, appointment, 78, 911, 1450 Schumann, Joan R., degree, 1398 Schunneman, Mrs. Agnes F., appointment, 1099 Schunneman, R. F., degree, 1552 Schupp, J. G., appointment, 355, 1184 Schur, J. A., certificate, 1338 Schurz, C , book, printing, 377 Schust, R. A., appointment, 333, 1167 Schutz, F. W., jr., appointment, 675, 959 Schutz, H. A., appointment, 249, 1087 degree, 1243 Schutz, W. C.j certificate, 42 Schuyler, Clarissa J., degree, 1560 Schuyler, W. M., appointment, 241, 702, 1081, 1457 Schwaar, R. H., degree, 1557 -Schwabe, Dolores M., degree, 820 Schwaiger, j . W., degree, 1396, 1528 Schwaiger, Roberta M., degree, 1396 Schwalbe, E. E., degree, 1389 Schwalbe, W. L., appointment, 133, 969 Schwam, E. F., Jr., degree, 414 Schwardt, Helen, appointment, H57 Schwartz, Mrs. Beatrice G., appointment, 330 Schwartz, C , appointment, 243, 398 resignation, 684 Schwartz, Mrs. Doris J., appointment, 258 Schwartz, D., appointment, 398 resignation, 684 Schwartz, E., jr., degree, 577 Schwartz, E. H., certificate, 1338 Schwartz, E. D., certificate, 1329 Schwartz, Elizabeth, appointment, 185 declination, 405 Schwartz, G. F„ appointment, 135, 990 Schwartz, H. R., resignation, 405 Schwartz, J. A., certificate, 1338 Schwartz, L., degree, 790 Schwartz, Lillian, appointment, 328, 1170 Schwartz, M. A., degree, 810 Schwartz, M. L., appointment, 356 Schwartz, M. W., degree, 1567 Schwartzberg, H. J., degree, 414 Schwarz, E. W., degree, 792 fellowship, 679, 1278, 1482 Schwarz, J. E., appointment, 1380 degree, 1547
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