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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Sandusky, W. F., degree, 1248 Sandwell's Paint Store, purchase, 468 Saner, R. L., degree, 804 Sanford, C. W., appointment, 143, 146, 979, 983 Sanford, E. T., appointment, 181, 1017 degree, 1387 Sanford, H. N., appointment, 213, 1189, 1229 Sanford, Rose M., appointment, 276 Sanftner, R. VV., appointment, 690 fellowship, 1382, 1501 Sang, D. G., degree, 1541 Sang, P. S., member of advisory committee, 1255 Sangamon County Board of Education, contract, 1305 Sangamon Electric Co., gift, 1214 Sangster, W., appointment, 241, 701, 1080, .1457 Sanitary Engineering, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37 curriculum,, changes, 1410 Sanitary Engineering Laboratory, remodeling, appropriation, 1339 Sanitary sewer, South Broadway, extension, appropriation, 27 balance reappropriated, 1198 South Race Street, extension, appropriation, 46 s Sank, Diane, degree, 584 Sankstone, L. M., degree, 802 Sanner, A. E., Jr., degree, 59s Sanner, R. E., degree, 1555 Sannicandro, R. A., degree, 804 Sansone, Jean M., appointment, 270 Santamaria, R. M., degree, 1540 Santana, Lillian, appointment, 307, 1143 Santos, F., Jr., degree, 1575 Santos, Nilza C.. C , degree, 1547 fellowship, 1482 Saphir, O., appointment, 360, 447, 1044 Saphir, Walter, degree, 1572 Saphir, William, appointment, 1276 Sapienza, A. R., appointment, 355, 1183 Sapora, A. V., appointment, 160, 511, 994 Saporta, S., degree, 1537 Sapp, J. L., degree, 1236 Sappington, Christine L., appointment, 675, 1308 Saravalli,. D. R., degree, 1251 Sargent, A. M., degree, 453 Sargent, E. H., & Co., purchase, 375, 377, 467, 500, 525, 526, 767, 838, 852, 1304, 1343. 1360. r 520 Sargent, F., II, appointment, 82, 698, 915. 1528 Sargent, H. W., appointment, 75, 908 Sargent & Lundy, engineering services, Abbott Power Plant, preparation of consolidated drawings, 863 steam service connections for residence hall expansion, 762, 763 Sarnat, B. G., appointment, 219, 363, 1055, H92 1747 Satterthwaite, Barbara, appointment, 313 Sattler, R. E., degree, 1549 Satz, L. A., appointment, 359, 1188 Sauer, G. F., appointment, 1229 Sauer, Margaret E., degree, 1250 Sauerlender, O. H., appointment, 45, 645, 675, „ 977 Sauers, A. D., degree, 1248 Saulys, Augusta Z., appointment, 1189 Saulys, V., appointment, 1193 Saunders, D. H., appointment, 398, 1229 Saunders, Mrs. Frances P., appointment, 183 declination, 405 Saunders, Mrs. Irenne F., appointment, 313, Saunders, Mary J. H., degree, 454 Saunders & Co., purchase, 557 Saupe, D. C , appointment, 571, 946 degree, 585 Saupe, Frances H., degree, 1543 Saupe, J. L., degree, 784 Saupe, Virginia N., degree, 799 Saur, A. J., degree, 576 Savage, Mrs. Betty J., appointment, 266 Savage, Elma S., degree, 1392 Savage, R. G., degree, 822, 1571 Savitt, A. E., degree, 810 Savitt, L., appointment, 359, 1188 gift, 556 Savitzky, J., degree, 595 Savko, G., Jr., degree, 593 Saw, Physics, purchase, 837 Sawyer, A. E., appointment, 301, 1137 Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. A. W., gift, 1468 Sawyer, L„ appointment, 315, 1152 Sawyer, W. J., See Swayer, W. J. Sax, H. H., certificate, 488 Saxberg, B. O., fellowship, 680, 1484 resignation, 1425 Saxe, R. K., degree, 782 Saxon, L., degree, 827 Saxton, Mrs. Patricia M., degree, 1540 fellowship, 678, 1278, 1481, 1501 resignation, 1280 * Saxton, R. L., degree, 1388 fellowship, 678, 1480 Sayad, P. B., degree, 802 Sayers, B. J., degree, 1248 Sayler, Beverley B., degree, 828 Sayler, Miriam, degree, 1389 Saylor, Cerilla E., appointment, 168, 185, Scaccuto, J. M., degree, 413 Scaggs, J. R., degree, 818 Scala, R. A., appointment, 355, '183 Scalora, F. S., appointment, 696 degree, 578 Scamehorn, H. L., degree, 1537 Scanlan, Mary M., appointment, 314, 1152 Scanlon, Virginia, appointment, 8 Scannell, J. P., degree, 807 Scarborough, C. C , degree, 1283 Scarce, R. J., degree, 421 Scatterday, A., appointment, 290, 1127 Schaaf, J., appointment, 325, 1167 Schaal, W. C , degree, 829 Schaap, W. B., degree, 450 Schaar & Co., purchase, 612, 767, 838, 852, Schaber, F. B., appointment, 293, 1129 Schacht, F., appointment, 364, 1193 Schacht, J. H., appointment, 76, 909 declination, 1280 Schack, G. J. D., degree, 421 Schack, Mrs. Mary L., appointment, 304 Schad, V. L.. Jr., degree, 581 Schade, A. W., degree, 1549 Schaede, Mrs. Marlene, appointment, 1143 Schaede, R. E., degree, 1572 Schaefer, Darlene M., degree, 1237 Schaefer, G. E., degree, 819 Schaefer, H. O., degree, 424 1520 1003, 1020 1151 Sarsany, A. P., degree, 808 Sartain, E. L., appointment, 874, 1229 Sarton, Leona L., degree, 1557 Sartorius, L. C , appointment, 1179, *447 Sasaki, H., appointment, 1491 resignation, 405 Sasamoto, G. N., degree, 157" Sass, D. B., fellowship, 77« resignation, 879 Sassetti, F. L., certificate, 1330 Sasso, J. R.P degree, 1401 Sassoon, S. S. H., degree, 587 fellowship, 679 resignation, 1316 Sather, H. L., appointment, 1187 Sather. R. O., degree, 792 Satterfield, D. W., degree, 1558 Satterlee, Gwen J., degree, 1555
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