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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I742 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Roberts, Roberts, Roberts, Roberts, Roberts, Roberts, Roberts, Roberts, Roberts, 974, Roberts, Roberts, Roberts, Roberts, 1123 Riveted and bolted structural joints, research, gift, 1469, 1470 Rix, Dolores M., appointment, 309, 531, 1040, I3'5 R i « r , J. E., degree, 810 Rizzoli, J. L., degree, 804 Roach, C. R., degree, 422 Roach, Mrs. Carol R., appointment, 446. 7°°. 874 Roach, J. T., degree, 797 Roadbed stabilization, research contract, change, 610 Road grader, Robert Allerton Park, purchase, 1494 Road oil, Physical Plant, purchase, 854 Road tar, Physical Plant, purchase, 854 Roady, E. E., degree, 1283 Roark, Constance, appointment, 307, 1143 Roarty, R. C , certificate, 42 Roback, G. S., appointment, 1315 degree, 831 fellowship, 402 Roback, Helen M., degree, 579 Roback, S. S., degree, 1282 Robb, W. C , appointment, 138, 141. 691. 973. 976, 1447 Robb. W. L., degree, 1281 Robbins, D. E., Jr., degree, 1537 Robbins, E. T., appointment, 102 Robbins, Evelyn M., appointment, 1169 Robbins, J. H., degree, 1572 Robbins, J. M., appointment, 355, 1184 Robbins, L. E., degree, 816 Robbins, Mrs. Leona, appointment, 1098 Robbins, Margaret A., appointment, 571 Robbins, P. W., fellowship, 148* Robbins, Rita K., degree, .1356 Robe, J. K., appointment, 1528 degree, 803 Robe, Mrs. Lorraine, appointment, 1121 Roberg, N. B„ appointment, 353, 645, 1039 Robert Allerton Park, air compressor, purchase, soi appropriations, balances reappropnated, 38, 1198 booklet, printing, 468 budget, 171, 291, 1007, 1127 director, resignation, 1308 fire protection, appropriation, 762 contract, adjustment, 1264 pipeline, right of way agreement, 1464 radio transmitter, appropriation, 492 contract, 493, 560 remodeling, contract, adjustment, 1361 road grader, purchase, 1494 sculpture, gift, 1214 sewage treatment and disposal system, appropriation, 1200 contracts, 1201 wage rates, objection by Twin City Federation of Labor, 1201 wage rates on construction work, fact-finding committee, report, 371 policy, 372 referred to Committee on Civil Service and Employees, 443 well, drilling, 500 Roberts, Mrs. Annette M., appointment, 302 Roberts, C. B., appointment, 297, 1133 Roberts, C. J. W., Jr., degree, 424 Roberts, C. W., appointment, 75, 908 Roberts, Carol, appointment, 1163 Roberts, E., appointment, 101, 114, 93s, 947 Roberts, F. L., appointment, 139, 690, 975 Roberts, Frances M., appointment, 675 Roberts, G., appointment, 364, 1193 Roberts, G. W., degree, 829 Roberts, H. C , appointment, 125, 955 Roberts, H. M., degree, 1552 Roberts, I. G„ degree, 587 Roberts, J. C , degree, 783 J. D., degree, 581 J. N., degree, 820 K. E., degree, 797 Lowell E., degree, 1248 Lloyd E., degree, 1398 M. J., degree, 1247 Mary, appointment, 183, 1018 Nettie M., appointment, 255, 1092 P. C , appointment, 139, 690. 874. 1446 Phyllis J., degree, 1560 R. L., degree, 582 T. D., appointment, 259, 1096 Mrs. Velma I., appointment, 287, Roberts, Vista G., degree, 577 Roberts, W. E., appointment, 271, 1107 Robertson, Carita, appointment, 161, 698, 996, 1453 Robertson, Charlotte R., degree, 831, 1575 fellowship, 478 Robertson, D. A., degree, 793 Robertson, D. R., degree, 1565 Robertson, Eleanor M., appointment, 184, 1019 Robertson, Ida F., appointment, 186, 1022 Robertson, J. E., appointment, 774, 1276 degree, 1534 Robertson, J. O., appointment, 330, 1172 Robertson, Jeanne M., degree, 793 Robertson, Mrs. Joan L., appointment, 286 Robertson, Lena S., degree, 784 Robertson, M. G., appointment, 300, 1136 Robertson, Phyllis A., appointment, 1093 Robertson, R., appointment, 362, 1190 Robertson, S., appointment, 1292 Robertson, Teresa J., appointment, 317, 1155 Robertson, W. S., appointment, 79, 912 Robin, M., appointment, 352, 1180 Robinett, D. D., degree, 421 Robins, H. F., appointment, 398, 693, 908, 1449 Robins, H. M., degree, 1394 Robinson, Mrs. Althea S., appointment, 288 Robinson, Anna B., appointment, 145, 982 Robinson, Mrs. Betty, appointment, 328 Robinson, C., degree, 79s Robinson, C. S., appointment, 133, 968 leave of absence, 449 Robinson, D., appointment, 275, m i Robinson, D. E., degree, 1537 Robinson, D. M., appointment, 398 declination, 404 Robinson, Florence B., appointment, 155, 989 retirement, 732 Robinson, G. C., appointment, 690 fellowship, 678 Robinson, G. T., degree, 406 Robinson, Mrs. Gladys C , appointment, 67s, 1307 Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, 1009 I. B., appointment, 1056 J. B., Jr., certificate, 1338 j L E . , appointment, 76, 909 T7 F., degree, 421 J. K., appointment, 446, 895 J. L., contract, 544, 639 J. W., Jr., degree, 1564 K. W., degree, 1237 L. K., degree, 1246 L. L„ Jr., degree, 1249 L. M., degree, 791 M., degree, 594 M. L., appomtment, 291, 1128 Margaret C , degree, 808 Martha, diploma, 1575 Mildred D., degree, 592 O., appointment, 268, 1105 R„ appointment, 1175 R. C , degree, 589 S. C , appointment, 139, 173, 974> Robinson, S. H., degree, 422
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