UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1646]

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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Robinson, W. G., Jr., degree, 577 Robinson, W. H., degree, 795 Robison, M. M., degree, 1533 fellowship, 678 Robnett, P. H., degree, 802 Robson, G. J., certificate, 1338 Roby, Marisue B. A., degree, 1396 Roche fellowship in pharmacology, gift, 552 Rochelle, R. H., appointment, 398, 1453 Rochester, Marilyn W., degree, 796 Rochlin, I., appointment, 355, 1184 resignation, 1334 Rockefeller Foundation, gift, 554, 1216, 1470 grant, American Studies Seminar in Kyoto, Japan, 1419 Conference on American Tradition, 1419 Rockoff, G. M-, certificate, 42 Rock phosphate, purchase, 614 research, gift, 1213 Rockwell, J. B., degree, 816 Rockwood. C. E., appointment, n i s Rockwood, Mrs. Ruth H., appointment, 186,

398, 1021


leave of absence, 1383 Rodbard, S., degree, 827 Rodbro, H. A., degree, 815 Rodda, E. D„ degree, 586 Rode, Mary V., degree, 1560 Rodeback, G. W., degree, 783 Rodebush, W. H., appointment, 72, 905 Rodeck, W. F., Jr., degree, 1395 Rodems, J. D., degree, 414 Roderick, H. C., degree, 803 Rodgers, Olivia, appointment, 331 Rodia, J. S., appointment, 446, 1058 resignation, 1234 Rodin, S^ degree, 580 Rodkey, F. S., appointment, 79, 695, 912 Rodriguez, D. D., appointment, 364, 1193 Rodriquez, A, A., appointment, 209, 229, 531, 1046, 1068 Roe, Betty J., degree, 595 Roe, T. W., degree, 815 Roehm, S. C , degree, 799 Roeingj R. S., deKree, 419 Roellig, R. R., degree, 587 Roemer, J. J., degree, 802 Roertgen, Mrs. Elsie B., appointment, 398 Roertgen, W. F., appointment, 79, 694 Roeser, j . A., degree, 818 Roeske, R. W., degree, 1282 Roettger, W. H., appointment, 159. 994 Rogahn, W. C , appointment, 909 resignation, 1383 Rogala-Sobieszansky, G., degree, 1558 Rogers, Arlyth M. L., degree, 4°9 Rogers, Mrs. Barbrea H., appointment, 695, 1228 degree, 1242 Rogers, D. Katharine, appointment, 181, 698, 1016, 1454 Rogers, D. P., degree, 815 Rogers, F. E., Jr., degree, 1545 Rogers, G. A., degree, 451 Rogers, J. C , appointment, 1127 Rogers, J. R., certificate, 1329 Rogers, Mrs. Lois, appointment, 323 Rogers, Robert Wentworth, appointment, 75. 693, 908 member of committee for Kyoto Seminar,


Rogers, Robert William, degree, 15SS Rogers, Ramona J., appointment, 774, 1270, 1315 degree, 810 Rogers, T. J., degree, 815 Rogers Printing Co., purchase, 377, 854, '494 Rogier, Evelyn M., appointment, 183, 1018 Rognemyhr, R., degree, 590 Rogow, D. A., degree, 418 Rohde, R. C , degree, 807

Rohl, C. C , appointment, 294, 1131 Rohlfing, R. L., degree, 791 Rohm & Haas Co., gift, 1469 Rohn Flying Service, purchase, 31 Rohrer, A. D., degree, 1393 Roin, Roberta L., degree, 807 Rokos, E. F., certificate, 42 Roland, S., appointment, 2j2t 1108 Roland, T., degree, 453 Rolewicz, H. A., degree, 1285 Rolfe property, purchase, final payment, 349 Roll, H. C., appointment, 352, 1180 leave of absence, 532 Roll, K. E., degree, 1541 Rolland, P., appointment, 155, 990, 1453 leave of absence, 1408 Rolled, G. D., appointment, 272, 1108 Rolley, J. W., degree, 41S Rolling mill, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, appropriation, 1324 purchase, 1344 Rollings, Lois J., degree, 1397 Rom, Eugenia Jr., degree, 1397 Roman, Jane C., degree, 415 Romanelli, J., degree, 587 Romano, Jeanne, degree, 829 Romao, J. O., degree, 786 Romeo, S. J., degree, 814 Romine, Mrs. F. Elaine, appointment, 1120 Romine, J. S., appointment, 909 Romine, R. J., degree, 1250 Roney, W. A., appointment, 1096 Ronga, Gaetana T., appointment, 309, 1147 Roofing, apartment building in Chicago, contract, 1264 Roof replacements, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 1198 Rooney, D., degree, 1238 Roorda, Anna R., appointment, 874, 1010 Roorda, J. D., degree, 824 Roos, F. J„ appointment, 356, 1185 Roos, F. J., Jr., appointment, 154, 989 leave of absence, 514 Roosa, W. L., appointment, 156, 99° Roose, R. W., appointment, 130, 965, 1315 Root, Mrs. Ann L., appointment, 256 Root, F. H., appointment, 116, 950, 1499 Root, W. C , appointment, 298 Rooth, S., degree, 814 Rosanova, A. R., appointment, 355 Rosborough, J. P., degree, 1347 Roschman, J. A., degree, 1399 Roscoe, S. N., appointment, 84, 874, 917, 12*9 degree, 451 Rose, B. T., degree, 810 Rose, D., certificate, 1329 Rose, D. A., degree, 1401 Rose, H. G., degree, 15J3 Rose, J. G., Jr., certificate, 488 5 Rose, K. E., degree, 4*4 Rose, L. A., appointment, 121, 954 Rose, N. E., degree, 1400 Rose, R. S., degree, 1565 Rose, Roberta E., degree, 1558 Rose, Ruth J., appointment, 249 resignation, 879 Rose, S. M., appointment, 87, 921 research, gift, 550 Rose, Mrs. Virginia L., appointment, »90 Rose, W. C , appointment, 71, 90s research, funds, gift, 1469 resignation, 646 Roseberry, Mrs. Barbara E., appointment, 258, 1007 r J Roseberry, D. L., degree,'799 Rosebraugh, Mary E., degree, 1566 Rosen, A., degree, 424 Rosen, Betty M., degree, 1397 Rosen, H., appointment, 843 Rosen, J., degree, 583, 15*3 Rosen, Mrs. Meriam L., appointment, 1239