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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1740 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Reynolds, R. C , degree, 1549 Reynolds, R. L., degree, 1558 Reynolds, Regina M., degree, 1566 Reynolds, T. B., degree, 1398 Reynolds, W., appointment, 334, 1175 Reynolds, W. F., appointment, 276 Reynolds Agency, insurance, purchase, 614 Rezek, G. H„ appointment, 356, 1185 Rezek, J., appointment, 326, 1167 Rhea, L. K., degree, 815 Rheams, C , fellowship, 776 Rhetoric and composition, major and minor requirements, 535 Rhetta, Helen L., appointment, 355, 1183 Rheumatic fever, research, gift, 1217 Rheumatism, research, gift, 1472 Rheumatoid arthritis, antimalarial drugs in, research, study, 1214 Rheumer, G. A., degree, 582 Rheumer, Mrs. Joan A., appointment, 101, 934 Rhine, C. C , degree, 1397 Rhine, Iris, appointment, 1150 Rhines, Ruth, appointment, 1275 resignation, 1530 Rhoades, Evelyn J., appointment, 276 Rhoades, H. E., appointment, 163, 511, 999 Rhoades, H. L., degree, 1393 Rhoades, M. M., appointment, 71, 730, 904, 932 Rhoades, R. R., degree, 785 Rhoades, V. J., contract, 1305 Rhoades, W. H., appointment, 306, 307 Rhoads, G. A., Jr., degree, 1394 Rhoads, Merle M., appointment, 257, 1093 Rhoads, Mrs. Natalie, appointment, 309, 1147 Rhode, C. S., appointment, 104, 119, 937, 953 leave of absence, 1408 Rhodes, A. M., appointment, 1228 Rhodes, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 1138 Rhodes, F. H. T., appointment, 874, 1450 resignation, 879 Rhodes, G., degree, 803 Rhodes, J. M., degree, 789 fellowship, 677 Rhodes, K. L., appointment, 302, 1138 Rhodes, K. M., appointment, 300 Rhykerd, C. L., degree, 799 Ribbink, T. E., appointment, 645, 991, 996 resignation, 1234 Ribordy, J. R., certificate, 1329 Riccio, Marie J., appointment, 313, 1150 Rice, D. J., certificate, 1507 Rice, E. £., appointment, 278, n 14 Rice, E. L., degree, 1240 Rice, F. J., Jr., degree, 1552 Rice, H. D., degree, 408 Rice, H. L., degree, 596 Rice, J. H., degree, 589 Rice, Mrs. Lois C , appointment, 263 Rice, Martha E., degree, 1573 Rice, Mary J., resignation, 404 Rice, O. L., appointment, 76, 909 Rice, R. E ^ degree, 820 Rice, R. R., degree, 1543 Rice, Mrs. Rosabel le, appointment, 329 Rice, S. T., degree, 449 Rice, T. E., degree, 578 Rice, W. H., appointment, 171, 1006 Ricewasser, H., appointment, 354, 1182 Rich, D. C , degree, 416 Rich, Ella J., degree, 825 Rich, Mary, appointment, 317 Rich, N. I., degree, 821 Rich, P., certificate, 42 Rich, Mrs. Patricia A., appointment, 1108 Richards, B. D., degree, 803 Richards, Betty A., appointment, 284, 1121 Richards, Beverly, appointment, 321, 1159 Richards, Claire, appointment, 156, 697, 991, 1228 Richards, Ella L., appointment, 1528 Residence Halls, cont'd purchase, accounting machine, 558 china, 342 coal, 375 coke, 31 fuel oil, 31, 1206 furnaces, 31 lowerators, portable, 376 lumber, 32, 469 paint, 468 See also Busey Residence Hall, Evans Residence Hall, Lincoln Avenue Residence, and Men's Residence Halls. Residence hall in Chicago, builders' risk insurance, purchase, 1495 construction fund account, authority for withdrawals, 666 contracts, 650, 1312 site, clearance, 657 relocation of alley, 656 Residence property, staff housing, purchase, authorized, 736 sale, procedure, 497 Residence requirement, second master's degree, 489 Residential dwellings, window types, survey, contract, 1344 Resident staff, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 230 Resignations, 402, 448, 478, 513, 531, 572, 646, 683, 731, 777, 877, 1232, 1279, 1308, 1316, 1344, 1352, 1382, 1424, i486, 1501, .1530 Resin, Physical .Plant, purchase, 671 Resistors, Physics, purchase, 500 Reske, Jane C., degree, 1567 Resnik, B. P., degree, 827 Resnikoff, Mrs. Florence, appointment, 310 Rest periods, women employees, 1431 Resuscitation, research, gift, 554, 1215, 1216, Retallick, W. B., degree, 1388 fellowship, 46, 6y8t 1501 Retirement benefits, nonacademic employees, regulations, 1436 Retirements, Casberg C. H., 732 Robinson, Florence B., 732 Retirement System, appropriations, additions, request, 383 budget, 69, 901 changes in law, recommendations, 436 participation of farm and home advisers, 566 trustee, appointment, 603 Retiring allowances, budget, 68, 901 regulations, amendment, 40 Rettberg, W. F., degree, 827 Retzer, Anna J., appointment, 1380 degree, 1390 Retzer, Elizabeth, appointment, 296, 1132 Reusch, R. K., degree, 1552 Reuscher, J. W., degree, 595 Reuss, G. J., degree, 815 Reuss, Lillian M., appointment, 312 Reuter, E. R., appointment, 161, 1380 Renter, H., & Sons, contract, 545 Re Veal, W. I., degree, 1566 Rewerts, May L., appointment, 260, 1096 Rex, W., appointment, 1126 Rexer, R. E., degree, 1556 Rexroad, L. R., appointment, 1129 Reyhan, A., degree, 789 Reymer, W. M., appointment, 270, 1106 Reynolds, A. W., degree, 587 Reynolds, C. A., appointment, 271 Reynolds, Cora A., degree, 590 Reynolds, D. N., appointment, 303, 1139 Reynolds, G. J., degree, 418 Reynolds, Helen M., appointment, 185, 1020 Reynolds, J. T., appointment, 213, 1050 Reynolds, Margaret A., degree, 807 Reynolds, P. E., appointment, 288, 1124 Reynolds, Phyllis W., appointment, 293, 1130
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