UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1638]

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Psychology, cont'd clinical training, funds, gift, 550 equipment, appropriation, 470 fellows, 682, 1485 purchase, adaptometer, 672 airplane, 341 electroencephalograph, 525 milling machine, 1466 research, gift, 550 Psychological Clinic, remodeling, appropriation,



Purl, 0 . T., degree, 587, 1389 Purnell, Hazel S., degree, 1555 Purnell, Isabelle S„ appointment, 398, 57it Purnell, W. F., appointment, 99, i ' 7 , 933. 95o, 1275 Purnell Fund, budget, 115, 275, 948, 1111 Pursley, C. J., degree, 814 Purvin, Sara, fellowship, 1232 Purvis, C. G., appointment, 160, 995 degree, 1544 Purvis, Dulcena P., degree, 586 Purvis, T., Inc., purchase, 376, 614, 671, Purvis Tractor Co., purchase, 614 Pusey, W. A., Fund, gift, 1219, 1474 Pusey, W. S., appointment, 294, 1130 Pushian, Alice J., degree, 1556 Pushkin, E. A., appointment, 357, 1042 Pusso, Mrs. Kathryn A., appointment, 277 Pustelnik, R. J., degree, 1395 Putnam, R. E., degree, 1240 Putnam, W. J., appointment, 133, 968 Putnik, E. V., appointment, 157, 991 Putzer, M., degree, 1243 Pye, Dolores E., degree, 1566 Pye, M. L., appointment, 140 resignation, 404 Pyenson, H., appointment, 106, 174 declination, 449 Pyle, D. K., degree, 1539 Pyrchla, E. J., degree, 810 Pyrethrum synergists, study, contract, change, 769 Pyrex laboratory glassware, purchase, 526, 767, 838 Pyrogens, study, contract, 1495 Pyromen, tissue reactions, study, contract, 864 Pyruvate-oxidose factor, research, contract, 469 Pyruvic acid, study, contract, change, 1264 Pyshos, C. S., certificate, 842 Pyzynski, J. T., degree, 810 Quackenbush, K. P., degree, 824, 1574 Quade, A. G., degree, 810 Quaker Oats Co., gift, 550 Quam, W. G„ degree, 818 Quanstrum, C. P., degree, 597 Quarant, J. D., degree, 1392 Quartetti, L., Jr., degree, 810 Quastler, H., appointment, 82, 873, 874, 915, Quealy, J. T., degree, 1552 Queen Insurance Co., insurance, purchase, 614 Quenon, A. O., Jr., degree, 1552 Questell, Naomi L., appointment, 10 Questiaux, Lillian M., appointment, 244, 703, 1083, 1458 Quetsch, Mrs. Miriam F., appointment, 244, 703, 1083, 1458 uig, R. G., degree, 585 uincy, S. B., degree, 585 Quine Library of Medical Sciences, budget, call system, appropriation, 476 funds, gift, 1474 lighting improvements, appropriation, 1493 Quinlan, Kathryn H., appointment, 242, 702, 1081 Quinn, E. J., certificate, 1330 Quinn, H. E., degTee, 803 Quinn, J. K., appointment, 75, 908, 1449 Quinn, J. W., degree, 1400 Quinn, Marian C , appointment, 478, 1043, 1228 Quinn, N. K., degree, 807 • Quinn, T. G., degree, 1565 Quinnell, Ada, appointment, 8 Quinolinic acid, nutritional significance, research, contract, 469 uint, J. H., Jr., appointment, 358, 1187 uinty, Gladys H., degree, 781

2 3 1 , 324, 1069, 1166 1275 1291 1351

Psychotherapy, research, gift, 1470 Publications, budget, 136, 072 scholarly, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38 Public functions, budget, 68, 901 Public Health, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 1199 budget, 212, 312, 1048, 1149 calculating machines, appropriation, 706 purchase, 838 clinical faculty, 361, 1191 Public Information, budget, Chicago Professional Colleges, 299, 307, 1034, X144 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 240, 331, 1079, 1173 Urbana-Champaign departments, 170, 290, 1006, 1127 Public Roads, Bureau of, contract, 560 change, 610 Public Service Co. of Indiana, gift, 1472 Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois, contract, j 208 change, 668, 1360 gift, 550, 1470 Public utilities lines, Chicago, relocation, 657 Puckett, Evelyn J., appointment, 1114 Puckett, Thelma E., appointment, 297, 1133 Puestow, C. B., appointment, 213, 1049 Puestow, R. C , appointment, 1315 Pugh, R. C , degree, 576 Pugh, R. O., degree, 1391 fellowship, 681 Puglia, C. R., fellowship, 1479 Pugsley, B. W., degree, 1549 Pugsley, Nancy, .appointment, 1103 Pullen, M. S., appointment, 1380 degree, 1535 Pullen, Mrs. Mary K., appointment, 301, 1130 Pulley, Lois, appointment, 1160 Pulliam, J., appointment, 279, 1115 Pulliam, Lida G. W., degree, 1250 Pulliam, P. E., degree, 1565 Pullman, E. W., degree, 824, 1573 Pullman, Mrs. Phyllis, appointment, 311 Pullum, B., Jr., appointment, 308 Pulo, E. J., degree, 1248 Pulos, A. J., appointment, 154, 989. H45 leave of absence, 1503 Puis, Bonnie M., degree, 586 Pump vault, northwest corner of Administration Building, contract, 863 Pundsack, F. L., degree, 1533 fellowship, 678 declination, 684 Punnett, T. R., Jr., fellowship, 1352, 1485 Punyagupta, S., appointment, 1528 Punzak Air Conditioning & Sales Co., contract, 846 Purcell, Margaret E., appointment, 10 Purcell, R. A., degree, 807

P u r c h a s e s , 29, 340, 374. 439, 4^6. 4 9 9 . 5 2 4 . 557. 5 6 4 , 6 1 1 , 6 6 9 , 710, 766,. 837, 8 5 1 , 1205, 1263, 1291, 1304, 1326. ' 3 4 3 . I 3 5 9 . 1416, 1465. 1494. ' S ' 9


authorization, amendment of statutes, 051 Purchasing Office, caps and gowns, rental, 467. 672f 1466 Purdue, R. E., degree, 585 Purdum, R. J., appointment, 1228 Purko, M„ degree, 1285 Purl, Mrs. Martha S., appointment, 266, 1102