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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1734 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Primrose, J. V., certificate, 42 Prince, D. M., degree, 413 Prince, J. C , degree, 814 Principe, P. A., degree, 410 Prindiville, L. L. G., degree, 587 Pringle, J. T., appointment, 293, 1129 lease, 1208 Pringle, J. W., degree, 1555 Printing Products Corp., purchase, 712 Prints and drawings, Art, gift, 551 Printy, G. E., fellowship, 877 resignation, 1383 Prio, R., Jr., degree, 1563 Prislinger, E. J., degree, 594 Pritchard, D. D., appointment, 279, 1116 Pritchard, Mrs. Doris F., appointment, 262, 1098 Pritchard, P. R., degree, 821 Prizant, H. G., & Co., contract, 1414 Prizes, funds, budget, 194, 234, 1029, 1073 Probandt, G. F., degree, 799 Probst, R. O., degree, S89 Prochaska, Edward J., degree, 1552 Prochaska, Eugene J., degree, 1558 Prochnow, R. M., degree, 1252 Procter & Gamble Co., gift, 549, 1212 Procter & Gamble Distributing Co., purchase, 670 Proehl, C. W., degree, 406 Prohaska, J. V., appointment, 363 Prohaska, Rosemary, appointment, 329, 1171 Projection equipment, Physical Plant, appropriation, 492 Prokop, J. W-, degree, 420 Pronestyl, research, gift, 1215 Propes, E. L., degree, 824, 1570 Propst, D. W., appointment, 353 resignation, 1234 Prosise, L. S., degree, 1251 Prosser, C. L., appointment, 82, 511, 915 Prothe, W. C , appointment, 873, 1228, 1478 Protzman, Ruth M., appointment, 184, 1019 degree, 1537 Proudfit, Mrs. Doyne, appointment, 1100, n 14 Provine, Dorothy, appointment, 8 Provine, L. H., appointment, 153, 987 Provo, Beverly C , degree, 1249 Provost's Office, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37 budget, 59, 255, 891, 1092 Prower, F., certificate, 1329 Prucha, M. J., appointment, 103, 937 Pruett, Jean M., appointment, 256, 1093 Prunty, Carolyn Y., degree, 407 Prusaczyk, W., degree, 1568 Prusin, R. S., degree, 1561 Prust, Phyllis J., degree, 1560 Prutsman, Lela, appointment, n , 1308 Pruzansky, S., appointment, 220, 235 resignation, 479 Prymuski, R. M., degree, 413 Pryor, Marjorie A., appointment, 263, 1099 Przypyszny, I. C , degree, 420, 1572 Psota, F. J.,^egree, 823 Psychiatry, anonymous gift fund, addition, gift, 1219 budget, 211, 311, 1047, 1148 clinical faculty, 361, 1190 electroencephalograph, purchase, 558 photofluoroscopic project equipment, appropriation, 521 room in Neuropsychiatric Institute, furnishing, 1521 research, gift, 554, 555, 556, 1214, 1215, 1216, 1218 stereotaxic instrument, purchase, 670 Psychology, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37, X197 Bonfils fellowship, gift, 1213 budget, 83, 267, 9>6, " 0 3 summer session, 698, 1454 Press, E. G., appointment, 446, 1058 Press, L., fellowship, 14S4 decimation, 1487 Press, University, budget, 169, 280, 1005, 1126 director, appointment, 1506 printing of books, Allen, C. M., 377 Bailey, P., and von Bonin, G., 527 Biological Monographs, 468 Chicago Undergraduate Division catalog, 712, 1494 Lewis, O., 1416 Miracle 0} Growth, 767 Monroe, W. S., 1206 New Perspectives in Marketing, 440 Perry, B. E., 30 Randall, J. G., 377 Shun, G, 377 Siebert, F. S., 1305 Space Medicine, 615 Studies in Language and Literature, 469 Studies in Social Sciences, 468 Time Table, 467, 1305, 1465 Trump, J. L., 377 Undergraduate Study catalog, 768, 1466 Windsor lectures, 440 Znaniecki, F., 1206, 1495 revolving account, 170, 290, 1005 Presser Foundation, gift, 1211 Presson, O. J., degree, 804 Prestin, H. W., appointment, 298 Preston, C. G-, appointment, 279, i n 5 Prestopino, G., painting, purchase, 711 Prestridge, J. A., Jr., appointment, 153, 988 Prerula, H. L., degr.ee, 1558 Preuss, R. S., certificate, 842 Preventive Medicine, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 40 budget, 311, 311, 1047, 1148 clinical faculty, 361, 1190 merged with Department of Medicine, 1339 organization, 1339 quarters in Municipal Contagious Disease Hospital, remodeling, contract, 464 research, gift, 552, 553, 1219 Price, A. L., Jr., appointment, 1138 degree, 417 Price, Caroline T., degree, 807 Price, Faye H., degree, 784 Price, G. A., degree, 1535 Price, G. W., degree, 809 Price, Irene L., degree, 1244 Price, J. L., degree, 590 Price, J. R., degree, 804 Price, P. W., appointment, 137, 446, 697, 991, 992, 1452 Price, Patricia E., degree, 800 Price, R. C , degree, 792 Price, R. E., degree, 422 Price, Robert Lawrence, degree, 812 Price, Robert Lee, degree, 419 Price, R. M., appointment, 45, 245, 247, 510, 702, 10S4, 1085, 1457 Price, R. W., degree, 787 Price, T. W., appointment, 1380 degree, 1385 Price, W. T., Jr., appointment, 1185 Prickett, Edna A., appointment, 8 Priebe, A., appointment, 291, 1127 Prier, J. E., appointment, 114, 163 declination, 404 Priest, F. O., appointment, 356, 1185 Priest, R. E., appointment, 696 degree, 1245 fellowship, 1352 Priestley, G. P., degree, 592 Prigge, R. O., degree, 1563 Prikopa, J. I., degree, 1238 fellowship, 1484 Prill, H., appointment, 311 Primas, R. P., degree, 1401 Primero, Francisca, appointment, 320, 1159
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