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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY- OF ILLINOIS Portney, F . R., degree, 1572 fellowship, 1232 resignation, 1280 Portnoy, W . M . , degree, 1394, 1545 Porzezinski, E . J., degree, 1394 Posinski, M r s . Eugenia, appointment, 333 P o s l u s n y , J e a n n e A . , degree, 580 Posner, H . L., degree, 1287 Post, D . , degree, 1246 Post, J., appointment, 3 5 5 , 1183 Post, W . E . , appointment, 352, 1181 Postgraduate, Medicine, budget, 2 0 1 , 307, 1036, 1144 Postgraduate courses, Dentistry, f e e s , 337 Postgraduate Studies, Dentistry, budget, 215, 3 1 2 , 1051, 1150 charts, purchase, 340 extension program, printing of manual, contract, 30 change, 523 telephone service, 30, 613 television facilities, 30 Postgraduate Telephone Revolving Account, D e n t i s t r y , 2 1 6 , 312, 1052 Potentiometers, purchase, Chemistry, 615 P h y s i c s , 525 Potter, A n n M . , appointment, 184, 510, 1019 Potter, E . E . , degree, 1399 Potter, Frances M . , appointment, 263, 1099 Potter, J . H . , appointment, 129, 6 9 6 , 9 6 3 , 1452 Potter, J. O., degree, 814 Potter, Jacqueline R., degree, 1249 Potter, Joan D . , degree, 1563 Potter, L. A . , Jr., appointment, 156, 990 Potter, N a n c y L., degree, 1287 Potter, M r s . Prudence S., appointment, m i Potter, R. C , degree, 1555 Potter, R. E . , appointment, 3 9 8 , 985 Potter Electric Service, bid, 667 contract, 4 9 4 , 639, 1518 addition, 345 change, 528 Potthoff, E . F . , appointment, 59, 144, 892, 980 Potts, A . G., appointment, 2 7 1 , 1107 Potts, L. R., appointment, 273 P o t t s , M r s . Mildred, appointment, 1116 Potts, R. M . , degree, 1240 P o u l i n , W . E . , degree, 1567 Poulos, A n n a , appointment, 1149 Poulos, T . H . , appointment, 693 Poultry fat, stability, research, contract, 523, 1306 Poultryman, work schedule, change, 705 P o u l t r y nutrition, study, contract, change, 713, 769, 1464 P o u n c e y , Lorene, appointment, 184, 1019 resignation, 1280 Pounds, R. L., degTee, 1553 Povelones, Diana S., appointment, 281, 1117 P o w e l l , C. L., degree, 587 Powell, D „ appointment, 112, 114, 945, 948 P o w e l l , F r a n c e s L. A . , appointment, 9, 1307 Powell, G., member of advisory committee, 1195 Powell, H . R., appointment, 1447 Powell, M . L., appointment, 1106 degree, 798 Powell, M. M . , degree, 1239 Powell, M r s . Priscilla G., appointment, 60, 893 degree, 790 Powell, R., appointment, 1167 Powell, R. K., degree, 821 Powell, W . L., degree, 413 Power, J. F., degree, 585, 1387 fellowship, S i 3 , ° > 6 P o w e r , Ruth T . , appointment, 1 8 s , 6 4 s , 1 0 * ° P o w e r Equipment Co., purchase, 502 P o w e r F a r m Implement Co., purchase, 524 P o w e r s , C. W . , appointment, 2.65, n 02 P o w e r s , E . L., d e g r e e , 420 !733 Powers, G. H . , appointment, 2 7 9 , 1115 Powers, H . J., degree, 1555 Powers, Mrs. Irene, appointment, 321 Powers, J. J., degree, 81 5 Powers, K. J., degree, 792 Powers, M . B . , certificate, 42 Powers, R. A . , degree, 804 Powers, R. F., degree, 1547 Powers, W . E . , degree, 827 fellowship, 448 Power supplies, P h y s i c s , purchase, 669 Powlen, P. J., degree, 1245 Powles, F . W . , degree, 1571 Powles, J. G., appointment, 1499 Poxon, C. A . , degree, 583 Poynter, R. L., degree, 420 Pozdol, R. J., degree, 810 Pracyk, J. A., Jr., appointment, 216, 510, 57r, 1052, 1054 Pradel-Vallejo, Elsa V., resignation, 1316 Praetorians of Illinois, gift, 1211 Praglin, J., degree, 153s Pratt, C. H . , appointment, 6 1 , 894 authority to sign name of President of Board, 601, 1404 Pratt, D . W . , appointment, 163, 999 degree, 1392 resignation, 1280 Pratt, E. J., certificate, 4 2 Pratt, Ethel C , degree, 1250 Pratt, G. J., degree, 1570 Pratt, H . A . , degree, 8 1 8 , 1565 Pratt, J. D . , degree, 804 Pratt, J. T., degree, 1548 Pratt, R. P., degree, 1251 Pratt, W . F., degree, 454 Pratter, Maryrose, appointment, 12 Pray, Barbara V . , appointment, 873 Preble, H . E . , degree, 807, 1536 Precision Scientific Co., purchase, 613 Preissig, J. L., degree, 420 Prendergast, J. J., certificate, 488 Prendergast, Marv J., degree, 793 Prendergast, R. F., certificate, 842 Prentice, G. R., degree, 410 Prentice, R. L., degree, 8 2 4 , 1574 Prenursing, curriculum, 537 Prepouses, N . T., degree, 1538 fellowship, 676 . Presbyterian Hospital, facilities, use by U n i versity, 861 Presbyterian Hospital N u r s e s Home, rooms, rental, 1260 Prescott, W . C , degree, 1558 President of Board, election, 600, 1404 signature, delegation, 6 0 1 , 1404 President of U n i v e r s i t y , authority, purchases, 851 automobile, purchase, 1346 easement for pipe line t o cross Allerton F a r m s , study, 483 report, conditions in College of Commerce and B u s i n e s s Administration, 4 8 2 , 484 Russell Report, 516, 634 state of U n i v e r s i t y for period 1946 to 1950, 381 W a r n e r Construction Co. contracts, 615 preparation requested by Board, 53s retiring members of academic staff, recognition, study, 1503 salary, 855 President's H o u s e , carpet, purchase, 671 kitchen improvements, appropriation, 849 contract, 849 . piano, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 38 water softener equipment; contract, 714 President's Office, budget, 58, 255, 8 9 1 , 1092 Presley, Halina J., appointment, 2 4 1 , 1080 Presley, Sophie J., appointment, 3 5 s , 1183 P r e s s , E . , appointment, 4 s , 2 3 s , 3 6 1 , 1047, 1073
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