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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
*732 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Pollock, G. H., appointment, 362, 873, 1048 degree, 1569 Polly, E. M., appointment, 326, 1168 Polner, W,, appointment, 675, 1009, 1015 Polo, Claudia A., degree, 1250 Polonyi, A. S., degree, 1398 Poison, J. A., appointment, 128, 963 Poison, R. F., certificate, 842 Polton, V. P., degree, 1394 Polymeric materials, colloidal characteristics, research, gift, 1213 Polzin, D. E., degree, 1538 Polzin, Virginia M., degree, 1559 Pomatto, B. D., degree, 822, 1571 Pomerantz, S., appointment, 1528 Pomeroy, D. S., appointment, 84, 917 leave of absence, 532 Pomije, E. F., degree, 822, 1571 Pomper, L., degree, 1558 Pompilio, M. L., degree, 816 Poncher, H. G., appointment, 208, 1045 gift, 556, 1219 member of advisory committee, 562 Pond, C. L., degree, 1562 Pond, C. P., appointment, 160, 995 Ponder, Marilyn J., appointment, 273 Ponder, Phyllis M., appointment, 1112 Pontious, C. E„ degree, 1394 Pontious, G. H., appointment, 305, 1141 authority to sign name of Comptroller on withdrawals from Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy Construction Fund Account, 666 authority to sign name of President of Board, 602, 1404 Ponto, Irene H., degree, 408 Pool, E. G., degree, 1564 Poole, Florence L., appointment, 7, 398, 1016 Poole, H. A., degree, 1249 Poole, M. A., Jr., degree, 421 Poole, N. K., degree, 1248 Poole, W. E., degree, 595 Pooley, Luella F., degree, 1242 Poore, W. D., appointment, 1100 Pope, C. A,, degree, 1242 Pope, Irene B., degree, 1245 Pope, Ruth R., degree, 1237 Pope, W. A., Co., bid, 658 contract, as addition, 495 Pope, W. T., appointment, 217, 1053 Pope Foundation, Inc., gift, 554, 1472 Popel, O. J., degree, 807 Popelka, Blanche M., appointment, 210, 229 resignation, 404 Popham, J. E., degree, 1548 ^ Pora, T. J.r degree, 1394 Porcelain ware, laboratory, General Chemical Stores, purchase, 526 Poremba, S. C , degree, 1562 Porowski, T., degree, 413 Porteous, W . L., degree, 409 Porter, D. A., degree, 791 Porter, Dorothy E., appointment, 273, 1109 Porter, E. D., degree, 1252 Porter, E. G., appointment, 14S0 fellowship, 1483 Porter, F. M., appointment, 128, 963 Porter, Gladys E., appointment, 1098 Porter, I. L., bond, increase, 379 tribute, 503 Porter, Mrs. Katherine E., appointment, 1113 Porter, Mrs. Klara, appointment, 1132 Porter, Marian, appointment, 1130 Porter, R. E., appointment, 330, 1172 Porter, T. B., appointment, 675 degree, 1387 Porterfield, Helen E., appointment, 294 Porth, Gloria, appointment, 1169 Portis, S. A., appointment, 353, n 8 z Portlock, Marjorie A., appointment, 276, 1112 Plumbing, cont'd Radiocarbon Laboratory, 638 radio transmitter building, 493 Research and Educational Hospitals Addition, change, 640 residence hall in Chicago, 650, 1312 Staff Apartment Building in Chicago, 650, 1312 Stock Pavilion addition, 846 Veterinary Medicine Building annex, 493* 864 Plumhoff, W. A., certi6cate, 1254 Plumlee, K. E., degree, 795 Plummer, Mrs. Elsie M., appointment, 1111 Plummer, R. B., appointment, 397, 1275 degree, 584 Plummer, Vera, appointment, 324 Plym fellowships, regulations, 714 Pocock, G. E., degree, 1557 Poczatek, Felicia B., degree, 1555 Poczatek, J. J., appointment, 134, 970 Podalsky, K. C , degree, 1564 Podolsky, J. M-, degree, 419 Poehler, E. S., appointment, 272, 1108 Poehler, Mrs. Lucille A., appointment, 270, 1106 Poerio, J. F., degree, 810 Poetzinger, A. P., appointment, 326, 1167 Poggemeier, W. H., degree, 827 Pogue, W . G., degree, 1570 Ponlman, M. A., degree, 804 Pohndorf, R. H., appointment, 397, 995 Poinsett, A. C , degree, 1399 Poitras, A. W., degree, 450 Pokrajac, Smilja, appointment, 317, 1155 Polakow, F. H., degree, 594 Polar recorder, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 852 Polensky, Mrs. Meryl H., appointment, 305 Police uniforms, Physical Plant, purchase, 376 Policy and rules, nonacademic employees, administration, 1441 amendment, 15x4 revisions, 1418, 1426 Polios, S. M., degree, 590 Political meetings, use of University premises, T326 policy, 3 Political Science, budget, 82, 267, 915, 1103 summer session, 698, 1454 fellows, 682, 1485 Garner fellowship, established, 473 gift, 523 Polivka, R. P., fellowship, 681 Polk, Carol R„ degree, 592 Polk, G. A., appointment, 130 resignation, 404 Polk, H. K., appointment, 126, 961 declination, 1280 Polk, I. H., appointment, 446 resignation, 573 Polk Street, buildings on site of East Dentistry-Medici ne-Pharmacy Building, demolition, contract, 1304 Polk Street and Hermitage Avenue, parking lot, resurfacing, contract, 707 northwest corner, sidewalks and curbs, contract, 370 Polkow, A. F., degree, 1398 Pollack, Carmen, degree, 1556 Ponan, B. I., degree, 594 Pollard, C. N., degree, 785 Pollard, J. T., Jr., degree, 827 Pollard, L. D., degree, 797 Pollard, Mrs. Margaret I., appointment, 262 Pollard, Mrs. Ruth M., appointment, 262 Pollard, W . S-, Jr., appointment, 45, 125, 958 Polley, R. O., degree, 585 Polley, T. Z., appointment, 355, 1183 Polley, W . Z., degree, 585 Pollock, F . J. f appointment, 359» 1188
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