UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1623]

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Noyes, R., appointment, 1118 Nudelman, H. B., degree, 1395 Nugent, Mrs. Mary A., appointment, 1104 Nugent, R. L., appointment, 265 Nugent, T. J., appointment, 160, 181, 697, 995, 1453 ^ Nunemacher, R. O., degree, 811 Nursery School, budget, 182, 294* 1017, 1131 summer session, 6gyt 1452 Nurses, housing in Presbyterian Hospital Nurses Home, 1260 Nurses Residence, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 228, 321, 1067, 1163 tuckpointing, contract, 1360 Nursing affiliation program, budget, 223, 315 faculty, appointment, 7 Nursing Department, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 228, 319, 1066, 1158 Nursing, School of, budget, 223, 315, 1059, 1152 curriculum, 1510 degrees conferred, 827, 1575 diplomas, 1575 established, 1339 faculty, appointment, 1306 prenursing curriculum, 537 Nusbaumer, A., degree, 579 Nuss, G. L., Jr., degree, 1552 Nutrition Foundation, Inc., gift, 1213 Nutrition research, contract, Z2* 378, 469, 668, 1305, 1327, 1464 change, 668, 713, 1208, 1306, 1344, 1464 gift, 553. 1213 Nutrition Research Laboratories, gift, 553 Nuveen, J., & Co., bond issue for Men's Residence Halls, 1356, 1362 Nygaard, J. E., fellowship, 1485 Nygaard, Mrs. Nancy D., appointment, 1092 Nygren, Rose M. N., degree, 1556 Nykaza, E., degree, 420 Nyquist, R. E., degree, 1572 Nystrom, J. A., degree, 1249 Nystrom, Janice, appointment, 248, 701, 1086 Nystrom, R. F., appointment, 102, 136, 446, 971 Nystrom, W. O., degree, 588 Oakes, Ruth A., degree, 806 Oakes, V. P., appointment, 281, 1117 Oakey, J. A., appointment, 1528 Oakley, M. L., degree, 821 Oakley, Mary L., appointment, 329, 1170 Oak wilt disease, research, gift, 1213 Oakwood Coal Co., purchase, 1495 Oates, W. R., degree, 590 Obal, T. J., degree, 1532 O'Bannon, Odessa C., degree, 808 O'Bannon, R. H., appointment, 76, 1127 O'Beirne, Agnes, degree, 1250 Oberhill, H. R-, appointment, 356, 1184 Obodzinski, H., appointment, 325, 1167 Obrecht, W. H., degree, 814 Obrecht, Yvonne tf,, degree, 815 O'Brian, J. C , degree, 810 O'Brien, Alice L., degree, 1242 O'Brien, D. E., appointment, 355» 1184 O'Brien, Margaret, appointment, 327, 1169 O'Brien, Marie A., appointment, 285, 1122 O'Brien, R. E., degree, 592, 1392 O'Brien, W. T., degree, 1396 O'Brien, Mrs. Yvonne, appointment, 300 Obst, A. H., degree, 418 Obstetrics and Gynecology, appropriations, balances reappropriated, **99 budget, 206, 309, Z041, 1146 clinical faculty, 356, 1185 hospital equipment and furniture, purchase, 837 hospital quarters, remodeling, contract, 471 O'Byrne, Patricia A., degree, 1563 O'Byrne, W. T., degree, 597 Ocock, G. F., degree, 1545

Northern Bank Note Co., bid, 622 Northern Illinois Experimental Field, combine, purchase, 712 development, funds, gift, 550 revolving account, budget, 101, 935 Northern Illinois Water Corp., contract, 1360 rates, increase, appeal, 1513 proposed, 862 report, 1361, 1493 Northern Indiana Public Service Co., stock, sale, 567, i2gi North Greenhouse, alteration, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 1196 Northrup, King, & Co., contract, 440 Northway, D. E., degree, 1401 Northwestern National Insurance Co., insurance, purchase, 1466 Norton, Corliss L,, degree, 791 Norton, F . B., appointment, 268, 1104 Norton, H. W\, appointment, 92, 925 Norton, Lenell, degree, 791 Norton, L. J., appointment, 94> 98* 927, 932 Norton, Lois M., degree, 415 Norton, M. N., appointment, 278, 1114 Norton, Reeve W., degree, 1242 Norton, Richard W., degree, 1387 Norton, W. B., appointment, 298, 1134 Norville, Mrs. Pauline F., appointment, 1478 Norwich Wire Works, Inc., purchase, 615 Norwood, G. J-, degree, 454 Notarius, M. S., degree, 824, 1573 Notices of employment, nonacademic employees, regulations, 1441 Noto, F . M., degree, 829 Nouzak, Mrs. Doris, appointment, 326, 327* "75 Novak, C, A., Jr., degree, 585 Novak, M. V., appointment, 202, 222, 446, 1037, 1059 Novak, Marilyn A., degree, 822, 1571 Novak, Mrs. Mary E., appointment, 325, 1167 Novick, R„ appointment, 361, 1190 Novosel, Mildred A., degree, 806 Novotny, A. J., fellowship, 1501 declination, 1530 resignation, 646 Nowak, Mrs. Alice S., appointment, 318 Nowak, J. F., certificate, 42 Nowak, Mrs. Norma B„ appointment, 1154 Nowell, C. E., appointment, 79, 912, 1450 Nowicki, H. E., degree, 582 Nowicki, L. M,, degree, 597 Nowlan, F. S., appointment, 243, 702, 1082 Nowlin, G., appointment, 44 Noyes, F. B., appointment, 215, 1051 Noyes, La Verne, estate, University's interest, liquidation, plan, 567 Noyes Laboratory, equipment, appropriation, 470 fire prevention and safety improvements, contract, 544 adjustment, 770, 1345 fume hoods and safety showers, contract, electrical work, 527 general work, 527 heating, 527 plumbing, 527 ventilating, 527 purchase, laboratory furniture, 469, 557 monorail equipment, 614 steel and iron, 614 steel stairs, 468 ventilating fans, 525 wall bench assembly, 853 remodeling, appropriation, 346, 470, 1199, 1461 balances reappropriated, 37t 39, ug8 contracts, 345* 1202 adjustment, 524, 561, 610, 611, 668, 669, 713, 77o, 1209, 1264, I34S» 1361, I4>7» 1418, 1465, 1521 change, 528 prevailing wage rates, schedule, 1204