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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Nicklas, D. R., appointment, 44, 397, 477 degree, 408 resignation, 732 Nicolai, Mrs. Florence, appointment, 308, 1144 Nicolaides, E. D., degree, 1385 Nicolaides, Rita K., degree, 1285 Nicoll, Joan, degree, 786 Nidetz, Melvin, degree, 591 Nidetz, Milton, degree, 810 Niederbrach, O. L, degree, 1561 Niederer, Mrs. Deloris, appointment, 328, H70 Niederman, I. M., degree, 1570 Niederman, Sara C , appointment, 242, 702, 1081 Nieling, Martha, appointment, 311, 1149 Nielsen, C. R., degree, 1393 Nielsen, D. S., degree, 1563 Nielsen, Doris, appointment, 308, 1144 Nielsen, Mrs. Lorraine M., appointment, 161, 698, 996, 1453 Nielsen, Ruth A., appointment, 303 Nielson, F. E., appointment, 211, 675, 1033, 1047 Nielson, T. H., appointment, 300, 1137 Nieman, R. L„ degree, 1395 Niemeyer, Sue, fellowship, 1501 Niemi, O. A., degree, 1577 Nieminski, J., degree, 1555 Nienhaus, Peggy E., degree, 590 Nienstedt, F. J., degree, 1561 Niesen, W. R., degree, 1563 Niespodzani, Josephine, appointment, 1163 Niewiadomy, J. E. C , degree, 1562 Nightingale, D. W., degree, 1397 Nikelly, J. G., degree, 1557 Niles, D. E., fellowship, 1484 Niles, L., appointment, 1188 resignation, 1280 Nilson, R., degree, 1391 Ninness, A. W., degree, 1242 Nish, D. L., degree, 1563 Nishimura, M. S., appointment, 136, 477, 97i. 1333 resignation, 404 Nisius, Beatrice T., appointment, 10, 1307 Nisley, Anne, appointment, 334 Nix, Dr. and Mrs. D„ gift, 1219 Nixon, H. K., Jr., degree, 1536 Nixon, L., degree, 15SS Nixon, W. G., degree, 821 Noble, C. M., degree, 1248 Noble, J. P., degree, 424 Noble, Louise M., appointment, 1163 Noble Motor Co., purchase, 343. 376, 671 Nocek, Antoinette P., degree, 421 Nock, F. J., appointment, 79, 912, 1450 Noda, J. M., degree, 595 Noecker, R. A., appointment, 291 Noel, Elisabeth, appointment, 1275 Noerdinger, G. J., degree, 1243 Noffke, E. H., degree, 1541 Nofftz, Edna L., appointment, 258, 1094 Noggle, T. S., appointment, 675, 96B degree, 1245 Nolan, A. W., appointment, 144, 979 Nolan, D. \V-> degree, 1251 Nolan, Grace M., appointment, 243, 1082, 1458 Nolan, J. M., degree, 1553 Nolan, K., appointment, 208, 477, 5™, n « 9 Nolan, M. E., degree, 1544 Nolen, R. M., appointment, 141. °9Z> 97° Noling, M. N., degree, 1552 Noll, Esther G., degree, 1541 Noll, J. D., degree, I5S9 Noll, J. O., degree, 1541 . Nolte, R. C , Jr., fellowship, 1352 resignation, 1487 1719 Nonacademic budget, Chicago Professional Colleges, 305, 1141 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 330, 1172 summary, 254 Urbana-Champaign departments, 254, 1092 Nonacademic employees, civil service class specifications and salary ranges, changes, \2' 737 policy and rules relating to compensation and working conditions, administration, 1441 amendment, disability leave with pay, 1514 overtime pay, 1515 vacations with pay, 1516 work week, 1515 revisions, 14x8, 1426 Nonacademic Personnel Committee, appointment of administrative staff of University Civil Service Merit Board report, 13" letters from labor organizations, 1332 members, 1405 name, 772 policy and rules relating to nonacademic employees, amendments, 1517. Nonacademic Personnel Office, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 1196 budget, Chicago Professional Colleges, 198, 307, 1034, 1143 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 239, 331, 1078, 1173 Urbana-Champaign departments, 62, 261, 89S, io?7 . . . Nonresident students, admission requirements, 1323 tuition fee, increase, 535 Noonan, J. E., degree, 423 Noonan, W. S., degree, 1555 Noordhoff, B. H., degree, 416 Noordhoff, L. J., appointment, 117 Norbeck, D. E., degree, 1574 Norberg, Betty J., appointment, 307, 1144 Norberg, R. A., degree, 1394 Norberg, R. E., appointment, 510, 774, 1228, A I 3 S 0 C , ISIS holidays, degree, 576 Nordensten, D. E., certificate, 842 Nordheden, A. P., degree, 1390 Nordhoff, L. J., appointment, 950 Nordmeyer, M. D., degree, 798 Nordquist, L. E., degree, 801 Nordsieck, A. T., appointment, 131, 966. 14*4 discovery, patent rights, release, 1300 leave of absence, 574, 1235 Nordstrom, J. E„ appointment, 1314 degree, 1569 resignation, 1383 Noreen, A. E., appointment, 129, 964 degree, 583 leave of absence, 1280 Norgaard, K. O., degree, 823 Norland, Suzette M., degree, 1559 Norlander, R. P., degree, 1394 Norling, Frances M., degree, 806 Norman, E. C , appointment, 362, 1190 Norman, E. R., Jr., appointment, 246, 1084 Norman, F. R., degree, 806 Norman, J. L., degree, 1549 Norman, N. F., appointment, 79, 912, 1451 Norman, V. C , appointment, 303, 1139 Norris, Mrs. Alphild F., appointment, 319, 1158 Norris, Beverly J., degree,, 1555 Norris L., gift, 1211 North, Marilyn A., degree, 1560 North, W. D., degree, 1562 North Electric Manufacturing Co., gift, 1214
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