UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1621]

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Newell, G. S., Jr., appointment, 1478 Newell, J. C , degree, 1560 Newhouse, W. E., appointment, 265 Newkirk, Mrs. Elaine F., appointment, 77, 910 Newkirk, T. A., appointment, 279, 1115 Newland, T. E., appointment, 737, 980, 1228, 1448 Newlin, Genevieve B., degree, 800 Newlin, W., member of advisory committee, 1194 Newlin, W. B., degree, 818 Newman, C. T., fellowship, 682, 1485 declination, 1487 Newman, E. A., appointment, 352, 1183, 1314 Newman, Edith L., appointment, 10 Newman, Frances B., degree, 1396 Newman, H. A. I., degree, 812 Newman, J. A., degree, 1555 Newman, J. H., appointment, 176, 1012 Newman, J. S., degree, 826 Newman, M., degree, 829 Newman, R. E., degree, 586 Newman, S., appointment, 311, 1148 Newman, T. B., degree, 1558 Newmark, N. M., appointment, 124, 571, 958, 1446 Newport, Marion C , degree, 1566 Newquist, E. K., certificate, 842 News-Gazette, purchase, 767 Newsprint, Alumni Association, purchase, 1344 Newton, Elaine, appointment, 306 Newton, Elizabeth S., appointment, 10, 1307 Newton, J. F., degree, 803 Newton, R. K., appointment, 173, 1009 Newton, W. M., degree, 1568 Newton, Mrs. Winifred C , appointment, 275, 397, 944 resignation, 1487 Newtson, Marilyn L., degree, 1563 New York Blower Co., purchase, 525 New York Central Railroad Co., contract, 1209 lease, 1209 New York Fire & Mutual Insurance Co., purchase, 32 Nianick, L. M., appointment, 359 Nice, Shirley J., appointment, 645, 1228 degree, 789 Nicely, Clara K., appointment, 1099 Nichol, J. B., certificate, 488 Nicholas, Constance, appointment, 76, 694, 909, 1449 degree, 576 Nicholas, Mrs. Mildred, appointment, 1163 Nichols, A. J., degree, 790 Nichols, Mrs. Barbara, appointment, 1107 Nichols, C. F., degree, 1571 Nichols, C. L., degree, 584 Nichols, M. H., appointment, 1448 Nichols, Mary, degree, 806 Nichols, Rachel B., appointment, 321 Nicholson, Carol R., degree, 1564 Nicholson, Evelyn»N., appointment, 264 Nicholson, G. J., certificate, 42 Nicholson, J. A., appointment, 81, 914, 1453 Nicholson, J. J., degree, 1398 Nicholson, R. B., degree, 423 Nicholson, R. L., appointment, 244, 1083 Nick, E. C , degree, 814 Nickel, Martha R., appointment, 1308 Nickell, Patricia A., degree, 1396 Nickell, Rosa M., appointment, 266, 1102 Nickell, V. L., elected President Pro Tempore, 600 Nickels, R. C , degree, 797 Nickels, W. A., appointment, 397, 510, 774,


Nemecek, J. G., appointment, 1314 Nemerovski, S. A., degree, 1574 Nemeth, L. P., Jr., degree, 803 Nephritis, research, gift, 1219 Nerad, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 314, 1152 Nerad, Josephine, appointment, 1145 Nerad, R. A\, certificate, 1329 Nergard, J. E., degree, 45s Nerhus, Hildred G., degree, 1536 Neri, D. J., degree, 454 Nero, L. C , degree, 808 Nervous system, effect of betatron X-ray beam, research, gift, 1217 Nesbitt, Janet A., degree, 1247 Nesheim, R. O., degree, 781 resignation, 646 Nesler, Florence, appointment, 292, 1128 Nesline, F. W., fellowship, 679 declination, 683 Nestel Products, purchase, 559 Nester, N. W., appointment, 298, 113s Nethercut, G. W., appointment, 357 Nettles, J. B., appointment, 357, 1041 Neu, Mary E., degree, 1558 Neubauer, Gwen E., degree, 819 Neubauer, H. F., appointment, 296 Neuber, Anna L., appointment, 289 Neubert, H. G., degree, 1399 Neuberger, R. R., gift, 1471 Neuendank, P. E-, certificate, 1338 Neuhaus, J. O., degree, 591, 1538 Neuhausen, Dolores E., degree, 418 Neuhauser, Irene, appointment, 352, 1180 Neuhoff, E., degree, 1558 Neuman, S., degree, 1398 Neumann, A. L„ appointment, 102, 936 Neumann, Audrey A., degree, 1550 Neumann, D. A., degree, 1241 Neumann, Mrs. Use E., appointment, 242, Neumann, Mrs. Rose-Alice, appointment, 287, Neumiller, H. J., Jr., degree, 1540 fellowship, 1481 Neunaber, C. E., degree, 1400 Neunaber, E. C , degree, 1236 Neurology and Neurological Surgery, budget, clinical faculty, 356, 1184 equipment, appropriation, 1324 Neuromuscular skeletal pathology, research, gift, 554, 1472 Nevada Street, property at 1005 West, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 39 remodeling, appropriation, 611 contract, adjustment, 561, 610, 669, 713, 865, 1306 Nevara, R. E., degree, 596 Nevens, D. L., appointment, 948 Nevens, W. B., appointment, 104, 115, 937 Neville, Jeanne C , degree, 806 Nevins, R. G., Jr., fellowship, 1352 Nevitt, M. V., fellowship, 1529 Newar, Leila H., degree, 825 Newark Electric Co., purchase, 375, 1205, 1360 Newberger, C , appointment, 356, 1185 New Berlin Community Unit 16, contract, 1305 Newby, G. E„ Jr., appointment, 246 declination, 448 Newcom, M. E„ degree, 1242 Newcomb, R„ appointment, 152, 153, 158, 510, 987, 988, 992 message of appreciation, festival of contemporary arts, 1475 Newcomer, H. A., degree, 816 Newcomer, H. L., appointment, 139, 689, 974 leave of absence, 1353 Newell, Mrs. Barbara P., appointment, 267 Newell, G. F., resignation, 573

205, 3 0 9 , 1040, 1146 1123 1081, 1457

declination, 1234