UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1620]

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Natural History Building, air conditioning rooms for Botany, appropriation, 1259 contract, 1259 fire protection, contract, adjustment, 770, 1209 remodeling, appropriation, 23, 470, 521, 1339 balances reappropriated, 38, 39, 1198 contract, adjustment, 610, 669, 770, 1264, 1345, M I 7 change, 543 utilities distribution system, changes, contract, 25 Natural History M u s e u m , budget, 88, 268, 9 2 1 , 1104 N a t u r a l R e s o u r c e s Building, addition, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38 N a u , M r s . Elizabeth, appointment, 1121 N a u , R. H . , appointment, 126, 446, 961 N a u d z i u s , D . A . , degree, 791 N a u d z i u s , R u t h W . , degree, 586 N a u e r t , C. G., Jr., degree, 1238 fellowship, 877 N a u h e i m e r , R. R., degree, 1553 N a u j o k s , Dorothy J., appointment, 295 degree, 794 N a u m c z i k , Jennie, degree, 806 Naumoff, A . V., degree, 1247 Naumoff, Mary H . , degree, 1247 N a v a l aviation college program contract, 33, 523 N a v a l S c i e n c e , budget, 176, 293, i o n , 1129 N a v i g a t o , R. F . , degree, 821 N a v y , contract, 33, 378, 469, 523, 560, 610, 668, 713, 769, 1206, 1207, 1327, 1360, 1464 c h a n g e , 561, 610, 713, 769, 1208, 1306, 1328, 134s officers assigned to duty at U n i v e r s i t y , academic ranks, 1337 N a v y P i e r Drill Hall, fire insurance, purchase, 614 N a v y R e s e r v e Officers' Training Corps, books and supplies, contract, 523 N a y , T. E . , degree, 590 Naylor, M r s . Grayce E . , appointment, 260 Neal, H . J., degree, 1574 N e a l , J. P., appointment, 126, 961 N e a l , J. W . , Jr., degree, 594 N e a l , P . E . , degree, 815 N e a l , W . T., degree, 826 N e a l & W h a l e n , purchase, 376 N e a l o n , T. P . , degree, 1551 N e a t h e r y , W . D . , certificate, 488 N e c h e l e s , J. R., appointment, 354, 1182 N e c h e l e s , R. M . , degree, 804 N e c h u t a , G. O., degree, 829 N e c k e r s , N a n c y A., degree, 1564 N e d e r , Dorothy P . , degree, 1396 N e d e r , G. R-, degree, 1394 N e d w i c k , Lucile, appointment, 306, 1143 N e d z e l , A . J., appointment, 208, 1044 N e e f , H . P . , degree, 829, 1058 N e e l y , F l o r e n c e E . , degree, 781 N e e l y P r i n t i n g Co., Inc., contract, change, 523 purchase, 30, 340, 468 N e e n a h Foundry, purchase, 1410 N e e s , H . H . , appointment, 297, 1460 d e g r e e , 1392 Neff Kohlbusch & Bissell, purchase, 1344 Neff, L. I . , degree, 826 N e h a m a , I . D . , degree, 1389 N e h r k o m , W . , degree, 1568 . Neiderpruem, M r s . Jamce L., appointment, 1092 N e i d i t c h , W . , degree, 1570 N e i g h b o r , J. B., degree, 1556 N e i l e r , Rich, and Bladen, contract, 502 N e i l l , J. C , degree, 1533 N e i l s o n , G. E . , appointment, 300


Neiman, Mrs. Ida, appointment, 333, 1175 Neiman, R. L., degree, 595, 1387 Neiswanger, W . A., appointment, 140, 976 Nejdl, R. J., degree, 1572 Nejib, Suhaila S., degree, 1558 Nejim, Hassan T., degree, 1386 Nelson, A. I., appointment, 106, 939 Nelson, A. P., degree, 814 N e l s o n , A. R., certificate, 41 Nelson, B. G., appointment, 354, 1182 Nelson, Mrs. Bonnie A . , appointment, 1104 Nelson, C. E . , degree, 798 Nelson, C. L., degree, 592 Nelson, Carol E . , degree, 1566 Nelson, D . E., appointment, 274, 11 t o Nelson, D . G., degree, 824, 1574 Nelson, D . G. H . , degree, 826 Nelson, D . K., degree, 1396 Nelson, D . M., degree, 798 Nelson, Dorothy, appointment, 2 0 3 , 1038 N e l s o n , Mrs. Dorothy P. M . , appointment, 5 7 i , 695 Nelson, Mrs. Elaine W . , appointment, 1157 Nelson, Mr9. E l l e n , appointment, 306 Nelson, Erma E . , appointment, 258 Nelson, Esther C , degree, 1560 Nelson, F. E . , degree, 798 Nelson, G., certificate, 1338 Nelson, G. E., degree, 1566 N e l s o n , Gerald K., certificate, 42 Nelson, Gordon K., degree, 587 Nelson, G. R., degree, 424 Nelson, H . C , appointment, 128, 963 Nelson, Hazel M . , appointment, 317, n 5 5 N e l s o n , I., Jr., degree, 1395 N e l s o n , I. M., Jr., degree, 797 Nelson, J., appointment, 1499 Nelson, James A., appointment, 123, 957 degree, 1539 Nelson, John A., degree, 1401 Nelson, J. C , appointment, 2 9 3 , 1129 Nelson, J. T., appointment, 364 N e l s o n , Jacqueline M., degree, 1566 Nelson, Mrs. Jo A n n , appointment, 258 N e l s o n , K. O., degree, 831 resignation, 646 Nelson, L. D . , degree, 406 Nelson, L. G., degree, 812, 818 Nelson, L. P., appointment, 177, 1013 degree, 1236 N e l s o n , Lillian, appointment, 12 Nelson, Mrs. M a r y E . , appointment, 1175 Nelson, M r s . Mary R., appointment, 285, 1122 Nelson, N . H . , degree, 1572 Nelson, Natalie A., degree, 806 Nelson, N e v i l y n Y., degree, 1559 Nelson, P. O., degree, 588 Nelson, R. E . , degree, 1251 N e l s o n , Robert A l l e n , degree, 1574 Nelson, Robert Arthur, degree, 1553 N e l s o n , R. E., appointment, 1314 Nelson, R. J., degree, 823 Nelson, Richard L., d e g r e e , 420 Nelson, Robert L., degree, 1390 Nelson, R. W . , appointment, 1129 Nelson, Severina E . , appointment, 86, 147, 699, 700, 919, 9 8 3 , 1455, 1456 cerebral palsy work, funds, gift, 548, 1211 Nelson, Shirley D . , degree, 1556 Nelson, M r s . Shirley P . , appointment, 294 lease, 1208 Nelson, Mrs. Theo, appointment, 186, 1021 Nelson, V . L., degree, 812 Nelson, M r s . Valerie J., appointment, 1104 Nelson, W . C , degree, 1539 Nelson, W . J., degree, 815 Nelson, W . O., appointment, 104, 938 degree, 782 N e m a n i c h , W . J., degree, 797 N e m e c , G. J., degree, 797