UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1619]

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Nakamichi, M., degree, 829 Nakamura, Mrs. Cherie, appointment, 309, 1146 Nakamura, E. L., degree, 1246 Nakamura, P. K., degree, 795 Nakamura, Takashi, degree, 580 fellowship, cancellation, 683 Nakanishi, J. J., degree, 419 Nakao, T. J., degree, 829 Nakata, H. M., degree, 1558 Nakayama, J. M., degree, 1S71 Nakayama, Tadasi, appointment, 81 Nalbandov, A. V., appointment, 102, 936 Nalbandov, Mrs. Olga G., appointment, 446, 510, 873, 915 Nalefski, N. P., certificate, 842 degree, 814 Naleway, H. W., appointment, 304, 1140 Nance, Mrs. Elizabeth, appointment, 1119 Nance, J. F., appointment, 71, 904 Nance, Mrs. Onnollee, appointment, 1138 Nance, R. S., degree, 1567 Nanus, Ruth N., degree, 421 Napkins, Office Supply Store, purchase, 469 Narat, J. K., appointment, 675, 1192 Nardi, Betsy J., degree, 590 Narowetz Heating & Ventilating Co., contract, 463. 77i> 849 Narrod, S. A., degree, 1285 Narut, L. F., appointment, 355, 1184 Nash, C. C , appointment, 126, 873, 961 resignation, 1502 Nash, E. F., appointment, 1444 Nash, Mrs. Elizabeth H., appointment, 324, 1163 Nash, J. P., appointment, 136, 913, 972 Naslund, Mrs. Frances N., appointment, 29s Naslund, K. C , degree, 818 Nast, R. J., degree, 1558 Nathan, Eleanor D., degree, 810 Nathan, J. J., gift, 536 National Academy of Sciences, contract, 668 gift, 548, 1212 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, contract, 560 National Association of Thoroughbred Breeders, gift, 1211 National Cash Register Co., purchase, 1360 National Dairy Council, contract, 469, 1327 National Dairy Products Corp., stock, purchase, 568 National defense services, students, regulations, 431 National Distillers' Products Corp., stock, sale, 1420, 1497 National Drug Co., gift, 552 National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, gift, 1472 National Foundation for Medical Education, Inc., gift, 1472 National Greenhouse Co., purchase, 376 National Korectaire Co., contract, 493 addition, 438 National Lead Co., ^ i f t , Baroid Sales Division, 549, 1468 Titanium Alloy Manufacturing Division, 1212, 1469 purchase, 32, 33, 1344 National Livestock and Meat Board, gift, 1469 National Oak Wilt Research Committee, gift, 1213 National Spectrographic Laboratories, purchase, 375. 613 National Union Fire Insurance Co., insurance, purchase, 711, 768, 769 National Warm Air Heating, and Air Conditioning Association, contract, change, 561, 1360 Natsi, E., fellowship, 1482

Musical instruments, Chicago Professional Colleges, appropriation, 435 Music education, advanced certificate, 1512 doctor's degree, 761 Music Extension, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38 budget, 175, 292, 1010, 1128 Musick, L. K., degree, 407 Musicology, graduate program, 1507 Music Research Foundation, Inc., gift, 1213 Musicus, R. J., certificate, 527 Mutschler Bros., purchase, 557 Mutti, R. J., appointment, 95, 688, 928 declination, 878 leave of absence, X408 Mutual Contracting Co., contract, 464 Muzak Corp., purchase, 767 Myer, C. R., degree, 1243 Myers, Allison, appointment, 9 Myers, B. R., degree, 1243 Myers, C. B., degree, 797 Myers, Evelyn M., appointment, 276, 1112 Myers, F. C , appointment, 274, 1110 Myers, Hazel E., appointment, 256, 1092 Myers, James D., fellowship, 1529 Myers, James David, degree, 421 Myers, James David, degree, 58s Myers, J. J., appointment, 397, 962 resignation, 1316 Myers, L. W., appointment, 1130 degree, 1564 Myers, M. E., degree, 1567 Myers, M. W., degree, 412 Myers, Mary A., degree, 1237 Myers, Nancy, appointment, 11 Myers, O. B., Jr., degree, 798 Myers, O. G., appointment, 297, 1133 certificate, 41 Myers, P. G., degree, 1562 Myers, P. W-, degree, 798 Myers, W.. E., degree, 1552 Myers, W. M., degree, 795 fellowship, 681, 1485 Myerson, H. T., degree, 829 Myklestad, N. O., appointment, 133, 968 Myles, J., certificate, 1407 Mylius, L. A., degree, 1399 Mylonas, C , appointment, 446 Mynard, F. H., appointment, 119, 952 Mynaugh, Mrs. Lona T., appointment, 702, 1082, 1314, 1379 Myrick, Ruth A., appointment, 258 Myrna, T. D,, fellowship, 1529 Naaf, Lydia, appointment, 323, 1165 Naborowski, J. G., degree, 803 Nace, Mrs. Muriel A., appointment, 1141 Nachbar, M. I., degree, 1563 Nachtmann, D., degree, 819 Nachtmann, F. W., appointment, 77, 694, 910 declination, 778 Nadeau, O. E., appointment, 362, 1191 Nadeau, R. E., appointment, 86, 920 Nadelman, M. S., degree, 420, 1572 Nadler, J. H., degree, 1568 Naef, C. A., degree, 803 Naess, O., fellowship, 679 Naess & Murphy, architectural services, Animal Sciences Laboratory, 465 Home Economics Building, 847 Nagai, Inez, appointment, 248 resignation, 878 Nagata, H. T., degree, 810 Nagel, E. L., appointment, 181, 571, 1016 Nagel, H. T,, appointment, 361, 1189 Nagle, Mrs. Betty A., appointment, 288 Nagle, J. W., degree, 587 Nagle, Sybil K., appointment, 297, 1133 Naguchi, Mrs. Katherine, appointment, 324 Nakagawa, Grace E., appointment, 318, 1157 Nakagawa, Sherrie S., degree, 1561