UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1618]

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Mullaney, J. T., appointment, 360, 1188 Mullen, C. C , degree, 432 Mullen, Katherine A., appointment, 267, 1104 Mullen, W. H., appointment, 1478 Muller, D., fellowship, 1483 Muller, E. H., degree, 1534 Muller, R. H., appointment, 695 Mulligan, J. R., degree, 1555 Mulliken, D. F., degree, 1567 Mullinix, L. B., certificate, 1292 Mullins, E. R., Jr., appointment, 1452 Multach, D., degree, 826 Multigraph, Division of Services for Crippled Children, purchase, 710 Multigraph Sales Agency, purchase, 502 Mulvain, Mrs. Helena S., appointment, 1112 Mulvaney, D. L., appointment, 100, 934 Mulvaney, Dorothy V., degree, 1397 Mulvany, Shirley F., appointment, 1098 Mulvey, Virginia, appointment, 1160 Mumford, F. E., degree, 781 Mumford, W. P., certificate, 488 Mumford Hall, book stacks, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 39, 1198 Mumm, J. A., degree, 1555 Mumps vaccine, research, contract, 769 gift, 552, 1215 Mun, A. M., degree, 789 Munch, C. H., degree, 584 Mundil, W. R., Jr., certificate, 842 Munds, H. F., contract, 849 Mundt, G. H., Jr., appointment, 338, 1186 Municipal Contagious Disease Hospital, quarters for Department of Preventive Medicine, remodeling, 464 Munnis, Mrs. Janet B., appointment, 184, 1019 Munnis, W. V., appointment, 290, 1126 Munoz, J., appointment, 202, 1037 Munroe, M. E., appointment, 80, 913, 1452 leave of absence, 604 Munse, W. H., appointment, 124, 673, 958 Munsell, R. F., degree, 806 Munson, B. E., appointment, 397, 918, 1016,



Murphy, Laurel N., degree, 1576 Murphy, Mrs. Mary A., appointment, 394,


degree, 409 Munson, Mrs. Evelyn B., appointment, 256,


Munson, J. L., appointment, 271, 1107 Munson, Mrs. Louise W., appointment, 1127 Munson, Viola A., degree, 1536 Muntwyler, Eleanor E., degree, 1238 Muntyan, M., appointment, 169, 510, 1005, 1506 Munzer, Charlotte M., appointment, 242, 1081 Murabito, A. C., degree, 829 Murao, Mutsuko G., degree, 806 Murch, W-, painting, purchase, 1466 Murchison, Nola F., degree, 1251 Murdock, J. E., appointment, 271, 274, 1107,


Murdock, K. C , fellowship, 775 resignation, 1353 Murk, G. D., certificate, 842 Murphree, A. L., Jr., degree, 801 Murphy, D. P., degree, 594 Murphy, E. C , degree, 1568 Murphy, E. J., degree, 797 Murphy, Evelyn P., degree, 1560 Murphy, F. G., appointment, 358, 1187 gift, 1219 Murphy, Mrs. Grace J-, appointment, 1170 Murphy, H. D., certificate, 1178 Murphy, J. F., degree, 806 Murphy, J. R., degree, 821 Murphy, Mrs. Josephine M., appointment,

2 9 2 , 1129

Murphy, May J., degree, 1242 Murphy, R., appointment, 86, €99, 919 leave of absence, 604 Murphy, R. D., degree, 597, 1400 Murphy, Richard E., Jr., certificate, 488 Murphy, Robert E., degree, 585 Murphy, R. H., appointment, 358, 1186 Murphy, S. L., appointment, 85, 699, 919 Murphy, W. D., Jr., appointment, 119, 95a degree, 798 Murphy, W. E., certificate, 842 Murphy, W. F., Jr., appointment, 208 resignation, 513 Murphy, Wandalou, appointment, 265, 1101 Murray, A. E., appointment,. 1228 Murray, Anna, appointment, 329 Murray, D. E., appointment, 1292 Murray, E. F., Jr., degree, 1572 Murray, H. H., degree, 78a Murray, Helen R., degree, 415 Murray, J. A., appointment, 117, 950 Murray, J. W., degree, 820 Murray, K. W., degree, 587 Murray, M., appointment, 1188 Murray, Margaret C , degree, 407 Murray, Mary L., appointment, 263, n o r Murray, R. E., appointment, 1460 Murray, R. G., degree, 1400 Murrell, M. T., appointment, 265, 1101 Murrell, T. A., appointment, 126, 961 Murtha, J. F., Jr., degree, 595 Muscato, S. M., degree, Z389 Muscular control, effect of drug reaction, study, contract, 1264 Muscular relaxation, research, contract, 1327 gift, 553. 1471. 1472 Museum of Modern Art, contract, 1207 Museum of Science and Industry, medical exhibit on the human heart, contract, 1346 Museums, See Classical, European Culture, and Natural History. Musgrave, G. E., appointment, 292, 1129 Musgrave, S. D., appointment, 397, 462, 938 declination, 1234 Musgrove, H. T., appointment, 282, 1118 Music, School ofj additional quarters, property at 708 South Mathews Avenue, 458 appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38, 1197 equipment, 459, 521, 845 instrument lockers, 492 instruments, 1259 remodeling, 521 budget, 155, 286, 990, 1123 summer session, 696, 1452 director, appointment, 336, 672 resignation, 503 fellows, 681, 1484 music education, advanced certificate, 1512 musicology, graduate program, 1507 piano, gift, 551 rebuilding, 376, 440, 711 purchase, instruments, 467, €70 piano, 467. 501, 526, 852, 1521 string instruments, 467 tape recorders, 852 scholarship, gift, Anderson, Mrs. Margaret, Illim Achievement Fund, 547 Pi Kappa Lambda, 1211 Presser Foundation, 1211 Sinai Temple Congregation of Champaign-Urbana, 548, 1211 Sinai Temple Foundation of Champaign-Urbana, 1468 Stiven House, improvements, appropriation, 1493 name, 608

Murphy, K. H., appointment, 243, 702, 1082 declination, 878 Murphy, L. C , degree, 1242 Murphy, L. J., appointment, 1478 Murphy, L. W., appointment, 166, 1002