UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1616]

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UNIVERSITY Mooney, Patrick and Bertha, F u n d , addition, gift. 555, 1218 Moore, A . C , Jr., appointment, 161, 873, , 993, 095 d e g r e e , 1286 Moore, Carolyn A . , degree, 1561 Moore, Claire J., degree, 1397 M o o r e , C. U . , Jr., degree, 790 M o o r e , D . R., degree, 580 M o o r e , E . F . , appointment, 136 discovery, patent rights, release, 1340 Moore, E . O., Jr., degree, 59s M o o r e , E . S., appointment, 204, 1039 Moore, Ernestine W . , degree, 1237 Moore, F . T., appointment, 3 5 1 , 397 resignation, 1233 Moore, G. C , appointment, 1275 M o o r e , G. E . , appointment, 70, 80, 903, 913 Moore, G. P . , degree, 1242 Moore, Grace, appointment, 1143 Moore, H . E . , and Co., Inc., purchase, 1206, 1344 Moore, H . F., appointment, 133, 968 Moore, H . W . , degree, 788 Moore, H e l e n S., degree, 794 Moore, J. B., I l l , degree, 830, 1574 fellowship, 402 Moore, J. L., Jr., degree, 821 M o o r e , James O'Bryan, degree, 1546 Moore, James Ottis, degree, 786 Moore, J. T., appointment, 843, 981, 1448 Moore, Joanne T., degree, 829 M o o r e , M. C , appointment, 282, 1119 Moore, M a d g e J., degree, 1543 Moore, Marilyn T., degree, 1550 Moore, M r s . Mary E . , appointment, 286 M o o r e , Mary F., appointment, 873 Moore, M a r y L. W . , degree, 812 Moore, Mildred J., appointment, 145, 150 Moore, Mrs. Mildred R., appointment, 310, 1147 M o o r e , P . J., Jr., degree, 1564 Moore, R. A . , degree, 824, 1574 Moore, R. D . , degree, 412 M o o r e , R. H . , Jr., degree, 422 Moore, R. L., degree, 813, 1546 M o o r e , R. M., degree, 585 Moore, R. P., degree, 1286 Moore, R. S., degree, 1549 Moore, S. G., appointment, 308, 1144 Moore, T h o m a s E d w i n , degree, 810 Moore, T h o m a s Eldon, degree, 789 Moore, W . D . , appointment, 304, 1140 Moore, W . F., appointment, 299 Moore, W . J., appointment, 693, 1179, 1448 Moore, W . R-, degree, 814 Moore, W . W . , degree, 583, 1535 Moorefield, H . H . , appointment, 1449 degree, 1389 fellowship, 1352, 1483 Moorman Manufacturing Co., contract, 1305 c h a n g e , 713, 1464 Moorthy, Varthakavi K., degree, 781 fellowship, 513, 1278 Moralejo-Martin, J. C , resignation, 1334 Moran, E . B., member of advisory committee, 36 Moran, E . J., degree, 1562 Moran, H . F . , degree, 419 Moran, J. J., degree, 4J7 M o r a n , J o s e p h i n e A . , diploma, 1575 Moran, Sarah M., degree, 582 Morava, R. J., degree, 829 More, D . H . , degree, 818 Moreland, S., appointment, 1129 Morell, G. W . , appointment, 695 Morelli, F . A . , degree, 821 Morena, A., degree, 801 Moreno-Cardoza, Inocente V . , degree, 1248 M o r e n z , Jeannette E . , appointment, 1101 Morenz, Orlena M., appointment, 285



Moretti, Mrs. Elizabeth L., appointment, 316, 1153 Morey, D . A., degree, 1549 Morey, H. D . , certificate, 41 Morey, K. B., degree, 794 Morey, L., appointment, 6 1 , 138, 894, 974 elected Comptroller, 601, 1404 signature, delegation, 4 4 4 , 858 withdrawals from Dentistry, Medicine. and Pharmacy Construction F u n d Account, 666 Morford, V . J., appointment, 692 Morgan, D . H . , appointment, 155, 158, 9 8 9 , 992 Morgan, E . E . , degree, 593 Morgan, E . J e a n n e , appointment, 1445 Morgan, Elizabeth, appointment, 12 Morgan, Ina A . , appointment, 1159 Morgan, J. J., Jr., degree, 424 Morgan, J. V., degree, 1563 Morgan, N . D . , appointment, 153, 988, 1444 Morgan, R. C , degree, 1549 Morgan, T. N . , fellowship, 1485 declination, 1487 Morgan, W . H . , degree, 817 Mori, P., certificate, 41 Moriarty, Gerie L., degree, 1560 Moriarty, W . H . , degree, 588 Morison, J. S., degree, 794 Morley, Mary L., appointment, 8 Morley, J. P., degree, 1395 Morlock, K. G., degree, 591 Morpurgo, G. E . , degree, 1563 Morreal, J. A., degree, 8 0 2 Morrell, W . E., appointment, 60, 74, 893, 907, 1450 Morrill, C. C , appointment, 113, 163, 947, 998 Morris, A. P . , degree, 792 Morris, A . W . , appointment, 269, 1105 Morris, C. E . , degree, 1248 Morris, D . J., appointment, 244, 703, 1083, 1458 Morris, G. L. K., painting, gift, 1471 Morris, H . R., degree, 829 Morris, H . S., degree, 820 Morris, J. D . , degree, 419 Morris, J. R., appointment, 248, 1087, 1457 Morris, Lillian K., appointment, 1170 Morris, M . L., degree, 810 Morris, Marcia J., d e g r e e , 1249 Morris, Mary A., degree, 817 Morris, R. S., appointment, 355 resignation, 513 Morris, V . , appointment, 326, 1168 Morris, W . O., appointment, 139, 690, 975, 1446 Morrisett, R. N . , degree, 595 Morrison, D . A . R., appointment, 361, 1190 Morrison, M r s . Elizabeth L., appointment, 283, 1119 Morrison, H . L., fellowship, 776 declination, 878 Morrison, J. L., degree, 797 Morrison, J. W . , degree, 791 Morrison, M . A., certificate, 1330 Morrison, M . F., degree, 1572 Morrison, M . S., degree, 810 Morrison, M a r y E . , degree, 810 Morrison H o m e for the A g e d , affiliation with College of Medicine, agreement, 1300 proposed, 562 Morrissey, R u t h C , appointment, 310 Morros, J. L., appointment, 2 1 9 , 1055 Morrow, Carolyn E . , appointment, 276, 1112 Morrow, G. W . , Jr., degree, 824, 1574 Morrow, S u s a n C , appointment, 1228 Morse, Dorothea B . , d e g r e e , 1534 Morse, Elizabeth C , degree, 412 Morse, F . R., degree, 791