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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1704 BOARD OF TRUSTEES McClellan, Mrs. Eileen G., appointment, 1119 McClellan, Mrs. Emilie F., appointment, 333 McClellan, J. E., Jr., appointment, 396 fellowship, 679, 1482 McClellan, J. F., fellowship, 513, 682 McClelland, A. L „ degree, 450 McClintick, R. J., degree, 1553 McClintock, I. R., degree, 581 McClinton, El vie, appointment, 306, 1142 McClory, Mary A., degree, 582 McCloy, R. W., appointment, 122, 688, 956 McClure, F. G., certificate, 488 McClure, L. W., appointment, 166, 695, 1002 McClure, M. T., appointment, 81, 914 McClure, R., degree, 593 McClure, R. A., degree, 1552 McClure, R. E., appointment, 873, 1227, 1528 degree, 1243 McClurg, Ruth J., appointment, 280, 1116 McClusky, V. G., degree, 587 McCollough, F., Jr., appointment, 690 degree, 1388 McCollum, J. P., appointment, m , 94s McColm, H. A., Jr., degree, 412 McConaha, Ruth E., appointment, 1108 McConnell, Anna Lu, fellowship, 680 resignation, 1280 McConnell, C. R., degree, 785 McConnell, Irene B., degree, 1543 McConnell, J. L., appointment, 141, 873, 976, 1447 leave of absence, 1408 McConnell, Madeleine, appointment, 8 McConnell, W. J., degree, 1546 McConnell, W. R., degree, 1541 McCord, Alenia B., degree, 421 McCord, Beverly B., degree, 798 McCord, C. J., member of advisory committee, 1195 Mazur, E. T., Jr., degree, 1567 Mazur, G. J., certificate, 42 Mazur, M. M., degree, 1249 Mazura, J. J., degree, 1397 McAlexander, R. H., fellowship, 1500 declination, 1502 McAlister, K. C , degree, 785 McAllister, Lois G., appointment, 1100 McAllister, R. F., Jr., degree, 1285 McAllister, W. G., appointment, 83, 698, 916 McAlpine, Mrs. Gertrude, appointment, 311, 1146 McAnally, A. M., appointment, 167, 182 resignation, 1233 McArdle, Beverley J., degree, 1561 McArthur, E. Maxine, appointment, 644, 1040 resignation, 1233 McArthur, S. W., appointment, 362, 1191 McArthur, Mrs. Walleah, appointment, 181 McArty, C. R., appointment, 259, 1096 McAtee, J. C , degree, 583 McAvoy, W. C , appointment, 76, 396, 873, 909 McBlaine, H. J., Jr., degree, 592 McBride, D. F., appointment, 355, 1184 leave of absence, 647 McBride, Edith J., appointment, 297, 1133 McBride, M. T., appointment, 265, 1101 McBride, W. R. Jr., degree, 829 McCabe, J. P., Jr., degree, 1549 McCabe, Virginia A., degree, 806 McCaffrey, J., appointment, 325, 1167 member of advisory committee, 1196 McCain, G., degree, 419 McCain, G. H., degree, 410 McCain, Mrs. Janet M., appointment, 260, 1096 McCall, B. C , appointment, 244, 510, 703, 1083, 1458 McCall, D. W., degree, 1285 McCall, W. H., appointment, 1098 McCallum, Mrs. Jean, appointment, 115 5 McCalman Construction Co., bid, 26 McCann, J. B., degree, 451 McCann, Mrs. Marie, appointment, 312 McCann, P. J., certificate, 771 McCarron, J. T., degree, 1567 McCarron, Mary M., appointment, 477, 1089 McCartan, W . M., degree, 1236 McCarthy, Cecelia, appointment, 185, 1020 McCarthy, D. F., degree, 80s McCarthy, James J., certificate, 1507 McCarthy, John J., degree, 820 McCarthy, J. J. P., degree, 820 McCarthy, J. R., degree, 424 McCarthy, P. R., appointment, 571 degree, 582 resignation, 878 McCarthy, R. C., degree, 797 McCartney, F. J., appointment, 278, 1114 McCarty, D. K., degree, 796 McCarty, Joanne, degree, 820 McCarty, Mary S., degree, 1546 McCarty, Mrs. Vera C , appointment, 281, 1117 McCorkle, J. E., degree, 789 McCormack, F., purchase, 376 McCormack, L. H., Jr., degree, 806 McCorinick, Mrs. Grace M., appointment, 1112 McCormick, M. H., degree, 575 McCormick, P. F., degree, 810 McCormick, T. P., degree, 1552 McCormick, Viola R., appointment, 276 McCormick, W . W., appointment, 1227 resignation, 1233 McCown, Mrs. Delia R., appointment, 281, 1117 McCoy, McCoy, McCoy, McCoy, A. D. L. R. D., appointment, 1379 E., appointment, 694, 909 D., certificate, 1338 E., appointment, 179, 186, 1014, 1021 McCasey, Virginia B., degree, 1541 McCaskill, D., appointment, 356, 1184 resignation, 1383 McCaskill, O. L., appointment, 164, 1000 McCate, Jane, appointment, 1164 McCaughey, Margaret A., degree, 806 McCaughey, P. C , degree, 821 McClain, C. B., degree, 1400 McClay, C. H., appointment, 129, 696, 964, 1528 McCleary, G. L., appointment, 873, 997 degree, 59s resignation, 1316 McCleary, L. E.f appointment, 1274 degree, 412 McCleish, W. R., degree, 588 McClellan, Betsy B., degree, S90 degree, 415 McCoyne, J. C , degree, 590 McCracken, Barbara S., degree, 596 McCracken, R. E., Jr., degree, 596 McCracken, T. J., certificate, 41 McCray, R. M., degree, 1574 McCrimmon, J. M., appointment, 74, 907 McCue, E. ]., certificate, 1329 McCulley, D. E., appointment, 257, 1094 McCulley, Mrs. Eileen B., appointment, 1101 McCulloch, H., appointment, 360, 1189 McCulloch, R. L., degree, 422 McCulloch, W. S., appointment, 211, 361, 1046, 1047 resignation, 1502 McCullough, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 328, 1170 McCullough, Helen E., appointment, 109, I J 6 , 943, 949 McCullough, Nancy A., degree, 592 McCullough, Patricia A., appointment, 27s McCullough, T. G., degree, 802 McCullough Farm, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37, 39 demolition, contract, 1264 drainage ditch, construction, contract, 1305
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