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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Livingston, Dorothy R., degree, 784 Livingston, G. S., appointment, 359, 1187 Livingston, M. K., degree, 810 Livingston, P., authority to sign bonds for financing Chicago housing projects and remodeling second unit of Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy Building, 625 elected President of Board, 600, 1404 member of committees, 428, 459, 1222, 1422 signature, delegation, 601, 1404 University representative at hearings of Federal Communications Commission, 460 Livingston, R. W., degree, 590 Livingston, W. J., degree, 806 Lizius, Stephanie, appointment, 306, 1142 Llewellyn, Phyllis J., degree, 408 Lloyd, Mrs. Dorothy E., appointment, 304 Lloyd, J. E., degree, 590 Lloyd, J. W., appointment, 94, 927 Lloyd, R. M., degree, 1397 Lloyd, R. T., Jr., certificate, 41 Lloyd, S. P., degree, 783 Lloyd, W. H., I l l , degree, 1540 Lloyde, C. V., Piano Co., purchase, 467, 526 Lo, Yuen-Tze, degree, 1534 fellowship, 679, 1352 Loan funds, gift, 1468 investment, 379, 1291, 1497 Lob, C. G., appointment, 127, 477 degree, 782 resignation, 1233 Lober, A. R., degree, 1242 Lobraico, R. V., Jr., appointment, 206, 674, 1042, 1478 LoCicero, Mary, appointment, 317, 1155 Lock, A. M., degree, 1248 Lockard, W. K., degree, 1565 Lockart, R. D., degree, 821 Locke, Mrs. Clara E., property, purchase, 348 Locke, D. M., degree, 1540 fellowship, 678, 1481 Locke, J. P., degree, 1565 Locker, W. A., Jr., degree, 408 Lockers, Anatomy, rehabilitation, appropriation, 65 s Music, appropriation, 492 Physical Education for Men, purchase, 376, 440 Physical Plant, purchase, 501 Research and Educational Hospitals, purchase, 1416 Lockert, J. C , degree, 789 Lockett, Mrs. Henrietta, appointment, 1163 Lockhart, Helen R., appointment, 1314 Lockhart, R. L., degree, 1249 Locklin, D. P., appointment, 140, 691, 97s leave of absence, 1353 Lockyer, M. A., degree, 412 Locomotive Testing Laboratory, name changed, 462 Lodge, Louise F., appointment, 184, 1019 Lodge, Mary V., diploma, 1575 Loeb Wrecking & Lumber Co., contract, 1204 prevailing wage rates, schedule, 1205 Loeffler, F. J., Jr., degree, 1240 Loeffler, H., degree, 156 J Loeffler, H. A., degree, 1568 Loesch, Clara, appointment, 322, 1164 Loescher, R. A., degree, 595 Loevy, N. B., degree, 139S Loewe, R. T., degree, 792 Loewenberg, Doris R., degree, 812 Loewy, A., appointment, 359, 1188 Lofchie, F., degree, 422 Lofdahl, C. M., degree, 826 Loftiss, E. W., degree, 1544 Loftus, T. J., appointment, 1143, " 4 4 Logan, D. G. D., degree, 784 Logan, E. E., degree, 1389 Logan, F. W., appointment, 1320 1697 Logan, Marjorie D., degree, 791 Logsdon, Lucy, degree, 595 Logsdon, P. W., degree, 1242 Logue, T. J., degree, 1555 Loh, A. T., degTee, 1534 Lohan, N. R,, appointment, 334, 1176 Lohman, Mrs. Harriet B., appointment, 1142 Lohmann, K. B., appointment, 155, 989 Lohmar, J. H., degree, 820 Lohmeyer, C. R., appointment, 62 resignation, 404 Lohr, Margaret P., degree, 591 Lohrer, Alice, appointment, 168, 695, 1003 Loikets, W. R., degree, 1551 Loitz, R. N., degree, 798 Loken, R. D., appointment, 142 leave of absence, 532 resignation, 1233 Loken, T. K., degree, 410 Lokke, Margaret J., appointment, 183, 1019 Lollock, E. W., degree, 588 Lomasney, W. F., appointment, 674, 929, 950, 953 Lombardo, V. L., degree, 1556 LoMonaco, J., degree, 1550 Lomonte, Rose M., decree, 1543 Lonchar, Angela, appointment, 319, 1158 Londrigan, R. J., degree, 808, 809 Lonergan, J. W., degree, 810 Long, Mrs. Alice R., appointment, 331 Long, Mrs. Harriett 3 . , appointment, 263, 1099 Long, J. S., appointment, 357, 1185 Long, L., appointment, 1448 Long, P. J., degree, 823 Long, Ross, appointment, 269 Long, Roy, 299, 1136 Long, R. W., degree, 810 Long, S., degree, 581 Long, Thelma F., appointment, 396 resignation, 878 Long, W., appointment, 293 Long, W. D., degree, 1391 Long, W. W., degree, 587, 1243 Longacre, A., appointment, 132, 967, 1274, 1350 leave of absence, 1425 Longacre, J. W., degree, 1389 Longaker, C. F„ degree, 81s Longan, Agnes, appointment, 309, 1147 Longava, Frances R., appointment, 1158 Long Bell Lumber Co., purchase, 439 Longest, J. W., degree, 594 Longini, Joan, appointment, 363, 674, 1048 Long Lumber Co., purchase, 343, 838, 1343 Longman, Louise C , degree, 407 Longmire, F. E., appointment, 118, 932 Longshaw, W. J., degree, 1252 Longshore, C. C , degree, 1567 Longshore, Helen L., degree, 811 Loo, Yen H., appointment, 102, 136, 936, 971 declination, 1280 Looby, W. E., appointment, 363, " 9 2 Looker, C. B., Jr., appointment, 153, 396. 988 Looker, J. H., appointment, 72 resignation, 404 Loomis, C. E., degree, 1568 Loomis, C. O., degree, 1249 Loomis, F. W„ appointment, 131, 966 leave of absence, 519 extension, 1103, 1235 Loomis, Harriet R., appointment, 9 Loomis, Metta M., appointment, 231, 1069 Looper, Marvin, degree, 822 • Looper, Michael, degree, 1571 Loos, J., Jr., degree, 418, 792 Loos, J. E., degree, 804, 1544 fellowship, 681 Loose, Mrs. Ruth L., appointment, 316, U53 Lopeman, H. E., appointment, 283, 1119
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