UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1597]

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Levinson, S. O., appointment, 360, 1189 Levis, Evelyn J., degree, 1560 Levit, M. H., degree, 1561 Levitt, M„ Gallery, purchase, 711 Levitt, R. O., appointment, 353, 1182 Levitt & Sons, Inc., contract, 33 Levy, B. H. degree, 1563 Levy, Dorothea A., degree, 812 Levy, E. R., degree, 1536 Levy, G., appointment, 355,. 1183 Levy, H., appointment, 80, 696, 913 Levy, H> A., appointment, 204, 1182 Levy, Helen, appointment, 320 Levy, S., appointment, 216, 1052, 1053 Levy, Vardith. N., degree, 1572 Lewandoski, Mrs. Martha S., appointment, 6 5 . resignation, 404 Lewandowski, F. P., degree, 1552 » Lewenstein, M„ appointment, 446, 1227 Lewick, Anita R., degree, 1396 Lewicki, W. L., degree, 813 Lewin, H. B., degree, 1563 Lewin, H. R., degree, 1561 Lewin, P., member of advisory committee, 562 Lewis, Alberta F., degree, 1239 Lewis, Arlene, appointment, 321 Lewis, Bernice, degree, 1237 Lewis, Mrs. Beverly J., appointment, 288 Lewis, Blanohe L., appointment, 276, 1112 Lewis, Bonnie, appointment, 692 Lewis, Carl, appointment, 299, 1136 Lewis, Clyde, appointment, 1136 Lewis, C. B., Jr„ certificate, 1292 Lewis, Charles E., degree, 813, 1109 Lewis, Cornelius E., • appointment, 274, 1.110 Lewis, C. G., degree, 1564 Lewis, C. J., appointment, 300 Lewis, Clarissa O., appointment, 184, 1019 Lewis, D. L., degree, 1567 Lewis, Dorothy A„ degree, 806 Lewis, E. G., appointment,'82, 698, 916 leave of absence, 1408 Lewis, E. W., appointment, 271, 1107 Lewis, Florence J., degree, 420 Lewis, G, K., appointment, 359, 1187 leave of absence, 574 Lewis, Gail W., degree, 1555 Lewis, H„ degree, 824, 1574 Lewis, H. A., appointment, 530, 1190 Lewis, J., appointment, 275, 1107, 1111 Lewis, J. L., degree, 810 Lewis, J. M., appointment, 93, 509, 927 Lewis, Joan, appointment, 321 Lewis, L. D., appointment, 65, 898 Lewis, L. R., degree, 1541 Lewis, M. F., degree, 590 Lewis, Mary, appointment, 1116 Lewis, O., appointment, 84, 699, 918 book, printing, 1416. leave of absence, 1425 Lewis, O. P., appointment, 271, n 07 Lewis, R. C , degree, 591 Lewis, R. D., appointment, 260, 1102 Lewis, R. R-, degree, 806 Lewis, Rosalie C , degree, 1564 Lewis, S. R., & Associates, engineering services, remodeling of quarters for Physical Medicine, 764 Lewis, Sara M., degree, 1550 Lewis, Verna B., appointment, n 29 Lewis, W. C , appointment, 355, 1183 Lewis, W. D., degree, 420, 1236 Lewis, W. H., appointment, 1528 degree, 1565 Lewison, M. M., appointment, 360, 1189 Lew Worthem Building Maintenance Co., contract, 707 Lewy, C , appointment, 872,914, 971 Lewy, R. B„ appointment, 3S9, 1187 Lezan, Shirlene R., degree, 812

Lepp, Betty L., degree, 813 Lepp, Lillian, appointment, 1160 Lepp, S., degree, 818 Lepper, M. H., appointment, 211, 446, 1190, 1379 Lerner, H. I., degree, 8a6 Lerner, I., appointment, 361, 1189 Lerner, Lois B., degree, 1250 Lerner, Ruth G., degree, 826 LeRoy, H. D., degree, 801 Lescher, F. M., appointment, 153, 988 Lesemann, R. F., appointment, 534, 672, 895,

1000, 1499

Lesb, C. P., Paper Co., purchase, 67.2, 1206 Lesher, D. J., degree, 424 Leshin, N., appointment, 359, 1187 Lesk, I. A., degree, 1282 Leslie, Betty J., degree, 1556 Leslie, Dorothy M., degree, 812 Leslie, G. E., certificate, 1329 Leslie, K. C , degree, 587 Leslie, P., degree, 1390 Lesondak, G. J., degree, 818 Lessin, R. L., degree, 804 Lester, K. D., appointment, 290, 1127 LeSueur, Mrs. Betty M., degree, 811, 872 Letchinger, M, H., degree, 799 Lete, J. R., degree, 596 Leu, R. F., degree, 597 Leucht, E. E., degree, 596 Leukemia, research, gift, 555, 1217, 1473 Leurgans, P. J., fellowship, 513, 681 Leufhold, D. W., degree, 1252 Leutholtz, Charlotte, appointment, 323 Leutwiler, O. A., appointment, 128, 963 Leutwiler Award Committee, gift, 1214 Lev, M., appointment, 208, 229 resignation, 1233 Leva, Sonja, degree, 810 LeVar, R. R., degree, 1561 Leveen, Betty H., degree, 1555 Levenfeld, M. A., certificate, 1329 Levenson, Mrs. Beverly, appointment, 644 Levenson, S. D., certificate, 842 degree, 1387 Leverenz, C. C , degree, 1558 Leverenz Electric Co., contract, 344, 370, 493, 638, 763 modernization of transformer vault serving Busey and Evans Residence Halls, bid, deposit retained, 494 withdrawn, 494 Levi, R. S., degree, 828 Levin, A. A., degree, 809 Levin, A. P., degree, 815 Levin, Betty-Ann, degree, 1397 Levin, Fern F., degree, 421 Levin, Frances, lease, 1209 Levin, H. E., member of advisory committee, 1255 Levin, H. S-, degree, 1572 Levin, Mrs. Irene F., appointment, 1103 Levin, J. C , degree, 824, 1574 Levin, M. D., degree, 1557 Levin, M. M., certificate, 1490 Levin, R. L., degree, 806 Levin, S. D., certificate, 842 Levin, S. I., degree, 1398 Levinberg, Roselyn, degree, 787 Levine, A. H., degree, 1561 Levine, E. J., degree, 824, 1574 Levine, E. S., degree, 1555 LeVine, H. J., appointment, 355, 1183 Levine, M. D., degree, 1562 Levine, N. D,, appointment, 113, 162, 163, 947, 997, 998 Levine, R., appointment, 362, 1190 Levine, S. B., appointment, 179, 1015 Levine, S. H., certificate, 1338 Levinson, Ida, appointment, 86, 699, 920, 1456 Levinson, S. A., appointment, 208, 227, 1044, 1065