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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Lead sheath materials, study, contract, change, 1417 Leaf, B. B., certificate, 41 Leahey, T. F., degree, 1551 Leal, F. A., appointment, 1527 Lear, Waneta, appointment, 11, 1308 Learner, A., appointment, 360, 1188 Learsy, C. A., appointment, 358, 1186 Lease, B., appointment, 338, 242, 702, 703, 1081 Leases, Appleby, W., 1306 Army, Corps of Engineers, 441 Berry, Lyda M., 1209 Central National Bank & Trust Co. of Peoria, 1209 Chicago, city of, 1475 Collins & Lewis, 1209 Graves, Mrs. E. E., 1464 Hofbauer, D., 1361 Illinois, State of, Building, 866 Illinois State Trust Co., 33 Katsinas, J., extension, request, 388, 1503 termination recommended, 517 LaSalle Hotel, 764 Levin, Frances, 1209 Nelson, Shirley P., 1208 New York Central Railroad Co., 1209 Pringle, J. T., 1208 Seten, Mary H., 1306 Summers, C. R., 1208 Texas Illinois Natural Gas Pipeline Co., 1464 Urbana, city of, 1464 Leasman, Pauline M., degree, 1242 Leasman, R. E., degree, 1236 Leathers, J. O., degree, 586 Leaves of absence, nonacademic employees, regulations, 1435 amendment, 1515 sabbatical, list, 475, 603, 1407 Amador, L. V., 778 Anderson, A. W., 1408 change, 1507 Armstrong, Grace B., 1353 Ashelford, L. E., 513 Axelrod, Audrey J., 684 Ayers, A. R., 732 Baer, R., 1407 Bauer, F. C , 1316 Beam, G. R., 532, 732 Benne, K. D., 1502 Benner, T. E., 475, 1194 cancellation, 53 s Blakeslee, Janet S., 1280 Booth, A. W., 1316 Brady, Dorothy S., 732 Bray, R. H., 604 Briscoe, J. W., 732 Bronfenbrermer, Mrs. Jean A., 479 Brown, G. B., 684 Bruck, Helen, 1353 Bruckner, W. H., 1334 Brunner, M. J., 732 Buddemeier, W. D., 604 Burnette, P. J., 479 Byers, W . H., 732 Calloway, N. O., 573 Carlton, H. H., 574 Carter, D. G., 1408 Cattell, R. B., 604 Chalmers, W . E., 646, 77«. 778 Chandler, Mrs. Margaret K., 1316 Changon, Pauline E., 1383. 1488 Chen, Mrs. Mo-Ling H., 646 Chernoff, H „ 778 Clark, J. W., 1530 Cochran, J. A., 532 Cole, W. H., 778 Condon, A. C , 1235, J3°3 Cornell, F. G„ 475, 5J3 Cottrell, Frances E., 1316 Leaves of absence, cont'd Crawford, C. W., 1408 Cronbach, L. J., 1531 Cureton, T. K., 604 Curtis, J. 0 . , 1235 Dallenbach, F. D., 574 Dangerfield, R., 574, 879 Dawn, C. E., 574 Day, M. M., 479 DeMers, E. F., 574 Dewey, R. S., 1408 Donovan, C. V., 1408 Duffield, R. B., 1316 Eales, E. P., 732 Edelman, J. M., 1502 Edman, Marjorie, 1353, 1383 Falls, J . L., 574 Farago, P. J., 646 Farnham, E. M„ 1235 Fellows, J. R., 1408 Flanagan, J. T., 1407, 1491 Fogle, Catherine L., 684, 1488 Frey, J. R., 604 Fuson, R. C., 1408 Gage, N. L., 475, 513 Gant, V. A., 1334 Garland, J. H,, 604 Gettmann, R. A., 684, 1407 Glickman, N., 405 Goodyear, Margaret R., 1407 Gray, H. M-, 405 Gum, Mrs. Wanda N., 1383 Hackleman, J. C , 1503 Haeberlin, J. B., Jr., 779 Hagan, C. B., 1531 Hagen, E. E., 1235 Hancock, R. S., 732 Harris, W. S., 1531 Heck, C. V., 479 Henderson, K. B., cancellation, 704 Herman, C. E., 684, 879 Hieser, Lucile, 1503 Hoban, T. J., 646 Hochschild, G. P., 879 Hoelscher, R. P., 604 Hoffmeister, D. F., 1408 Hogan, J. D., 1531 Horowitz, M. A., 732 Howe, Q., 1383 Hudson, R. B., 684, 1503 Huegy, H. W., 1353 Hultzen, L. S., 1408 Hurwicz, L., 405 Ingle, L., 1408 Ivy, A. C., 1320 Jacobs, H. J., 779 James, Viola L., 449 Johnson, R. H., 1280 Johnston, L. D., 684 Tones, G. N., 1408 Jugenheimer, R. W., 1408 change, 1507 Kelly, J. R., 1408 Kendall, K. A., 514 Kennedy, W. E., 514 KitzmiUer, J. B., 1408 Kolb, P., 604 Krausz, N. G. P., 479 Krouse, Ruth, 684 Kruger, P. G., 1408 Krzywoblocki, M. Z., 1408 cancellation, 1507 Kubly, H. O., 733 Kudo, R. R., 604 Kuypers, J. M., 336 Lacky, A. D., 406 Landis, P. N., 1407 Larsen, R. P., 879 Lawson, L. J., Jr., 574 Lehmann, E. W., 604 Leimert, Mary, 684
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