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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1686 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Krejci, E. J., appointment, 216, 1052 Krell, A., Jr., degree, 594 Krell, Mrs. Joyce, appointment, 262 Krelle, W. W., degree, 1249 Kremen, Dorothy E., degree, 793 Kremen, S., degree, 1572 fellowship, 1231 Krenn, Irene L., degree, 454 Kresge, A. J., appointment, 690 fellowship, 1481 Kresge, Mrs. Mary T., appointment, i m Kret, R. J., degree, 420 Kretchmer, H. E., appointment, 364, " 9 3 Kretschmer, H. L., appointment, 364, 1102 Kretschmer, V. L., appointment, 190, 1025 Kreutz, R. L., degree, 423 Kreuz, Loretta B., degree, 1244 Kreydich, J., degree, 804 Krez, C. A., degree, 797 Krichevsky, P., degree, 1358 Kriegman, O. M„ degree, 813, 1538 Krigbaum, T. H„ degree, 424 Kriksciunaite, Aldona-Anastazija,' degree, 812, 1536 Krimen, L. I., degree, 1540 Kristufek, C. J., appointment, 872, 1088, 1458 degree, 79s Kritz, W. R., de.gree, 1396 Kritzer, A., certificate, 488 Krivanek, J. O., degree, 584 Krizan, T. F., appointment, 160, 995 Kroeger, A. V., degree, 1569 Kroger Co., gift, 547, 1210 Krogh, H. O., degree, 1547 Krogh, Mrs. Margaret R., appointment, 1092 Krogstad, G. M., certificate, 842 Krohngold, R., degree, 594 Krolick, E. J., appointment, 1227 Kroll, G., degree, 824, 1574 Kromhout, Ora M., degree, 795 Kromhout, R. A., appointment, 1379 Kromrey, J. M., appointment, 249, 703, 1088 declination, 778, 1233 Krone, H. V., degree, 1552 Krone, L. H., Jr., fellowship, 1480 declination, 1487 Kronenberg, N. W., degree, 826 Kroner, Frieda L., appointment, 256 Kronfeld, P. C., appointment, 206, 1042 Krotoszynski, B., appointment, 1350 Kroupa, A. T., degree, 798 Krouse, F. M., appointment, 1449 Krouse, Ruth T., appointment, 82 leave of absence, 684 Krout, Johanna, appointment, 488 resignation, 1233 Krstansky, J. J., degree, 1394 Krueger, D. A., certificate, 1329 Krueger, Mrs. Marjorie P., appointment, 301 Krueger, O. A., degree, 801 Krueger, R. H., degree, 1558 Krueger, T. C , degree, 422 Kruger, F. W., appointment, 289 Kruger, Lois M., degree, 820 Kruger, P. G., appointment, 131, 509, 872, 966, 1274 leave of absence, 1408 Kruger, W. S., degree, 812 Kruggel, Audrey, appointment, 1160 Kruidenier, F. J., appointment, 87, 509, 701, 921 Kowalski, S. J., Jr., degree, 1249 Kozacka, J. S., appointment, 247, 1086 Kozakiewicz, A. E., Jr., degree, 1400 Kozel, Barbara J., degree, 1555 Kozeliski, Mrs. Barbara A., appointment, 284 Kozeliski, R. E., degree, 597 Kozeny, O., Jr., degree, 804 Kozlowski, Leokadya J., degree, 8io Kozol, J. F., certificate, 842 Kraabel, Virginia M., degree, 1563 Kraehenbuehl, J. O., appointment, 126, 693, 960, 1448 Kraemer, H. F., degree, 1539 fellowship, 775, 1481 Kraft, D. E., degree, 1551 Kraft, H. D., degree, 801 Krahula, J. L., degree, 1535 Kraiman, E. A., degree, 789 fellowship, 678, 1481, 1500 declination, 1502 Kraines, S., appointment, 361 Krako, R. H., certificate, 489 Krakower, C. A., appointment, 208, 229, 1044, 1068 Krakowski, M., degree, 415 Krall, R. E., degree, 591 Kramer, C , degree, 415 Kramer, D. B., degree, 590 Kramer, D. F., degree, 1239 Kramer, E-, degree, 1563 Kramer, E. N., degree, 591 Kramer, G. T., degree, 1563 Kramer, Gertrude A., degree, 788 Kramer, Gloria N., degree, 800 Kramer, I. F., certificate, 535, *33° withheld, 664 Kramer, M. A., degree, 422 Kramer, Marjorie, degree, 592 Kramer, R. H., degree, 1576 Krametbauer, Ann M. H., degree, 828 Kramp, E. H. A., appointment, 216 Kraner, Mildred K., degree, 1243 Krans, D. H., appointment, 129, 696, 963, 1452 Krantz, L. E., Jr., degree, 1561 Krasno, L., appointment, 352, 1180 Krasnow, S. E., appointment, 446, 1184 Krathwohl, D. R., appointment, 151, 986 Kratina, Anne B., degree, 592 Kratochvil, Mrs. Sophie, appointment, 319, 1158 Kratovil, Lorraine J., degree, 812 Kratz; A. P., appointment, 128, 963 Kratz, Mrs. Muriel B., appointment, 266 Kratz, P. W., Jr., degree, 791 Kraul, R. H., degree, 1248 Krause, C. D., appointment, 206, 1041 Krause, C. F-, degree, 418 Krause, K. A., degree, 1565 Krause, R. M., degree, 1398 Krause, W. P., degree, 808 Krausz, N. G. P., appointment, 96, 178, 929, 1013 leave of absence, 479 Kraut, N., degree, 7p6 Krautz, Agnes, appointment, 322 Kravets, L., degree, 816 Kraybill, Carolyn J., degree, 820 Kreoiozen, research and clinical studies under direction of Dr. A. C. Ivy, discussion, 1311 Krebs, A. H., appointment, 395, 477, 979, 984 Krebs, Margaret E., appointment, 224 resignation, 448 Krebs, W. H., appointment, 192 Kreeger, M. H., member of advisory committee, 563 Kreger, W. E., degree, 1386 Krehbiel, R. H., appointment, 201, 1037 Kreid, L. F., Jr., degree, 1398 Kreismanis, Margrieta O., degree, 1546 Krejca, F., appointment, 359, " 8 8 Krulfeld, M., degree, 1281 Krull, R. E., degree, 1549 Krumdieck, G. W., degree, 818 Krumejch, J. K., degree, 407 Krumhaar, G. W., certificate, 842 Krumm, A., degree, 1561 Krumsiek, Helen E., appointment, 264 Krumsiek, W. W., appointment, 175 Krupnick, M., degree, 419 Krupp, L. J., certificate, 41 Krupski, J. A., degree, 1561
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