UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1577]

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Interferometer glass. Aeronautical Engineering, purchase, 344 International Association of Machinists Union, District No. 9, gift, 1213 International Harvester Co., purchase, 377, 439 International Minerals & Chemical Corp., contract, change, 668, 865 International Nickel Co., Inc., gift, 1213 stock, purchase, 835 International Steel Co., purchase, 671 International Union of Operating Engineers, letter, status of former employee, referred to Committee on Nonacademic Personnel 1332 Inter Ocean Cabinet Co., purchase, 441 Interstate Printers & Publishers, Inc., pur chase, 467, 1206, 1305, 1465 Inter-University Labor Education Committee; gift, 1469 Intracellular enzymes, synthesis and maintenance, research, gift, 1214 Intravenous gelatin, research, gift, 1216 Inugai, M., fellowship, i486 declination, 1487 Investments, 379, 567, 568, 834, 1291, 1420, 1497 Inwood, Calvene, degree, 407 Iocca, f. M., degree, 418 Ireland, C. E., degree, 1563 Ireland, F. L., degree, 823 Ireland, H. O., appointment, 125, 959 Ireland, Shirley, appointment, n 64 Ireland, W. W., degree, 826 Ireneus, C , Jr., appointment, 214, 1050 Ires, J. L., degree, 412 Ireton, J. E., degTee, 597 Irion, A. L., appointment, 83, 698, 916 resignation, 1233 Irish, K. R., appointment, 362, 1191 Irish, L. R., degree, 824, 1574 Iron, Noyes Laboratory, purchase, 614 Irons, E. E., appointment, 352, 1181 Irons, E. N., appointment, 354, 1182 Irons, J. H., degree, 810 Irvin, J. W., degree, 1549 Irvine, L. Jane, appointment, 207, 394, 1043 Irvine, Lydia A., degree, 806 Irvine, W., appointment, 298, 1135 Irving, F. W., degree, 817 Irving, R. D-, degree, 412 Irwin, Mrs. Kathleen E., appointment, 273 Irwin, Martha, appointment, 301, 1138 Irwin, O. R., appointment, 44 Isaac, Ethel, degree, 810 Isaacs, J. A., certificate, 842 Isaacson, A., certificate, 1330 Isan, M. R., degree, 1538 Isbell, P. W., appointment, 303, 1139 Ison, E. W., appointment, 1127 Isotope laboratory, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 40 Italian, See Spanish and Italian. Ivancevich, R., degree, 821 Ivens, Elizabeth H. t degree, 1549 Ivens, Mrs. Loreena W., appointment, 445 Ivens, Virginia, appointment, 163, 999 Ivers, Margery A., degree, 819 « Iversen, B. G., degree, 589 Iverson, Mrs. Alice F., appointment, 243, 394, 1082, 1313, 1378, 1458 Iverson, H. E., contract, 1360 Ives, Marjorie B., degree, 820 Ivy, A. C , appointment, 197, 203, 509, 1032, 1038 Krebiozen research, discussion, 1311 leave of absence, 1320 Ivy, H. K., fellowship, 46 Iwig, Dorothy J., appointment, 109, 120, 942, 953 Izzo, Mrs. Nancy D., appointment, 324, 1162

Ingels, R. F., degree, 808 Ingels, W. H„ degree, 400 Ingersoll, Roberta E., appointment, 282 Ingham, Carolyn S., appointment, 1423 Inghram, Mrs, Florence B., appointment, 64 resignation, 878 Ingle, L., appointment, 87, 921 leave of absence, 1408 Inglesh, Jacqueline M., degTee, 806 Ingold, E., gift, 466 appreciation, resolution, 466 Ingold, R. J., degree, 821 Ingold, Mrs. Shirley J., appointment, 1112 IngTaham, R. C , appointment, 210, 1046 Ingram, Doris M., appointment, 1105 Ingrassia, J. A., degree, 423 IngTassia, M. J., degree, 821 Ingwerson, B. A., appointment, 159, 994 Injuries to employees, budget, 69, 902 Inland Supply Co., purchase, 439 Inlander Brothers, purchase, 1263 Inoue, N. S., appointment, 1350 degree, 1394 Inouye, Tohru, appointment, 20s, 1040 Insecticides, study, contract, 1208 addition, 865 gift, SSI. 1470 Inskip, F. R., & Co., contract, 527, 638, 846, 1203, 1259 purchase, 613 Inskip, H. K., appointment, 394, 906 Inskip, Lois W., fellowship, 401 Institute of Boiler & Radiator Manufacturers, contract, change, 1208, 1306 Institute for Research on Exceptional Children, established, 1523 Institutional Research, Bureau of, budget, 59, 256, 892, 1092 Instrument lockers, Music, appropriation, 492 Instruments, Bands, appropriation, 546 purchase, 671 Music, appropriation, 12S9 iurchase, 467, 670 ating solids, electronics in, research, contract, 378 Insulation, East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, contract, 1414 Insulin, research, gift, 550 Insurance, hospital malpractice liability, Health Service at Urbana, premium, appropriation, 434 hospital-medical-surgical, contract, continuance, 715 purchase, automobile, 768 aviation liability, 712 boiler and machinery, Physical Plant, 33 builders' risk, Men's Residence Hall in Chicago, 1495 Research and Educational Hospitals Addition, 32 Staff Apartment Building in Chicago, 1494 dishonesty, disappearance, and destruction, Business Office, 501 employer's workmen's compensation, liability, and property damage, 32 fire, Iilini Union, 1466 Illini Union Bookstore, 716 Navy Pier Drill Hall, 614 rental properties in Urbana-Champaign,



Student and Staff Apartments, 768, 769 hospital malpractice liability, Health Service at Urbana, 501 McKinley Hospital, 501 staff, budget, 61, 894 Insurance Co. of North America, insurance, purchase, 614 Insurance curriculum, revisions, 490 Insurance short course, contract, 469, 560 Intensifier, Chemistry, purchase, 37s Intercommunication equipment, Abbott Power Plant addition, purchase, 557