UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1578]

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Jablonicky, M. P., degree, 817 Jablonsky, J . G., degree, 1553 Jacaway, W. H., degree, 418 Jachec, S. W., degree, 1565 Jachim, S. J., degree, 805 Jackisch, D. F., certificate, 488 Jackman, W. C , appointment, 242, 1077, 1081, 1458 Jackobs, J. A., appointment, 1179 Jackson, B. B., appointment, 60, 893 Jackson, C , appointment, 1099 Jackson, C. H., degree, 1395 Jackson, C. O., appointment, 159, 994, 1453 Jackson, C. T., appointment, 300, 1137 Jackson, Mrs. Clara, appointment, 273, 1209 Jackson, D. D., appointment, 170, 509, 1002, 100s Jackson, Dale £ . , degree, 450 Jackson, Delbert E., degree, 798 Jackson, E. L., appointment, 354, 1183 Jackson, E. R., appointment, 280, 1116 Jackson, Eileen, degree, 413 Jackson, Mrs. Estelle, appointment, 1170 ackson, F. H., appointment, 394, 907 ackson, G. G., appointment, 704, 1047, 1378 ackson, Gladys L., appointment, 1173 ackson, Mrs. Grace, appointment, 1149 ackson, H. O., degree, 810 Mrs. Harriet, ! ackson, J., degree, 594appointment, 331, 1172 Jackson, Jackson, J. F., appointment, 77, 910 relieved of duties as head of department, I3S8 Jackson, J. J., degree, 79s Jackson, Lillian M., degree, 409 Jackson, Mrs. M. Jean, appointment, 258 Jackson, Margaret L., degree, 1554 Jackson, Marianna, degree, 1558 Jackson, Mary L., degree, 1565 Jackson, Mildred R.', appointment, 361, 1189 Jackson, N. R., appointment, 310, 1148 Jackson, Naomi F., degree, 591 Jackson, O. L., degree, 1399 Jackson, Phyllis, appointment, 311, 1149 Jackson, R. E., degree, 594 Jackson, Rosalie K., diploma, IS75 Jackson, T. A., degree, 802 Jackson, Ulette, appointment, 1159 Jackson, W. C , degree, 1548 Jackson, W. H., degree, 798 Jackson, W. P., degree, 595 Jackson, William Ray, degree, 592 Jackson, W. Richard, Jr., fellowship, 777 Jackson, W. V., appointment, 300, 1136 degree, 793 . ,, Jacob, Mrs. Arlene, appointment, 325, " 6 6 Jacob, J. P., degree, 828 Jacob, P. E., appointment, 77, S°9, 9 1 0 Jacobowitz, H., fellowship, 513 resignation, 573 Jacobs, C. M., degree, 418 Jacobs, E. B., degree, 1541 Jacobs, Ellen F., degree, 586 Jacobs, H. A., degree, 595 Jacobs, H. B., certificate, 1329 Jacobs, H. J., appointment, 140 leave of absence, 779 Jacobs, J. H., appointment, 1451 Jacobs, J. L„ degree, 1556 Jacobs, L., appointment, 570, 10S4 acobs, Marcella M., degree, 1560 acobs, Mary K., appointment, 1134 acobs, N. N., degree, 1570 acobs, R. F., degree, 1242 ^ , acobs, Mrs. Roberta, appointment, 264, 1100 acobs, S., resignation, 403 acobs, S. L., appointment, 15*7 degree, 1540 acobs, W. R., appointment, 570 Acobsen, Jane M„ degree, 1505 acobsen, Mrs. Jennie C , appointment, 1097 acobsen, R. B„ appointment, 300, U37


acobson, A., degree, 798 acobson, D., certificate, 41 acobson, Deborah, degree, 1396 acobson, E. L., degree, 597 acobson, H. N., appointment, 1185 Jacobson, I., degree, 422 Jacobson, Kathryn M., degree, 812 Jacobson, M. M., appointment, 357, 1186 Jacobson, Marilyn Y., degree, 1537 Jacoby General Contractors, contract, 1360 Tacover, G. S., degree, 814 Jacqmain, Mrs. Lucy A., appointment, 1163 Jacques, J. W., degree, 787 Jacques, W. L., degree, 418 Jaeger, A., appointment, 1499 Jaeger, R. P., appointment, 283, 1119 discovery, patent, application, 1463 Jaenke, E. A., degree, 1549 Jaenke, S. F., degree, 1535 Jaffe, G. S., degree, 806 Jaffe, H., degree, 809 Jaffe, M., appointment, 1141 Jaffe, M. J., degree, 815 Jaffray, J. B., member of advisory committee, 365, 1195 Jagielski, Theresa, appointment, 320, 1159 Jaglowski, Florence, appointment, 1149 Jaglowski, Victoria, appointment, 317, 1155 Jagodzinski, Eleanor M., degree, 828 Jagodzinski, Jean, appointment, 314, 1151 Jagodzinski, Wanda E., degree, 1S76 Jahn, Mrs. Jane H., appointment, 1150 Jahn, Mrs. Lois K., appointment, 288 Tahn, M. D., certificate, 1329 Jahn, R. G. E., degree, 813 Tahnke, J. C , degree, 806 Jahns, A. A., certificate, 1330 jakofsky, M., degree, 586 Jakowatz, C. V., appointment, 126, 693, 961, 1378 Jamar-Olmen Co., contract, 25 James, Mrs. Cora L., appointment, 299, 1135 James, H. L., fellowship, 682 declination, 731 James, L. L., appointment, 303, 1139 James, L. V., contract, 1518 James, Marian F-, appointment, 102, 936 James, Mary F., appointment, 157. 99* James, R. E., degree, 1242 James, R. M., certificate, 41 degree, 780 James, Rachel B., degree, 818 James, T. N., degree, 1562 James, Verda E., appointment, 218, 1055, 1273 James, Viola L., appointment, 168, 174, 1004, 1010, 1451 leave of absence, 449 James, W. E., degree, 412 Jameson, G., contract, 1464 Jamieson, J. R., appointment, 129, 964 resignation, 1353 Janak, Dolores M., degree, 800 Janata, A. J., appointment, 58, 891 elected Secretary of Board, 601, 1404 signature, delegation, 4, 444, 602, 858, 1405 Tanci, S. J., degree, 418 Janes, A. W., appointment, 92, 115, 92$, 948 Janes, R. W., appointment, 85, 918 Janis, Phyllis K., degree, 1393 Janis, S., Gallery, purchase, 711 Janis, V., Jr., degree, 588 Janke, C. W., appointment, 297, 1133 Janke, Mrs. Leota L., appointment, 530, 698, 1273 Janney, D. H., degree, 1552 Janney, I. W., appointment, 871, 1226 Janopaul, R. N., degree, 1540 Janowiak, F. J., certificate, 1330 Janson, C. Helge M., appointment, 354, 1183 Janssen, Bernice I., degree, 1547