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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Hudelson, R. R., appointment, 92, 94, 487, 868, 925, 927, 1226 appreciation of services, 1339 relieved of assignments in College of Commerce and Business Administration, 1339 Hudgens, C. R., appointment, 1477 fellowship, 877 Hudson, A. E., Co., purchase, 31 Hudson, C. R.t degree, 1553 Hudson, Harriet D., appointment, 141, 477, 977 Hudson, Nancy, degree, 807 Hudson, Neva N., degree, 1543 Hudson, P. K., appointment, 126, 693, 961, 1226, 1449 Hudson, R. B., appointment, 166, 169, 509, 1002, 167I 1004 leave of absence, 684, 1503 report on television station at University, 1310 Hudson, R. S., degree, 417 Hudson, Ruth A., appointment, 85, 179, 918, 1015 Hudson, Shirley A., degree, 1395 Hudson, W. J., appointment, 330, 1172 Hudspeth, Cherry R., appointment, 1100 Hueber, Lorene G., degree, 820 Huebner, C. R., degree, 1394 Huebner, D. C , appointment, 332, 1174 Huebner, H. R., degree, 810 Huebner, L. F. A., degree, 804 Huebner, R. R., degree, 787 Huegy, H. W., appointment, 138, 689, 974 leave of absence, 1353 Hueler, W. U., degree, 1567 Huelke, D. F., degree, 1558 Huelsen, W. A., appointment, i n , 945 Huelster, Laur3 J., appointment, 6, 161, 996 Huey, J. R., member of advisory committee, 1194 Huff, R. C , degree, 1568 Huff, R. H., degree, 810 Huff Gymnasium, appropriations, 340, balances reappropriated, 1198 remodeling, appropriation, 340, 1359 contracts, 340 adjustment, 524, 1209 roof, appropriation, 366 contract, 545 Huffine, Nellie, appointment, 301 Huffman, C. E., degree, 806 Huffman, Mrs. Delores E., appointment, J124 Huffman, H. D., degree, 815 Huffman, Mabel, degree, 407 Huffman, Mrs. Mary A., appointment, n 12 Huffman, W. J., appointment, 160, 174, 994> 1009 degree, 1283 Hugh, F. M., degree, 1553 Hughbanks, N. D., degree, 597 Hughes, A. J., degree, 820 Hughes, Betty L. L„ degree, 812 Hughes, E. L.j appointment, 44, 394, 972 Hughes, E. M., member of advisory committee, 1194 Hughes, E. O., appointment, 274, > " o Hughes, Eleanor M., appointment, 313 Hughes, Emma J., appointment, 1000 degree, 806 Hughes, G. C , degree, 596 Hughes, Mrs. Marilyn D., appointment, 287, 1123 Huisken, G. S., degree, 597 Huitema, R., appointment, 243, 703, 1082, 1458 Hulbert, Eleanor W„ degree, 1550 Hulet, C. V., fellowship, 1479 declination, 1487 Hulet, Mrs. Kathleen R., appointment, 301 Hulet, R. E., appointment, 63, 896 Hulett, H. P., degree, 801 Hulett, J. E., Jr., appointment, 74, 85, 699, 918, 1454 Hulick, R. B., degree, 1250 Hull, A. H., degree, 594, 1544 Hull, Barbara L.,'degree, 1550 Hull, Betty L., appointment, 277, 1113 Hull, C. R., degree, 798 Hull, Grace H., degree, 806 Hull, L. H., I I , degree, 1549 Hull, Mrs. Mary E., appointment, 477 resignation, 731 Hull, T. G., appointment, 361, 1190 Hull, W. L., appointment, 129, 696, 963 Hull, W. R., degree, 1542 fellowship, 776, 1483 resignation, 1530 Hulsizer, R. I., Jr., appointment, 132, 871, 967, 1273 Hulslander, G. E., degree, 1549 Hult, R. E., appointment, 154, 989, 1445 Hultzen, L. S., appointment, 74, 86, 699, 907, 920, 14SS leave of absence, 1408 Human, Mary L., appointment, 445 resignation, 646 Humanities, Chicago Undergraduate Division, budget, 241, 332, 1080, 1173 summer session, 702, 1457 Humbard, L. D., degree, 1551 Humble, J. A., degree, 416 Humble, M. K., appointment, 146, 148, 692, 982, 1448 Humble, T. W., appointment, 217 Humes, J. F., appointment, 174, 179, 1009, Humes, Margaret L., appointment, 1105 Hummel, Barbara J., degree, 1240 Humphrey, Barbara M. A., degree, 800 Humphrey, J. C , appointment, 279, 1115 Humphrey, M., degree, 578 Humphreys, A. W., appointment, 1527 Humphreys, B. D., degree, 585 Hunbrecht, N. E., degree, 1548 Hundeby, Mrs. Doris, appointment, 324, 1163 Hundt, R. L., degree, 1556 Hunt, C. K., appointment, 1179, 1458 Hunt, C. L., appointment, 1130 Hunt, D. G., degree, 818 Hunt, E. E., appointment, 283, n 19 Hunt, Effie N., appointment, 76 Hunt, F., I l l , degree, 814 Hunt, J. C , degree, 806 Hunt, J. M., appointment, 652, 916 Hunt, Mrs. Julia M., appointment, 259, 1095 Hunt, R. R., appointment, 257, 1094 Hunter, Benjamin F., bequest, 662 estate, University's appearance in court, 709 Hunter, Carole A., appointment, 1139 Hunter, D. J., degree, 1549 Hunter, D. P., degree, 1247 Hunter, D. R., degree, 1242 Hunter, Doris M., degree, 826 Hunter, G. H., appointment, 157, 697, 991 Hunter Lumber Co., purchase, 615 Hunter, Mrs. Naomi, appointment, 86, 700, 920, 1456 Hunter, R. J., degree, 15 51 . Hunter, Rosemary E., diploma, 1575 Hunter, V. A., certificate, 842 Hunter, W. P., degree, 1540 Huntington, Dorothy A., fellowship, 682, i486 declination, 1530 Huntington, H. B., appointment, 871 1014 Hughes, Mrs. Mary 1122, 1123 M., appointment, 259. Hughes, Mrs. Ora D., appointment, 313, 1151 Hughes, R. J., certificate, 1178 Hughes, W . F., Jr., appointment, 206, 2 3 ' , 1042 Hughes, W. H., degree, 1549 Hughes Oil Co., purchase, 31 Huhnke, Hazel A., diploma, 1575
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