UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1573]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Howarth, Barbara, appointment, 1173 Howarth, H. J., degree, 597 Howe, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 328, 1169 Howe, G. F., degree, 1576 Howe, J. T., degree, 12S2 Howe, K. E., appointment, 692, 871, 1448 Howe, M. C., appointment, 157, 091, 992, 1452 Howe, M. Priscilla, appointment, 260, 1096 Howe, Q., appointment, 166, 1002, 1005 broadcasts, report of General Policy Committee, 866 leave of absence, 1383 purchase of University property, 1200 Howell, H. R., degree, 4-8 Howell, J. E., degree, 1284 Howell, M. F., appointment, 304, 1140 Howell, R. G., degree, 1565 Howerter, S. C , degree, 790 Howey, R., degree, 412 Howland, F. L., appointment, 674, 959, 1527 degree, 1540 Howser, R. E., appointment, 477, 1273 degree, 582 resignation, 1334 Hoyman, H. S., appointment, 159, 994, I4S3 Hoyne, A. L., appointment, 360, 1189 Hoyt, Mrs. Beverly A., appointment, 258, 1094 Hoyt, D. E., appointment, 293, 1130 Hoyt, Edith B. L., degree, 592 Hoyt, J. L., degree, 824, 1573 Hoyt, Mrs. Mary, appointment, 328, 1169 Hoyt, R. L., degree, 826 Hrdy, Elaine A., appointment, 323 Hrejsa, R. G., degree, 1562 Hrodey, G. J., certificate, 1407 Hrubant, G. R., degree, 810 Hrubant, H. H., degree, 1400 Hruby, Dorothy T., appointment, 871, 1042 Hsiao, Louisa J. C , degree, 1536 Hsiao, Lun, appointment, 1313 degree, 1281 Hsu, Ming P., degree, 1384 Hu, Irene F., degree, 1570 fellowship, 683 Huang, Tzu-Chuen, degree, T534 fellowship, 776 Hubbard, A. W., appointment, 160, 697, 994, -453 degree, 451 Hubbard, C. P., degree, 408 Hubbard, Clara B., degree, 1242 Hubbard, D. G., appointment, 1378 Hubbard, E. E., & Son, contract, 493 Hubbard, J. E., degree, 788 Hubbard, L. R., degree, 597 Hubbard, Mabel, appointment, 8 Hubble, C. J., appointment, 192, 1028 resignation, 1502 Huber, Doris, appointment, 331 Huber, Mrs. Evelyn R., appointment, 1130 Huber, J. R., degree, 1551 fellowship, 1500 Huber, L. E., degree, 591 Huber, Leah E., degree, 8io Huber, Marie, appointment, 277^ 1T13 Huber, Peggy, appointment, 1128 Huber, R. E., degree, 594 Huber, Ramona L., appointment, 277, 1113 Huber, W. E., degree, 579 Huber, W. G., degree, r 5 68 Hubert, F. C , certificate, 527 Hubka, Betty R., fellowship, 680 Hudd, R. N., degree, 801 Huddleston, J. B., degree, 1551 Huddleston, J. G., degree, 808 Huddlestone, C. D., certificate, 603 Hudelson, Dana, Inc., purchase, 342, 343, 376, 468, 671, 712, 768, 854, 1291 Hudelson, G. W., degree, 585 Hudelson, J. L., degree, 590

Household Finance Corp., stock, purchase, 568 House of Representatives, legislation, appro* priation bills, 844 State auditor, enlarging powers, 717 Houser, D. E., degree, 801 Houser, F. R., degree, 1552 Houser, L. T., degree, 584, 1548 House Staff, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 1065 Housh, J. F., degree, 1397 Housing, Chicago, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 40 bids, request, 569 bond issue, legal services, payment, 736 printing, contract, 622 resolution authorizing.^ 622 construction budget, revisions, 442 construction fund account, 666 contracts, 650 financing, 505, 569, 621 Illinois Pharmaceutical Association resolution, 34 site clearance, contract, 657 Urbana, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 39, 1198 budget, 193, 304, 1028, 1140 faculty, purchase, authorized, 736 Charles Street, 920 West, 3 1 Indiana Avenue, 706 West, 836 Pennsylvania Avenue, 201 West, 3 Race Street, 1704 South, 3 sale, procedure, 497 family units, gas regulators, contract, 839 leases, amendment of Statutes, 380 residence halls for men, expansion, architectural services, 367, 379 temporary family units, assignment to students, regulations, revised, 1460 water main installation, staff housing area, contract, 1360 Housing and Home Finance Agency, contract, 378, 1207 Housing deposit fee, change, 653 Housing Division, accounting machine, purchase, 558 budget, 66, 191, 263, 303, 899, 1027, 1099, "39 coke, purchase, 853 fire insurance, rental properties in UrbanaChampaign, 71 z Student and Staff Apartments, 768, 769 Housing research, field trial laboratory, contract, 1518 Houston, B. B., appointment, 698 fellowship, 513 Houston, Gloria S., degree, 577 Houston, Nancy E., appointment, 148, 161, 984, 996 Houston, R. K., appointment, 1453 Housworth, Amy, appointment, 322 Hout, Bessye L., degree, 1554 Houtz, Sara J., appointment, 1350 Hovde, Helen J., appointment, 24^, 1081, 1457 Hoverson, Jean C , degree, 1396 Hoving, H. R., degree, 1552 Howard, A. H., appointment, 1313 Howard, Mrs. Alberta, appointment, 1158 Howard, Angeline A., appointment, 210, 229, resignation, 1316 Howard, B. E., degree, 783 Howard, H. C , appointment, 358 Howard, J. A., appointment, 139, 445 resignation, 478, 878 Howard, Mrs. Jessie, appointment, 59, 892 Howard, L., appointment, 394 Howard, L. B., appointment, 105, 652, 925, 939 Howard, L. L., appointment, 962 Howard, Mrs. Lillian, appointment, 316, 1154 Howard Printing Co., purchase, 341, 710,

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