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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Haxby, J. W., I l l degree, 822 Hay, A. S., fellowship, 1481 Hay, D. J., appointment, 975 Hay, Elizabeth D., appointment, 393 Hay, Helen M., appointment, 135, 971 Hay, R. C , appointment, 97, 508, 930 Hay, Roberta M., degree, 1560 Hay, W. W., appointment, 124, 393, 958 Hayashida, T., degree, 1572 Hayden, D. B., appointment, 359, 1187 Hayden, E. C , appointment, 127, 530, 962 Hayes, H. M., appointment, 270, 1106 Hayes, H. P., degree, 1563 Hayes, J. L., degree, 423 Hayes, Joanne D., degree, 817 Hayes, Maria P., appointment, 1135 Hayes, Mary D., degree, 1388 Hayes, R. E., certificate, 41 Hayes, Rose B., appointment, 1060, 1226 Hayes, Vivian R., degree, 407 Hayes, W. B., Jr., insurance, purchase, 768 Hayes, W. P., appointment, 77, 910, 1449 Hayes Custom Kitchen House, purchase, 711 Hayes Scientific Appliances, purchase, 502 Hayman, A., appointment, 1273, 1449, 1477 degree, 577 Haynes, Mrs. Jane R., appointment, 1132 Haynes, M. K., degree, 450 Haynes, T. M., appointment, 393, 1273 Hays, Mrs. Althea, appointment, 115S Hays, Blanche L., appointment, 287 Hays, C. K., appointment, 272, 1109 Hays, E. M., Plumbing & Heating Co., contract, 368, 1290 adjustment, 669, 713, 770, 1417, 1521 Hays, R. L,, appointment, 104, 938, 949 Hays and Sims, purchase, 500 Hayton, B. Q., degree, 412 Hayward, D. R., degree, 1576 Hayward, H. N., appointment, 122, 126, 95s, 960 Haywood, H. V., degree, 412 Hayya, J., degree, 1551 Hazard, F. E., degree, 577 Hazleton, H. A., appointment, 198, 238, 644, 1033, 1077 authority to sign name of Comptroller t on withdrawals from Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy Construction Fund Account, 666 authority to sign name of President of Board, 602, 1404 Hazleton, Patricia J., degree, 1558 Hazlett, Joan L., appointment, 314, 1152 Hazlett, Olive C , appointment, 80, 913 Hazlett, W. H., appointment, 363, 1191 Head, growth, research, gift, 555 Headley, J. C , degree, 1549 Heagan, Mrs. Beatrice M., appointment, 1153 Heald, T. R., appointment, 280, 1116 Healey, E. H., degree, 455 Healey, E. L., degree, 1247 Health education, master's degree, 652 Health Service, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37, 40, 1196 budget, Chicago Professional Colleges, 198, 305, 1032, 1141 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 239, 331, 1079, 1173 , Urbana-Champaign departments, 65, 263, 898, 1099 electric energy supply, contract, 864 malpractice insurance, appropriation, 434 purchase, 501 remodeling, appropriation, 366, 470 contract, adjustment, 523, 524, 865 X-ray equipment, purchase, 712 Healy, G., degree, 1398 Healy, Mrs. Hazel M., appointment, 304, 1140 Healy, J. H., degree, 781 Heaney, N. S., appointment, 356, 1185 l663 Heape, H. T., degree, 1392 Hearity, Anne M., degree, 1573 Hearn, Mrs. June M., appointment, 73 resignation, 777 Hearn, W. R., degree, 781 resignation, 777 Heart, research, gift, 1472 Heart exhibit, contract, 1346 funds, gift, 554 Heart-o-grams, study, contract, change, 1328, 1417 Heartstedt, E. J., degree, 588 Heaster, J. R., degree, 1398 Heater, E. F., appointment, 121, 508, 954 Heath, Helen A., appointment, 393 Heath, J. D., degree, 824, 1574 Heath, Joyce, degree, 1554 Heatherman, E., appointment, 329, 1171 Heathman, Jessie E., appointment, 117, 118, 950, 952 , Heating, contract, Agricultural Engineering Annex, 847 Busey Hall, 763 David Kinley Hall, 24 East Chemistry Building, addition, 27 _ East Dentistry-Medicinc-Pharmacy Building, 1414 Huff Gymnasium, 340 Men's Residence Halls expansion, 763, 1290 minor alterations and remodeling, 368, 848, 1518 Noyes Laboratory, 345, 527, 1203 pump vault at northwest corner of Administration Building, 863 Radiocarbon Laboratory, 638 Research and Educational Hospitals Addition, addition, 1262 change, 640 plant breeding greenhouse, improvements, appropriation, 520 residence hall in Chicago, 650, 1312 Staff Apartment Building in Chicago, 650, 1312 Stock Pavilion addition, 846 Veterinary Medicine Building, addition, 438 Veterinary Medicine Building annex, 493 steam and water, study, contract, change, 1208, 1306 Heaton, D. J., degree, 1549 Heaton, Martha H., appointment, 84 Hebel, A. J., degree, 821 Heberer, R. L., degree, 1567 Heberlein, Leona V., degree, 412 Heberling, J. W., Jr., d.egree, 420 Hebrank, E. F., appointment, 129, 508, 964 Hechtman, R. S., book, printing, funds, gift, 548 Heck, C. V., appointment, 207, 1043 leave of absence, 479 Heck, Delma-Jane, appointment, 295, 1132 Heck, G. F., Jr., degree, 1553 Heck, W. W., fellowship, 775, 1334 Heckel, Eileen, appointment, 1193 Heckel, N. J., appointment, 364, 1192 Heckert, C. J., certificate, 1329 Heckert, Floweree, appointment, 184 Heckman, Elizabeth C , appointment, 269, 1105 Heckman, M. A., degree, 806 Heda, B. A., degree, 826 Hedberg, Carolyn B., degree, 1565 Hedde, C. L., degree, 828 Hedgcock, Mary L., degree, 1560 Hedgcock, W. R., degree, 592, 1546 Hedges, W. C , degree, 1551 Hedges, W. L., degree, 824, 1574 Hedmark, H. L., degree, 823 Hedstrom, C. N., degree, 588 Hedstrom Barry Co., purchase, 853
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