UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1567]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Helm, D. W., degree, 797 Helm, K., degree, 1401 Helm, M. M., degree, 797 Helm, M. S., appointment, 126, 693, 960, 1448 Helm, Marilyn A., degree, 1554 Helme, Nancy E., degree, 420 Helmericks, R. E., appointment, 286, 1123 Helmholz, F. A., degree, 1554 Helms, H. L., appointment, 277, 1113 Helms, Mrs. Pearl M., appointment, 257, 1093 Helper, M. M., degree, 787 Heltsley, R. G., degree, 1549 Helwig, R. J., certificate, 488 Hematology, research, gift, 1471 Hematology fund, addition, gift, 55^ Hembrough, Betty L., degree, 806 Hembrough, F. B., appointment, 288 degree, 1568 Hemenway, R. D., degree, 1396 Hemenway, W. G., appointment, 1188 Heming, D. J., degree, 1394 Hemkin, Reba, appointment, 1156 Hemmy, Mary L., appointment, 1406 approval deferred, 1357 Hempler, H. W., appointment, 1116 Hemwall, J. B., degree, 1549 Henderson, A., degree, 791 Henderson, B. L., degree, 784 Henderson, D. E., degree, 1394 Henderson, D. M., appointment, 78, 9 " » 145° Henderson, J. A., degree, 1565 Henderson, K. B., appointment, 14s, 692, 980, 1447 leave of absence, cancellation, 704 services to Department of State, 462 Henderson, LaVell M., appointment, 72, 690, 90s, 1446 Henderson, Lehmann M., degree, 823 Henderson, M., appointment, 93, 926 Henderson, O. W „ degree, 1245 Henderson, Mrs. Ramona L., appointment, 1099 Henderson, Mrs. Syble E „ appointment, 264 Henderson, W. J., appointment, 53°, i°49 Henderson, W. R., degree, 1247 Henderson, W . T., degree, 799 Hendren, W. P., degree, 1568 Hendricks, B. N., degree, 597 Hendricks, D. G., degree, 800 Hendricks, J. W., degree, 424 Hendricks, R. A., fellowship, 478 Hendrix, J. W., degree, 824, 1574 Hendrix, Virgina J., appointment, 255, 1092 Heneberry, J. E., degree, IS49 Henke, M. L., degree, 1561 Henley, Alma G., degree, 595 Henley, M. E., degree, 801 Henneberry, Geraldine C , degree, 813 Henneberry, Mary E., appointment, 11, 1308 Henneman, R. J., Jr., appointment, 300, 1136 Henner, R., appointment, 359, 1187 Henning, D. A., appointment, 140, 690, 975, 1446 Henning, E. H., certificate, 842 Henninger, E. S., degree, 791 Henninger, R. L., degree, 798 Hennip, P., appointment, 334* 1175 Henrioulle, E. L., appointment, 570, 1047,


Heenan, Elsie F., degree, 1558 Heeney, J. M,f degree, 1394 Heeschen, D. S., appointment, 774 degree, 579 Heffernan, H. J., degree, 1568 Heffernan, Patricia A., appointment, 244 declination, 403 Heffron, Charlotte, degree, 787 Heffron, R. B., degree, 1249 Hefter, F. M., degree, 1547 Hefter, H. O., degree, 801 Hefter, J. A., degree, 1560 Hegeman, L. K., degree, 597 Hegg, Ann C , degree, 807 Hegg, H. L., fellowship, 1485 Hegie, Mrs. Lucy S., appointment, 242, 1081, 1273 Hegland, L. W., decree, 1282 Hegland, Mrs. Virginia, appointment, 76 Heicke, R. H., appointment, 256, 1093 Heicke, Mrs. Ruth C , appointment, 257 Heidenreich, C. J.» degree, 1247 Heider, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 1129 Heider, L. N., degree, 1389 Heiderscheid, M. V., degree, 1242 Heidinger, Virginia A., degree, 1391 Heidkamp, J. C-, certificate, 1329 Heifers, Animal Science, purchase, 343, 377 Heil, DeLois, appointment, n , 1308 Heil, E. J., Jr., degree, 1401 Heilman, Ann E., appointment, 244, 1083, 1458 Heilpera, Gisela, appointment, 1226 Heim, A. J., degree, 1399 Heiman, D. Y., degree, 589 Heiman, Mrs. Louise E., appointment, 1119 Heimburger, Mrs. Marjorie J., appointment,


Heimrich, C. W., degree, 786 Hein, Mrs. Minnie S., appointment, 315, 1153 Heinen, J. A., degree, 587 Heinen, Lydia K., appointment, 324, 1146 Heinicke Instrument Corp., purchase, 500 Heinkel, H. H., certificate, 41 Heins, A. E., Jr., degree, 804 Heintze, F. R., degree, 587 Heinz, D. M., degree, 1401 Heise, W. G., degree, 1562 Heisler, J. E., Jr., degree, 578 fellowship, 512 resignation, 646 Heitz, H. W., Jr., degree, 588 Heitzeberg, C. A., appointment, 393 degree, 792 Hejna, R. L., degree, 1554 Helander, A. N., degree, 1565 HelbHng, F. T,, appointment, 297, 1134 Helbling, N. A., degree, 1398 Held, H. W., certificate, 1338 Held, Stella M., degree, 1242 Heldmaier, C. A., degree, 1562 Heldt, C. R., appointment, 162, 164, 508, 997, 999 Helgeson, H. R., degree, 1248 Hellberg, H. C , appointment, 318, 1156 Hellebrandt, Frances A., appointment, 1269 Heller, A., degree, 1576 Heller, Mrs. Dorothy J., appointment, 1106 Heller, H., degree, 584, 1548 Heller, H. A., degree, 1561 Heller, J. L., appointment, 73, 88, 906, 921, 1447 Heller, L., fellowship, 681 declination, 683 Heller, R. B., appointment, 295, 1132 Heller, W . R., appointment, 133 Heilmann, R. J., appointment, 690 degree, 1385 Hell me r, L. A., appointment, 60, 83, 892,916 Helly, W. S., degree, 795 fellowship, 776

Henry, B. A., degree, 585 Henry, D. E., degree, 812 Henry, D. J., degree, 1551 Henry, Mrs. Henrietta, appointment, 3 iG, ii54 Henry, J. A., appointment, 129, 893, 963, 1456 Henry, J. H„ degree, 1389 Henry, J. L., degree, 829 Henry, J. M,, degree, 816