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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Gottlieb, D., appointment, 112, 136, 508, 945, 971 Gottlieb, Mrs. Ellen J., appointment, 1150 Gottlieb, S. V., degree, 816 Gottmann, Mrs. Oleta, appointment, 324 Gottneid, A. J., appointment, 84 Gottstein, E. J., appointment, 325, 1167 Gough, O. E., certificate, 41 Gould, A. I., degree, 813 Gould, Annie J., appointment, io, 1308 Gould, B. H., degree, 817 Gould, D. J., degree, 1563 Gould, G. A., degree, 1558 Gould, L. H., degree, 1248 Gould, Mary P., degree, 580 Gould, R. G., Jr., appointment, 213, 1180, 1225 1655 Gould, W. E., degree, 1240 Goulson, Mrs. Frances M., appointment, 242* 1081, 1272, 1457 declination, 1501 Gourley, Frances M., degree, 1565 Gourley, H. L., degree, 1561 Gouvis, N. A., degree, 1304 Gove, C. A,, degree, 1566 fellowship, 1484 Gove, S. K., appointment, 178, 1013, 1272 Government and Public Affairs, Institute of, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 1107 budget, 178, 293, 1013, 1130 furniture and equipment, appropriation, 366 Government securities, exchange, report, 379 Governor, invitation to hold meeting at Springfield, 647 Gowgiel, Jean R., degree, 419 Gowler, C. M„ degree, 585 Grabill, P. E., degree, 577 Grabitz, Jean B., degree, 1558 Grable, J. R., Jr., degree, 805 Grabow, Mrs. Joy, appointment, 316 Grace, D. P., degree, 805 Grace, H. A., appointment, 84, 698, 917? *454 Grace, O. D., appointment, 488, 947» 999 degree, 796 Graduate College, acting dean, appointment, 1491 advanced certificate, music education, 1512 budget, ChicagoT IProfessional Colleges, 222, 315,, 1059, 52 Urbana, 135, 283, 970, 1119 dean, acting, appointment, 1193 resignation, 1193 degrees conferred, 406, 449, 574, 780, 829, 1236, 1281, 1384* i53z» 1568 doctor's degree, library science, change, 653 musicology, 1507 electronic digital computer, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 38 equipment, appropriation, 1493 magnetic core device, patent, application, 2 employment of attorney, 3 purchase, electron tubes, 1344 magnetic drum, 375 power supplies, 502 sawing and filing machine, 672 tubes, 343, 670 research, contract, 378 fees, thesis deposit, refund, 47J tuition, students in absentia, 462 fellows, appointment, 46, 401, 447, 478, 512, 53*, 572, 645, 676, 730, 775. S76, 1231, 1278, 1315, 1334, 1351» J 382, 1479* 1500, 1529 fellowships, appropriation, 521, 1358 master's degree, art, changes, 1509 health education, 652 industrial education, 1412 recreation, 1509 second, residence and credit requirements, 489 Graduate College, cont'd thesis deposit requirement, change, 1496 withdrawal of students for military and other national defense services, regulations, 433 Graduation requirements, Law, bachelor's degree, changes, 1510 Nursing, bachelor's degree, 1511 recreation, master's degree, 1509 students withdrawing for military and other national defense services, 431 Graduation with honors, Education, 538 Grady, Helen P., degree, 810 Grady, Mrs. Katherine, appointment, 1162 Graepp, E. A., degree, 1551 Graesser, Wilma H. L., degree, 800 Graf, Thelma, appointment, 397, 1133 Graf-Apsco Co., purchase, 1305 Graff am, Shirley, appointment, 10 Graffy, J, J., degree, 822 Graham, A. L-, degree, 1568 Graham, C. H., appointment, 1477 Graham, C. J., degree, 787 fellowship, 682, 1485 Graham, C. R., degree, 1562 Graham, G. C , degree, 824, 1574 Graham, H. I., appointment, 1349 Graham, I. C. C , degree, 408 Graham, J. G., degree, 587 Graham, J. R., degree, 588 Graham, Mary M., appointment, 269, 1105 Graham, Mrs. Mary T., appointment, 1080, 1272, 1477 Graham, R., appointment, 113, 162, 163, 946, 997. 998 Graham, R. D., degree, 1553 Graham, R. W., degree, 798 Graham, S. G., certificate, 488 Graham, Sara, appointment, 185 resignation, 478 Graham, Anderson, Probst, & White, Inc., contract, addition, 27 change, 379 Grahn, Carol E., degree, 1564 Graiff, A. R., degree, 1237 Grain dealers, improvement of operating efficiency and services, research and educational programs, gift, 550 Grain storage building, Wright Farm, contract, 1462, 1496 Graman, T. A., degree, 424 Gramann, A. A., degree, 587 Gramley, L. E., fellowship, 679 declination, 683 Grampp, W. D., appointment, 247» 701, 1086, 1457 Granade, Harriet L., degree, 415 Granata, J. J., degree, 591 Grand Central Art Galleries, purchase, 711 Grandl, L. N., degree, 1572 Grandos, N., degree, 1552 Grandos, W. O., degree, 1394 Grandt, A. F., appointment, IOX, 393> £34 resignation, 1425 Graner, Mrs. Helen L., appointment, 1112 Granese, Ann M., degree, 406 Grange, A. E., degree, 80s Grange, H. E,, member of committees, 602, 1405 message of sympathy, 1421 representative on Merit Board of University Civil Service System of Illinois, 844 Granger, Sara J., fellowship, 1485 Granite City Community Unit, contract, 1417 Grant, Charlotte L., appointment, 774 declination, 777 Grant, Isabelle F., appointment, 186, 1021 Grant, J. W., degree, 811 Grant, Mrs. Lola E., appointment, 113S Grant, N. H., degree, 450 Grant, Therese I., degree, 1395
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