UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1546]

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U N I V E R S I T Y OF ILLINOIS Fitzgerald, Wilma, appointment, 1115 Fitzgibbons, Irene, appointment, 321 FitzGibbons, J. P., appointment, 206, 1041 Fitzpatrick, P. J., appointment, 270 Fitzsimons, L. J., certificate, 1328 Fivash, M. J., degree, 1576 Fjelde, O. S., appointment, 153, 988 Flabb, Betty J., appointment, 60, 893 Flach, Florence, appointment, 692, 1448 Flagg, G. W., degree, 1571 Flagg, Marion, appointment, 1452 Flaherty, N. F., appointment, 1184 Flaig, G. G., degree, 418 Flanagan, E., appointment, 306, 1142 Flanagan, E. J., degree, 557 Flanagan, E. L., degree, 817 Flanagan, James E-, Jr., degree, 1252 Flanagan, Joseph E., fellowship, 1484 Flanagan, J. T., appointment, 73, 693, 908, 1499 leave of absence, 1407, 1491 Flanagan, Margaret H., degree, 812 Flanagan, Mrs. Mildred B., appointment, 256 Flanagan, Norma B., degree, 1241 Flanagan, W. C , degree, 1553 Flanders, D. P . , appointment, 141, 976 Flanigan, D. J., degree, 1398 Flathau, W . J., degree, 801 Flebbe, D. R., degree, 786 Fleischer, D., degree, 591 Fleischer, M. M., degree, 1549 Fleischman, A., degree, 825 Fleischmann, P., degree, 423 Fleischmann Laboratories, Standard Brands, Inc., contract, 378 Fleischner, J. R., degree, 1249 Fleisher, H. L., Jr., degree, 810 Fleming, A. N., appointment, 130 resignation, 403 Fleming, C. E., degree, 828 Fleming, C. J., degree, 1551 Fleming, G. E., certificate, 1330 Fleming, Geneva P., appointment, 300, 1137 Fleming, Joan, appointment, 361, 1190 Fleming, Margaret M., degree, 793 Fleming, Mrs. Marilyn M., appointment, 212,



Fleming, R. W., appointment, 1525 Fleming, T. P., Jr., degree, 1561 Fleraming, Lillian C., degree, 786 Flesher, Anna K., degree, 808 Flesher, H., appointment, 298 Flesner, Verna L., degree, 78s Fletcher, C. H., appointment, 122, 956 Fletcher, Mrs. Florence, appointment, 88, 9 2 1 Fletcher, H. F., appointment, 75, 693, 908 Fletcher, R. A., degree, 1563 Fletcher, R. E., appointment, 159, 697, 994 Fletcher, R. E., Jr., degree, 1392 Fletcher, S., appointment, 155, 990 Fletcher Visual Aids Service, purchase, 558 Flexman, R. E., appointment, 177 resignation, 403 Flick, L. N., degree, 798 Flick, Jfe F., appointment, 297, i ' 3 4 Flight instrument displays, study, contract, 668 Flight trainer study, contract, 378 Flinn, Ruth, appointment, 1163 Flint, Anne B., degree, 421 Flint, Dorothy J., appointment, 870 Flint, R. P., degree, 596 Flitz, H. E., degree, 798 Floberg, J. A., degree, 815 Flom, G. T „ appointment, 75. 9 ° s Flood, J. L., degree, 805 Flood, R. G., certificate, 1178 Floody, R. R., degree, 594 _ ... Flooring, Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, contract, 1264

Flora, R. F., appointment, 283, 1117 Flores, J. S., appointment, 85, 147, 919, 984, 1454 Flores, S. S., appointment, 218, J051, 1054 Floriculture, advisory committee, 1195 Floriculture Building, alteration, appropriation, 470 balance reappropriated, 1198 contract, adjustment, 561, 865, 1309 laboratory furniture, purchase, 557 Florida Avenue and Race Street housing project, drives, surfacing, contract, 26 flues and chimneys, contract, 1344 inclusion in Urbana Park District, 1419 sidewalks, construction, contract, 436 Florio, A. E., appointment, 147, 159, 697, 984, 994, 1453 Florio, Mrs. Marian, appointment, 319, 3158 Floro, M. T., Jr., degree, 799 Florzak, R. W., degree, 817 Flott, F. W., degree, 596 Flournoy, W. N., appointment, 176, 1011 termination, 1270 Flower, Wilma R., degree, 1567 Floyd, Lynn, degree, 1389 Fluder, E. A., degree, 588 Flugum, Elphia, appointment, 8 Fluhr, Anne, appointment, 1225, 1451 Fluid streams, mixing, research, contract, 469 Fluorescent fixtures, Physical Plant, purchase, 31, 526, 711, 1520 Fluoroscope, Medicine, purchase, 670 Flynn, C. T., Jr., gift, 1219 Flynn, Doris, appointment, 333, 1175 Flynn, J. J., degree, 821 Flynn, Mrs. Katheryn, appointment, 306, 1143 Flynn, Patricia J., appointment, 673 Flynn, Mrs. Ruth S., appointment, 303 Flynn Fence & Supply Co., contract, 1327 Foell, H. G., degree, 588 Fogelson, S., degree, 800 Fogle, Catherine L., appointment, 207, 1043 leave of absence, 684, 1488 Foglesong, Cosette R., degree, 1390 Foil, Mrs. Barbara J., appointment, 1098 Foil, P. J., appointment, 258, 1094 Folena, F. G., degree, 1564 Foley, E. A., degree, 813 Foley, E. F,, appointment, 204, 1039 Foley, F. C , appointment, 488, 911, 971 Folis, M. B., degree, 595 Folk, E. R., appointment, 1477 Folkers, K., lectures in chemistry, funds, gift,


Folkerts, T. M.,'degree, 1568 fellowship, 645, 876 Folkrod, J. R., degree, 1394 Folks, Jo Ann C , degree, 1550 Follmer, Mrs. Emma, appointment, 1162 Follmer, M. R., degree, 1567 Folse, C. L., appointment, 85, 95, 918, 929 Foltz, Dorothy, appointment, 1163 Fong, K., degree, 782 Fonner, R. C., appointment, 304, 1140 Fontana, Joan A., appointment, 305 Food processing pilot plant equipment, appropriation, 521 Foods, refrigerated warehousing, study, contract, 1264 Foods and nutrition, equipment, appropriation, 521 Food service, Chicago Undergraduate Division, budget, 253, 334, 1091, 1176 Food service equipment, contract, Illini Union, 437 residence halls, 1290 Foods laboratory, kitchen cabinet and sink units, purchase, 711 Food spoilage, research, gift, 550