UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1545]

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Fisch, W. H„ degree, 1397 Fischburg, S. B., degree, 816 Fischer, Charlotte L,, degree, 810 Fischer, D. F., degree, 810 Fischer, E. H., degree, 787 Fischer, H. G., & Co., purchase, 712 Fischer, J. W., appointment, 353, 1182 Fischer, Mrs. Marilyn L,, appointment, 29s degree, 784 Fischer, R. P., degree, 781 Fischer, R. L., degree, 1240 fellowship, 677 declination, 683 Fischheimer, D. E., degree, 1362 Fischman, S. Y., certificate, 1490 Fiscus, C. A., degree, 1341 Fish, A., degree, 826 Fishbein, M., appointment, 353, itSa Fisher, B., appointment, 673, 11S8 Fisher, C , appointment, 334, 1175 Fisher, C, L., appointment, 279 Fisher, David L., degree, 422 Fisher, Don L., appointment, 354, 11S3 Fisher, Devera E., degree, 586 Fisher, E. Y., appointment, 308 Fisher, Emily J,, degree, 800 Fisher, G. L., degree, 1392 Fisher, Gertrude E. ; degree, 1386 Fisher, Gloria, appointment, 12 Fisher, H., appointment, 290 Fisher, H. I., appointment, 87, 508, 701, 921 Fisher, H. L,, appointment, 870, 1018, 122s degree, 793 Fisher, Ho D., degree, 1244 Fisher, J., appointment, 1134 Fisher, J. C„ appointment, 273 Fisher, J. Hr, appointment, 1477 fellowship, 680 Fisher, Janet S., degree, 1566 Fisher, Jennora R., degree, 820 Fisher, L. B.T appointment, 62, 145. 895, 980 Fisher, L, F„ degree, 1565 Fisher, M., Jr., appointment, 392 Fisher, Marguerite K., appointment, 266, 1102 Fisher, Mane, appointment, 323,1165 Fisher, Mrs. Marjorie M., appointment, 263, 1099 Fisher, R. H., degree, 1552 Fisher, Rita, appointment, 327 Fisher Scientific Co., purchase, 557, 852, 1520 Fisher, Mrs. Virginia B r| appointment, 295,


Finfgeld, T. E., appointment, 1456 Finfrock, R. W., degree, 156a Finger, Donna D., appointment, 168, 1S6,

J 0 0 4 , <02I

Finger, Rosemary H., degree, 816 Fink, A. J., degree, 826, 830 Fink, B. W., degree, 1571 Fink, Barbara J,, degree, S n Fink, Mrs. Patricia A., appointment, 1103 Fink, R. B., degree, 1568 Fink, T. A., degree, 1548 Finke, E., degree, soi Finke, W. W., Jr., degree, 797 Finkel, B., degree, $97 Finlay, G. C , appointment, 143, 147, 979, 9S3 Finlay, Helen K., degree, 409 Finiey, C. R., degree, 798, 1538 fellowship, 676 Finiey, D. E., degree, 1549 fellowship, 1479 declination, 1487 Finiey, J. E., degree, 587 Finiey, Lois I., degree, 1244 Finiey, M., member of advisory committee,


Finiey, N. W., degree, 406 Finn, R. K., appointment, 72, 905 Finnegan, H., certificate, 14.90 Finnegan, J. T., degree, 1576 Finnegan, Mary I., degree, 1397 Finnerty, J. L., degree, 410 Finnemd, C. W., appointment, 1333 Finney, Mrs. Mildred I., appointment, 244, 703, 1083, 1458 Finntgan, Mrs. Ellen, appointment, 8, 319,


Finueaue, J. W., degree, 420 Fiocca, V. L., degree, 1570 Firebatigh, Martha E., degree, 1238 Fire extinguishers, Physical Plant, purchase, 32 Fire insurance, purchase, Illini Union, 1466 rental properties tn Urbana-Champaign,


Student and Staff Apartments, 768, 769 Firek, J., appointment, 311, 1148 Fire loss, Veterinary Pathology Laboratory, appropriation, 346 Fireman's Fund Insurance Co., insurance, purchase, [495 Fire protection, Agricultural Engineering Building, appropriation, 65s, 1413 balance reappropriated, 1198 contracts, T414 betatron and cyclotron, appropriation, 1359 Busey HaM, funds, 1374 engineering services, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 39, 1198 Evans Hall funds, 1374 McKinlcy Hospital, evacuation signal system, contract, 344 sprinkler system, contract, 345 Noyes Laboratory, removal of center stairs, contract, 544 residence halls, contract, IZQO Robert Allerton Park, appropriation, 762 contract, adjustment, 1264 Taylor Street, building at 1716 West, fire escape, contract, 543 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., gift, 121a Firschein, I. L., degree, 584 First National Bank of Chicago, appreciation for hospitality, 1332 facsimile signatures, resolution, 602, 1405 Warner Construction Co. contracts, settlement, 1374 t Firth, J. A., appointment, 1124 dtgree, 58s, 1539 Firtik, J. M-, degree, 803 Fisch, Emily, degree, 420 Fisch, M. H., appointment, 81, 914, 1433

Fisher, W., fellowship, 1315 Fisher, W. E., degree, 1394 Fisherkeller, Jo A., degree, 592 Fisherkeller, L-. W., degree, 813 Fishman, F. J., Jr., degree, 1552 fellowship, 1485 declination, 1487 Fishman, I. S., degree, 1554 Fishman, R., degree, 813 Fishman, S- G., degree, 818 Fishman, W. E., degree, 1571 Fisk, R. G., degree, 826 Fisk, V. C , degree, S97 Fitch, H. M., appointment, 134, 969, 1456 Fitch, S. J., degree, ISS7 Fite, P. L., degree, 597 Fitzgerald, A , appointment, 271 claim, settlement, 1309 Fitzgerald, Mrs. Delia K., appointment, 314, Fitzgerald, G., appointment, 35S, 11S6 Fitzgerald, J. D., degree, 801 Fitzgerald, J. F., degree, 821 Fitz-Geraid, Mrs. Rovenia M., appointment, Fitzgerald, W. G., degree, 821 Fitzgerald, W. L., appointment, 1225 fellowship, 513 resignation, 777

290, 1127 • 151