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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Fellowships, cont'd Velsicol Corp., 549, 1212 Victor Chemical Works, 549, 1213 V i s k i n g Corp-,. 549, 1469 W e s t e r n Cartridge Co., 549, 1213, 1469 Westinghouse Educational Foundation, 549. 1213, 1469 Zeta P h i Eta, 1212 period of exemption from payment of tuition f e e s , 1358 P l y m , regulations, 714 Ryerson, regulations, 762 stipends, increase, 1358 Flemley, J., Co., bid, 659 contract, 4 9 3 , 763, 1290 addition, 371, 438, 659, 715, 864 change, 28, 379 F e l s e n f e l a , O., appointment, 352, 1180 Felsenthal, Martha A., degree, 817 Felsher, Z., appointment, 3 5 2 , 1180 F e l t , J. A . , degree, 817 Felt, J. H . , certificate, 488 F e l t e n , J. C , degree, 1563 Felton, D . R., degree, 587 Felton, R. P . , degree, 80s Felts, J. K., Jr., appointment, 291 F e l t s , L. L., degree, 1533 Felts, Luan, degree, 1558 F e n c i n g , agricultural farms, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 1197 McCullough Farm, purchase, 440 F e n d , A . V., appointment, 696 degree, 1387 Fenelon, J . R., degree, 1562 F e n n , B e t t y J., degree, 812 F e n n e r , Mrs.. Elizabeth S., appointment, 295 Fenster, A. S., degree, 588 Fensterman, L. G., degree, 585, 1387 Fenton, F . H . , appointment, 222, 530, 1058 Fenton, M. J., degree, 802 F e n z a n , W . R., degree, 803 Fera, P. P . , appointment, 1527 Feraut, A . , fellowship, 679 resignation, 1316 Ferber, R., appointment, 141, 142, 976, 977 F e r g a n u s , W . E . , degree, 1239 Ferguson, C , degree, 1283 Ferguson, I. A . , degree, 785 Ferguson, J. N . , degree, 1392 Ferguson, Joanne O., degree, 1554 Ferguson, K . W . , degree, 1251 Ferguson, L. A . , degree, 809 F e r g u s o n , L. E . , degree, 1553 Ferguson, O. W . , fellowship, 679 Ferguson, W . A . , appointment, 80, 6 9 6 , ' 9 1 4 Fernandez, M r s . Blanca, appointment, 1158 Fernandez, M r s . N i t a N . , appointment, 260 Fernando, H . E „ degree, 1385 Ferner, R. Y., Co., I n c . , purchase, 375 Ferrara, L. W . , degree, 1401 Ferree, P . J., degree, 788 fellowship, 478 Ferreira, A . P . , degree, i 5 5 z Ferreird, M r s . Kathryn K., appointment, 1134 Ferrell, H . J W . , certificate, 488 Ferris, Mrs? A n n a B . , appointment, 271, 1129 Ferro Enamel Corp., contract, change, 668 Fertility levels i n Illinois, study, contract, 713 Fessler, R. G., degree, 420. 124° . . Festival of Contemporary Arts, appreciation ot 2 work done by faculty, 7 °> 1475 Fetherston, M r s . Lillian E . , appointment, 303 Fett, Esther L . , appointment, 1423 Fett, G. H . , appointment, 126, 6 9 3 . 9»o, 1448 discovery, patent rights, release, 709 Fetter, R. E . , degree, 1241 Fetter, W . A . , degree, 1566 Fettes, L o v e , and Sieben, contract, 543 Fiacco, G.I., degree, 810 Fiala, G. T . , d e g r e e , 1553 Fibich, M . J., Tr., d e g r e e , 1549 Ficarra, F . T . , degree, 789 164I 1098 Fick, J. J., degree, 801 Fickel, Mrs. M a r y N . , appointment, 2 6 2 , Fickenworth, W. J., degree, 828 Fiedler, F. E . , appointment, 1254 Fieg, C. W . , appointment, 2 8 1 , 1117 Fiege, Beverly J., appointment, 673 Field, E. M., certificate, 841 Field, Irene, appointment, 320 Field, L. N . , degree, 1241 Field, Marshall, & Co., purchase, 1466, Field, Mrs. Patty L., appointment, 2 8 3 , Field, R. D . , degree, 1400 Field, S., degree, 1562 Field & Shorb Co., purchase, 1264 Fielden, J. S., appointment, 1527 Fielder, G. W . , Jr., appointment, 6 7 3 , 984 • 1521 1119 870, degree, 784 Fielding, Jane J., degree, 828 Fieldman, work schedule, change, 705 Fields, W . H., Jr., appointment, 1178, 1272 F i e n e , L. C , degree, 8 2 4 , 1574 Fiener, Rhoda, degree, 589 Fiessel, Esther H . , appointment, 309, 1146 Fife, M r s . Alicia, appointment, 324 F i f e , W . E . , degree, 1554 Fifth Street, property at 1006-8 South, acquisition, 539 Figlewicz, R. C , degree, 802 Figlewski, Joan, degree, 1558 Figueras, J., Jr., degree, 1385 fellowship, 677 resignation, 1424 Figueras, Mrs. Tanet H . , appointment, 294, 1130 Fijolek, J., degree, 802, 805 Filbey, E. J „ appointment, 138, 9 7 4 , 1349 Fildes, H . E . , degree, 411 File, O. N . , degree, 581 File cabinets, purchase, Physical Plant, 342 P h y s i c s , 613 Filek, L. T., degree, 802 Files, Office Supply Store, purchase, 671 Files, C. R., degree, 585 Files, J. J., degree, 584 Filip, J. H . , appointment, 198, 1032 Fillingim, L. L., degree, 594 Film, educational, rental, 1219 Visual A i d s Service, purchase, 375 Fina, L. R., degree, 450 Finance, curriculum, revisions, 490 Finance Committee, members, 6 0 3 , 1405 request of M r s . Sarah Grimm for financial aid, study, 1222 report, 1332 sale of Household F i n a n c e Corp. stock, 569 Treasurer's bond, report, 518 Finch, F . H . , appointment, 144, 174. 47 6 > 979 Finch, Grace C , appointment, 9 Finch, R. D . , degree, 1246 Finder, E . F., appointment, 3 0 1 , 1137 Findlay, J. E., appointment, 246 resignation, 731 Findley, W . N . , appointment, 133, 969 F i n e and Applied Arts, College of, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38 art, master's d e g r e e s , c h a n g e s , 1509 budget, 152, 286, 987, 1122 degrees conferred, 4 2 3 , 455, 595> 817, 1251, 1287, 1400, 1564 drafting rooms, construction in, appropriation, 1199 . . faculty, planning and direction of festival, appreciation, 726, 1475 funds, gift, S a w y e r , Mr. and M r s . A . W . , 1468 history of art curriculum, 536 industrial design curriculum, admission requirements, change, 1460 paintings, purchase, 711, 1466
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