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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Eye and Ear Infirmary, See Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary. Eyerly, J.^ 15., appointment, 353, 1181 Eyler, M. H., appointment, 159, 160, 993, 995 Eyler, R. H., degree, 821 Eyler, W. R., appointment, 1476 Eyman, E. D., resignation t 448 Eyster, M. K., degree, 593 Eytcheson, D. R., degree, 1558 Faber, H. W. I., degree, 798 Fabian, S. H., degree, 1552 Fabri, J. B., degree, 411 Fabricant, N. D., appointment, 359, 1187 Facial growth, research, gift, 1217 Factor, Helen, appointment, 328, 1169 Faculty, retiring, recognition, 1503 Faculty-alumni news letter, Chicago Professional Colleges, budget, 199, 1035 FadanelH, L. H., degree, 1393 Fade-ometen Home Economics, purchase, 670 Faeth, H. C., degree, 411 Fagen, T. J., degree, 411 Fahey, J. J., appointment, 207 resignation, 572 Fahey, P. C , degree, 803 Fahlberg, Mrs. Eleanor M., appointment, 267 Fahle, Barbara A., degree, 1249 Fahnestock, M . K.., appointment, 128, 225, 963, 1061 Fails, C. F., degree, 588 Fair, F. V., appointment, 690 degree, 579 Fair, Mrs. Florence K., appointment, 1099 Fair, Jean E., appointment, 1225 Fair, Q. E„ degree, 1394 Fairbairn, J. P., degree, 419 Fairbanks, C. W. f degree, 450 Fairbanks, G., appointment, 86, 919 discovery, patent, application, 1463 Fairbanks, J. C , degree, 826 Fairbanks-Morse Co., purchase, 672 Fairman, D. M., degree, 1562 Fairweather, G. W., degree, 580 Faist, Patricia K., appointment, 182 resignation, 777 Falcon, Frances A., degree, 1567 Faldberg, Sue A., degree, 812 Faler, Elizabeth L., appointment, 308, 1144 Fales, Ellen L., degree, 1554 Fales, W. H., degree, 139s Falesch, F . C , degree, 818 Faletti, Mary A., degree, 1554 Faletti, R. J., appointment, 164, 695, 1000, 1451 Falk, D. B., degree, 1552 Falk, Doris E., appointment, 255, 1092 Falk, F., fellowship, 677 declination, 777 Falk, M. A., degree, 1539 Falk, Mrs. R. Jeane, appointment, 1125 Faller, Mrs. Nancy P., appointment, 296 Faller, W. D., degree, 416 Fallon, A. F., degree, 1241 Falls, F. S.., appointment, 206, 1041 Falls, J. L., appointment, 357. " 8 5 , 1477 leave of absence, 574 Fan, Hsieh-sen, degree, 583 Fanakos, Clara A., appointment, 1132 degree, 1537 fellpwship, 682 Fane, D. C., degree, 1399 Fane, Mrs. Mary C , appointment, 257 Fang, F . T., fellowship, 135 2 . '48o Fangrat, Loretta, appointment, 322, 1164 Fanning, L. A:, Jr., degree, 597 Farmings, Izetta R., degree, 1560 Fans, Physical Plant, purchase, 525 Fansteel Metallurgical Corp., employees, gift, Fantozzi, S. J., degree, IS7° 1219 1639 Farago, P. J., appointment, 354, 1183 leave of absence, 646 Farber, H. O., appointment, 61, 894 authority to sign name 01 Comptroller, 444, 858 Farian, Clarissa A., degree, 811 Farias, L., degree, 410 Farina, C , appointment, 300, 1137 Fariss, D. C , degree, 419 Farley, A. W., I I , appointment, 356 Farley, Mrs. Anna W., appointment, 310, 1147 Farley, D. M., appointment, 206, 1041 Farley, R. A., degree, 1543 Farlow, Ida M., appointment, 282, 1118 Farm Account Revolving Account, budget, 96, 269, 930, 1105 Farm advisers, budget, 116, 949 participation in Retirement System, J66 Farm and Home Week, budget, 93, 926 Farman-Farmaian, Laura J. R., degree, 420 Farm crops, advisory committee, 1194 Farmer, Ida L., "degree, 1241 Farm laborer, work schedule, change, 705 Farm operations, budget, 194, 1029 Farm record books, Agricultural Economics, printing, 341, 1520 Farms, agricultural, fencing, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 1197 Farnham, C. H., appointment, 9g, 933 Farnham, E. M., appointment, 153, 988 leave of absence, 1235 Farnham, Ruth M., appointment, 330 termination, 448 Farnham, W. H,, degree, 1241 Farnsworth, Marilyn J., degree, 589 Farr, J. E., Jr., appointment, 1108 degree, 585 Farrand, Virginia K., degree, 812 Farrell, E. J., degree, 1247 Farrelly, P. J., aegree, 1558 Farrington, J. D., appointment, 358, 1187 gift, i2ig Farris, Dorothy F., appointment, 392, 897> 1225 degree, 407 Farris, H. W., appointment, 1225 Farrow, R. H., degree, 409 Farthing, Velma R., degree, 1395 Farwell, G. D., degree, 80s Fash, Bernice, appointment, 10, 1307 Fassler, Louise, appointment, 392, 1061 Fassnacht, W., degree, 1399 Fath, H. L., degree, is76 Faucett, M. A., appointment, 126, 693, 960 Faughman, Mrs. Rita, appointment, 241, 1080 Faullin, R. R., degree, 802 Fausel, C. E., degree, 597 Faust, A. D., degree, 587 Faust, Bess H., appointment, 314, 1151 Faust, Elaine J., appointment, 1377 degree, 1398 Favero, W. J., degree, 414 Favre, D. L., degree, 1557 Favretto, Anita, appointment, 1160 Fawcett, C. G., appointment, 243, 392, 703 Fawcett, G. H., degree, 1394 Fawver, Betty J. D., degree, 4S3 Fay, Mrs. Clara D., appointment, 263, 1099 Fay, Rosalie H., degree, 805 Faye, C. U., appointment, 184, 1019 Fazio, A., degree, 821 Fearless Camera Co., purchase, 30 Fears, D. J., degree, 1565 Fears, Jacquelyn W., degree, 1567 Feaster, Patricia L., degree, 800 Feathergill, Vera C , appointment, 268 Fecenko, Helen, degree, 825 Fechtig, C. W., degree, 1549 Fechtner, H. W., Jr., degree, 1248 Fedder, Alice N., appointment, 1178
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