UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1535]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Duffy, W. C , certificate, 1328 Dufner, M-, appointment, 43, 79, 912, 1450 degree, 782 fellowship, 1483 declination, 1501 resignation, 1530 Dufour, L., fellowship, 679 resignation, 1232 Dugan, Mrs. Elsie M., appointment, 327, 1169 Dugas, J. H., appointment, 76, 694, 909 degree, 1282 resignation, 1279 Dugger, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 325 Duha, Mrs. Sophie, gift, 1219 DuHamel, R. H., appointment, 508 degree, 1282 Duke, Betty L., appointment, 392, 1040 Duke, W. R., appointment, 128 Dukes, F. R., appointment, 326, 1167 Dukett, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 328, 1169 DuLaney, D. C , degree, 577 Dulsey, B. M., degree, 451 Dumas, Lenore R., appointment, 1188, 1224,


Dreuth, Shirley M., degree, 1554 Drew, Mrs. Dorothy L., appointment, 302 Drew, Joyce C. t degree, 817 Drew, R. E., degree, 1553 Drew, W. E., degree, 589 Drewes, Dorothy M., degree, 1554 Dreyfus, H. L., fellowship, 681 declination, 731 Dreymiller, Marcia L., degree, 825 Drickamer, H. G., appointment, 72, 905 research, funds, gift, 1469 Drill Hall, Chicago Undergraduate Division, lease, 1475 release, request, 1402, 1421 reroofing, contract, 1517 Driscoll, J. P., degree, 798 Driscoll, Mae A., appointment, 247, 1086, 127a, 1457 declination, 1501 Driscoll, T. H,, appointment, 76, 909 Driscoll, W . D., degree, 1563 Drish, L. S., degree, 424 Drives, surfacing, contract, McKinJey Hospital, 26 Parade Ground area, 26 Small Homes Council Housing research project, 26 Drolsum, A. R., degree, 592 Drom, Beulah J., appointment, 150, 981, 996, 1453 Drom, R. E., degree, 809 Droste, J. B., appointment, 1450 degree, 821 Drowning and artificial respiration, study, contract, 712 Drucker, R. T., degree, 424 Drug Plant Experiment Station, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 40, 1199 buildings, construction, contracts, 470 Drug reaction on muscular control, study, contract, 1264 Druley, R. F M degree, 813 Drum, Elizabeth, apiwintment, 1159 Drumheller, C. E., appointment, 128, 962 Drummond, O. E., degree, 1558 Drummond, R. L., appointment, 154, 689, 989 Dryden, H. L., Jr., appointment, 392 Dryer, F. E., degree, 1551 Drysdale, J. J., appointment, 870 Du Bar, Mrs. Phyllis, appointment, 1092 Dube, P. H., gift, 1219 Dubers, H. L,, certificate, 42 Dubin, Mrs. Elisabeth R., appointment, 643, 697 Dubin, R., appointment, 85, 139, 699, 918, 974. 1446, 1454 Dubin, S. S-, appointment, 392, 698, 917 declination, 1232 DuBois, L. R., certificate, 1292 DuBois, R. E., degree, 808 DuBose, J. D., appointment, 1135 Dubow, D. J., degree, 1250 DuBrul, E. L., appointment, 215, 2j8, 219, 445, 1054, 1056 Ducey, Elizabeth M., degree, 414 Ducey, G., appointment, 299, 1135 Duckett Paper Co., purchase, 340 Duddy, T. P., degree, 816 Dudley, R. G., degree, 421 Dudley, R. J., appointment, 1377 Due, J. F „ appointment, 141, 976 Duensing, G. P., degree, 1394 Duensing, W. D., degree, 805 Duerwachter, D. A., degree, 1554 Dufer, H. H., degree, 1564 Duffield, R. B., appointment, 72, 132, 905, 967 leave of absence, 1316 Duffield, W . B., degree, 1393 Duffy, J. C , certificate, 1328 Duffy, J. M., degree, 434

Dumbleton, M. J., appointment, 1499 Dumbwaiter installation, residence halls, contract, 1290 Dunbar, Louise B., appointment, 79, 912 Duncan, C. C., degree, 585 Duncan, C. F., Jr., degree, 1538 Duncan, Dorothy I., appointment, 307* 1144 Duncan, J. J., degree, 1392 Duncan, J. T., appointment, 1183 Duncan, L. E., degree, 1565 Duncan, S. W., degree, 424 Duncan, W. L., appointment, 43, 414 Dungan, B, F., appointment, 306, 1142 Dungan, G. H., appointment, 98, 932 Dungan, J. A,, degree, 813 Dungy, R. T., degree, 592 Dunham, Mrs. Helen M., appointment, 312,

1149 *

Dunicz, B. L., appointment, 1527 Dunk, Carolyn L., degree, 1561 Dunlap, Fanny, appointment, 168, 186, 1003,


Dunlap, H. F., appointment, 265, 1101 Dunlap, J. P., degree, 825 Dunlap, L. W., appointment, 350, 392, 695,

1003, 1018

Dunlap, P. B., appointment, 293 Dunlop, Kathleen, appointment, 142, 977, 1423 resignation, 1382 Dunlope, Mildred V., degree, 411 Dunn, Alice R., degree, 415 Dunn, C. B., appointment, 265, 1102 Dunn, C. L., appointment, 140 Dunn, Dorothy F., appointment, 870, 898, 1451 Dunn, E. J., degree, 1552 Dunn, Elizabeth S., degree, 816 Dunn, F., appointment, 729, 962 degree, 581 discovery^ patent rights, release, 1259 Dunn, T. E., degree, 1558 Dunn, J. O., degree, 594 Dunn, L. M. C , fellowship, 679 Dunn, Leah M., appointment, 268, 270, 1105, Dunn, P. E., degree, 586 Dunn, P. J., degree, 1554 Dunn, R. E., degree, 1390 Dunn, S. W., appointment, 167 degree, 1282 Dunn, W. R., degree, 1538 Dunne, W. J., appointment, 248, 701, 1086, 1457 Dunnivant, K. R., degree, 1563 Dunse, J. J., degree, 407 Duparquet, Inc., contract, 650, 1312 Du Pont, E. L, de Nemours & Co., gift, 548,

1212, 121-3