UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1529]

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Davidson, J. M., degree, 1401 Davidson, T. N., degree, 1542 Davidson, L. E., degree, 808 Davidson, Lois M., degree, 1390 Davidson, R,, certificate, 841 Davidson, R. L., degree, 1237 Davidson, S., degree, 1569 Davies, Mrs. Bernita J., appointment, x68, 185, 1003, 1021 Davies, Ethel M., appointment, 8 Davies, Nadine J., degree, 1576 Davies, Virginia A., degree, 1395 Davies, W. D., degree, 1573 Davis, A. J., degTee, 418, 791 Davis, A. O., degree, 1544 Davis, A. S., appointment, 300, 1137 Davis, B. I., degree, 1391 Davis, C. B., Jr., appointment, 362, 363, 1192 Davis, C. S., degree, 1236 Davis, Clarice C , degree, 1396 Davis, D. J., appointment, 200, 207, 1036, 1044 Davis, D. L., certificate, 1330 Davis, Mrs. Dorothea, appointment, 1111 Davis, E., degree, 1548 Davis, E. C , appointment, 257 Davis, E. W., appointment, 1178 Davis, Emily E., appointment, 72t 906 resignation, i486 Davis, G. L., degree, 1239 Davis, G. M., degree, 591 Davis, G. P., appointment, 1349 Davis, G. R,, degree, 1552 Davis, H. L., appointment, 221, 1057 Davis, H. S., Jr., degree, 579 Davis, J., fellowship, 1484 Davis, J. E., appointment, 221, 1058 Davis, J. H., degree, 821 Davis, J. W., degree, 825 Davis, Mrs. Jo Ann, appointment, 294 Davis, K. A., degree, 594 Davis, L. E., degTee, 1389 Davis, L. H., degree, 1401 Davis, L. N., degree, 817 Davis, Laura R., appointment, 281 Davis, Lelith, appointment, 8 Davis, Luella M., degree, 580 Davis, M. B., degree, 1244 Davis, M. D., appointment, 136, 870, 1224 Davis, M. H., degree, 587 Davis, Margaret E., degree, 1237 Davis, Mrs. Margaret L., appointment, 264 Davis, Marietta, appointment, 321, 1160 Davis, Mildred, degree, 578 Davis, N. P., appointment, 76, 693, 909, 1449 Davis, Patty, appointment, 1094 Davis, R. E., degree, 1239, 1550 Davis, R. L., degree, 1548 Davis, Rose T., degree, 577 Davis, Mrs. Ruth A., appointment, 1132 Davis, Sylvia E., degree, 798 Davis, T. R., degree, 588 Davis, Velma M., appointment, 306, 1143 authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 4, 602, 1405 Davis, Mrs. Vivian D., appointment, 264 Davis, W. M., degree, 1398 Davis, W. N., degree, 591 Davis, W. W., degree, 419 Davis & Geek, Inc., gift, 552, 1471 Davison, Betty R., degree, 819 Davisson, E. O., appointment, 43 fellowship, 876 Davlin, J. A., degree, 813 Dawe, C. H., degree, 1400 Dawes Manufacturing Co., contract, change, 865, 1464 Dawless, Mrs. Gladys M., appointment, 277 Dawless^ W. J., degree, 423 Dawn, C. E., appointment, 79, 9x2 leave of absence, 574 Dawn, Mrs. Pansie M., appointment, 283

Dance concert, contract, 1464 Dancoff, S. M., appointment, 131, 870, 966 Danforth, P., appointment, 171, 172, 1007 resignation, 1308 Dangerfield, R., appointment, 82, 178, 915, 1013, 1498 leave of absence, 574, 879 member of committee for Kyoto Seminar, 1419 representative at Conference on American Tradition, 1420 sale of property, 640 Danhof, I., discovery, patent rights, release, 458 Daniel, M. T., certificate, 41 Daniels, Gladys M., appointment, 1224 Daniels, P. M., degree, 803 Daniels, Mrs. Ruth J., appointment, 284 Daniels, T. H., degree, 818 Danielson, E. A., degree, 1548 Danielson, J. C , degree, 420 Dankert, Marie F., degree, 827 Dankert, R. A., degree, 817 Danner, C. S., appointment, 124, 958, 1526 degree, 453 Danner, E., appouitment, 124, 870, 958, 1526 Dannhauer, Audrey Gn degree, 1249 Danno, Anna M., appointment, 333, 1176 Danville Electric Supply, purchase, 1344 Danziger, M. H., certificate, 1328 Darcey, Jeanne M., appouitment, 9 Darchun, Violet L., degree, 1558 Dare, M. E., degree, 786 Darling, C. G., appointment, 357, 1186 Darling, D. D., appointment, 205, 1182 Darling, Mrs. Elizabeth L., appointment, 1163 Darras, Florence, appointment, 10 Daro, A. F., appointment, 356, 1185 Darre, K. R., degree, 821 Darrow, C. W., appointment, 507, 1190 Darrow, Ruth, appointment, 361, 1189 Dart, G., degree, 822 Das, B. C , degree, 1240 Dashman, T., degree, 1243 Daskal, M. H., certificate, 488 Date, Mildred, appointment, 305 Dau, J. W., Jr., degree, 1563 Daub, G. K., degree, 780 Daugherty, A. C , Jr., degree, 80s Daugherty, C. F., degree, IS54 Daugherty, W. D., degree, 1389 Dauner, Patricia, appointment, 329, 1170 Dausmann, W. J., degree, 1570 Davenport, W. B., appointment, 391 Davenport Hall, fireproof stair towers, construction, contract, 638 remodeling, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38, 1198 utilities distribution system, changes, contract, 25 addition, 345 Davenport House, remodeling, appropriation, 366, 470 balances reappropriated, 39, 1198 contract, adjustment, 523, 524, 770, 865, 1209 Daves, J. H., Jr., degree, 416 David, Mrs. Grace, appointment, 64, 193 declination, 448 David, V. C , appointment, 362, 1191 David, V. E., degree, 580 Davidge, J. M., degree, 1401 David Kinley Hall, remodeling, appropriation, 492 balances reappropriated, 38, 39, 1198 contract, 24, 1522 adjustment, 610, 865, 1209 Davidson, D. D„ degree, 414 Davidson, Dorothy L., degree, 805 Davidson, E. H., appointment, 461, 908, 1449 Davidson, H., appointment, 1271 Davidson, J. L., Jr., degree, 419