UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1528]

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Curricula, cont'd history of art, 536 industrial design, admission requirements, change, 1460 industrial education, revisions, 1411 industrial engineering, approved, 1410 law, changes, 761, 1510 library science, discontinued, 1255 musicology, doctor's degree, 1507 nursing, bachelor's degree, 1510 postgraduate, oral surgery, 1322 prenursing, 537 orthodontia, 1321 pedodontics, 1322 recreation, master's degree, 1509 teaching in elementary schools, admission requirements, 538 Currie, G. F., degree, 785 Currie, H. W., degree, 1561 Currier, Mrs. Hazel R., appointment, 1105 Currier, J. W., degree, 1240 Currin, Gwendolyn, appointment, 313, 1150 Curry, E. T., appointment, 86, 699, 919, 1455 Curry, G. W., appointment, 364, 1193 resignation, 1501 Curry, J. J., degree, 1397 •Curry, J. R., degree, 1389 Curry, J. W „ fellowship, 677 declination, 683 Curry, M. B-, degree, 579 Curtm, D. Y._, appointment, 842, 90s Curtin, Patricia E., degree, 1237 Curtis, C. C , appointment, 139, 974, 1446 Curtis, C. D., degree, 1283 Curtis, C. F., degree, 798 Curtis, C. W., degree, 820 Curtis, E. L., degree, 791 Curtis, G. C , degree, 414 Curtis, G. H., degree, 594 Curtis, H. A., appointment, 1448 Curtis, J. A., appointment, 300, 1137 Curtis, J. O., appointment, 97, 931 leave of absence, 1235 Curtis, JcPAnne, appointment, 330, 1172 Curtis, P. L., degree, 1398 Curtis, R. J., degree, 455 Curtiss, G. £., degree, 1548 Curtiss Candy Co., gift, 550 Cushing-Malloy, Inc., purchase, 500 Cushman, E. A., appointment, 177, 1012 Cushman, J. R., fellowship, 512 resignation, 572 Cushman, Lois M., appointment, 10, 1307 Cuskaden, Joyce M., appointment, 1137 Custodis Construction Co., Inc., contract, 25 addition, 659 Cutchin, Mrs, Betty W., appointment, 264, 278 Cutler, B. N., certificate, 41 Cutler, D. I., degree, 812 Cutler, Dorothy H., appointment, 256 Cutler, H. A., appointment, 142, 39', 973, 976 resignation, 1279 Cutler, K. L., appointment, 289, 1125 Cutler, M. H., appointment, 359, 1188 Cutshall, A. D., appointment, 244, 1083, 1458 Cutshall, L. A., purchase, 557 Cwinske, Alberta, appointment, 1152 Cyclotron, fire protection, appropriation, 1359 Cytogenetics of corn, research, gift, 1214 Czarnik W. S., degree, 1249 Czernek, C. F., degree, 1553 Czocher, J. R., degree, 809 Czwalinski, Marie, appointment, 327, n 69 Czyzewski, H., appointment, 131, 966 resignation, 1232 Daanen, J. W. H., degree, 1283 Dabbert, J. H., degree, 1564 , DaCosta, Mrs. Elizabeth, appointment, 306, 1143 D'Acquisto, Leona, appointment, 643, 1015 degree, 1238 resignation, i486


Dade, H. F., degree, 1244 Daehler, D. G., degree, 420, 1571 Daehler, V. E., degree, 813 Dagne, F. A., degree, 1541 Dagwell, Margaret, appointment, n , 1308 Dahl, R. C , degree, 588 Dahlenburg, L. M., appointment, 257, 1093 authority to sign name of President of Board, 602, 1404 Dahlin, Mrs. Betty, appointment, 301 Dahlin, T. C , degree, 802 DaMstrom, S. A., appointment, 300, 1137 Daigger, A., & Co., purchase, 838, 1520 Daily, E. J.? appointment, 124, 691, 958, 1447 declination, 1530 degree, 790 Daily, Genevieve M., degree, 407 Daily, Lillian, appointment, 319, 1158 Dairy Creamery, budget, 107, 273, 940, 1109 Dairy Manufactures Building, remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 39, 1198 Dairy Purebred Barns, remodeling, appropriation, 1301 Dairy Round Barn, garage, appropriation, 1301 Dairy Science, advisory committee, 119s appropriation, balances reappropriated, 37, 1197 barns, appropriation, 545 construction, contracts, 544 budget, 103, 271, 937, 1108 fellows, 1482 income, appropriation, 856, 1301 purchase, autoclaves, 525 electrophoresis apparatus, 524 furniture, 469 histological processing apparatus, 669 laboratory balances and accessories, 2 439 laboratory equipment, 440, 467, 6 1 laboratory furniture, 557 oscillator, 468 refrigerators, 439 silos, 767 superphosphate, 500 tractor, 377 research program, funds, gift, 1213 trucks, appropriation, 1340 Dairy Technology, gift, scholarship, Brook Hill Farms, Inc., 547, 1467 Dakin, T. R., appointment, 355, 1183 Dalbey, H. M., appointment, 1121 degree, 1543 Dalbey, Mary F., degree, 1536 Dalbey, R. C , appointment, 290, n 26 Daley, E. W., degree, 1544 Daley Papers, Inc., purchase, 440, 710, 1344 Dallenbach, F. D., appointment, 360 leave of absence, 574 Dallenbach, J. C , member of advisory committee, 563 Dalton, C. E., appointment, 265, 1101 Dalton, Dolores A., appointment, 1060, 1224 Dalton, F. B., Jr., degree, 588 Dalton, Margaret M., degree, 1237 Dalton, R. L., degree, 781 Dalton, Ruth M., degree, 1571 Dalton, W. L., degree, 1548 Daly, R. F-, degree, 1532 Damaskus, Mrs. Marion L., appointment, 318, "57 „ , Dame, K. E., degree, 125' Damer, V. R., degree, 823 Dameron, Mrs. Barbara M., appointment, 312, 1149 Damianos, T. J., degree, 1562 Damisch, W. M., degree, 1548 Dammers, W. R., appointment, 360, 5°7, " 8 9 Damond, S. J., certificate, 1337 Damrin, Dora E., appointment, 39t, 7*9 degree, 1224 Dana, Gladys B., appointment, 1313 degree, 578 Dana, R. H., I l l , degree, 580