UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1516]

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Chicago Professional Colleges, cont'd Physical Education quarters, remodeling, 8 4 5 . , . public utilities lines, relocation, 657 residence hall site, relocation of alley, 656 sidewalks and curbs, replacement, contract, 370, 1474 steam distribution lines, easements, 656 steam plant, appropriation, addition, request, 383 chimney, demolition, contract, 1303 operation, 764 release of funds, 519 v e t e r a n s , books, supplies, and equipment, contract, 713 education and training, contract, 668 vice-president, leave of absence, 1320 withdrawal of students for military and other national defense services, regulations, 432 working cash fund, increase, 1465 Chicago Professional Colleges W o m e n ' s A u x iliary, gift, 1217 Chicago P u m p Co., purchase, 768 Chicago Rotary Club Women, gift, 556, 1217, 1474 Chicago Undergraduate Division, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 40, 365 A i r Force R . O . T . C . quarters, remodeling, appropriation, 1324 contract, 1517 Army R.O.T.C. facilities, appropriation, 1199 bookstacks, appropriation, 762 budget, 236, 1075 summer session, 701, 1457 catalog, printing, 712, 1494 central stenographic service, equipment, appropriation, 546 Drill Hall, lease, 1475 release, request, 1402, 1421 reroofing, contract, 1517 football games, rental of stadium, 1305 gas service, contract, 610 inspection by Board of Trustees, 1336 microscopes, appropriation, 1259 N a v y P i e r , lease, 1475 purchase, acids, 502 chairs, 1466 drill hall fire insurance,. 614 electric composing machine, 613 fuel oil, 3 1 , 852 laboratory equipment, 441 laboratory glassware, 526, 767 library shelves, 837 microscopes, 1305 paper towels and tissue, 1263 safe, 558 remodeling, appropriation, 441 contract, 4 4 1 , 1260 scholarships, gift, 556 student newspaper, printing, 440 veterans, instruction and supplies, contract, - 56o , ... , withdrawal of students for military and other national defense services, regulations, 431 working cash fund, increase, 140S Chicago Vitreous Enamel Product Co., contract, change, 668 Chicca, L . D . , degree, 1251 Chicoine, G. E . , degree, 803 Childers, C. W . , fellowship, 677 Childers, M r s . Joyce, appointment, 1165 Childers, M r s . M a r y A . , appointment, u i r Children, exceptional, research, 1523 mentally handicapped, preschool project, funds, gift, 550 Cbildress, J. W . , appointment, 269, 1105 Childs, M . E . , appointment, 130, 965, , I 2 2 4 Child w e l f a r e and development, funds, gift,


Chimney, Abbott Power Plant addition, contract, 25 addition, 650 steam plant in Chicago, demolition, contract, 1303 Chin, R. B., degree, 802 Chin, Ruby E., degree, 809 Chin, Te-Ning, appointment, 1224 degree, 1385 China, purchase, IHini U n i o n , 440 Residence Halls, 342 Chipman, D . R., degree, 416 Chittenden, Dorothy D . , degree, 1393 Chittler, S. J., degree, 424 Chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds as insecticides, study, contract, change, 865 Chlup, J. F., degree, 820 Chlup, R. D . , degree, 3567 Chock, P. W . H., appointment, 358 Chodacki, H . S., degree, 419 Chodakowski, A . S., appointment, 126, 6 9 3 , 961, 1377, 1423 Chodora, C. R., degree, 813 Chodorkoff, B., fellowship, 1315 Cholecystokinin and secretin, research, gift, 1471 Chong, Eleanor F. Y., degree, 1543 Chorne, V . M., degree, 1400 Choronzy, R., degree, 803 Chorus, revolving account, 157, 992 Chow, Philip Y „ degree, 1540 Chow, Tseng K., degree, 794 Chow, Ven-Te, appointment, 1292, 1498 Chow, Wen-Lung, degree, 415 fellowship, 681, 1484 Christen, Evelyn, appointment, 321 Christensen, A. C. E., degree, 828 Christensen, C. S., certificate, 41 Christensen, M. F., degree, 1564 Christensen, R. H . , degree, 797 Christensen, W . A., degree, 594 Christenson, R. C , certificate, 841 Christian, R. E., degree, 592 Christiansen, Donna J., degree, 1560 Christiansen, E . B., degree, 1394 Christiansen, G. R., degree, 1563 Christiansen family, gift, 556 Christianson, R. C , degree, 808 Christie, T. M., degree, 809 Christjansen, A . E., degree, 1401 Christman, D. B., degree, 587 Christmann Hardwood Co., purchase, 615 Christmas Neighbor's Club of Prairie Farmer Station W L S , gift, 556 Christner, Eleanor B., degree, 414 Christner, L. D . , degree, 1401 Christoff, Geraldine H . , degree, 817 Christoffers, W . H . , appointment, 1377 degree, 1391 Christophersen, B., degree, 417 Christopherson, E . H . , appointment, 1189 Chronic illness hospital, facilities for education and research, 562 plan of affiliation, 1300 Chrysler, Barbara J., degree, 817 Chryssafopoulos, N . , appointment, 1526 degree, 1540 Chu, Chia-chen, degree, 781 Chubb, T. R., degree, 813 Chun, N . , appointment, 1192 Chun, T. W . N . , degree, 805 Churovich, M. D . , degree, 1393 Chute, O. M . , appointment, 1448 Ciancone, E . S., degree, 411 Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, Inc., gift, 552 Ciesla, Sophie, appointment, 320, 11S9 Ciha, A. G., degree, 1400 Ciha, Mrs. Claire O., appointment, 117, 950 resignation, 1382 Cikas, J. G., appointment, 329, i « 7 i Cincinnati Chemical W o r k s , Inc., gift, 548,