UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1515]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chesnutt, E. W., degree, 419 Chevlin, L., degree, 802 Chew, G. F., appointment, 350, 391, 967 Chiang, Shih-ngang, degree, 579 resignation, 572 Chicago, city of, lease, 1475 request, release of Navy Pier Drill Hall,


Chemistry, cont'd Socony-Vacuum Laboratories, 1212, 1469 Standard Oil Co. of California, 549*


Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, 1469 Standard Oil Co. of Ohio, 1212 Strong, H., Educational Foundation, 549 Upjohn Co., 549, 1212 Victor Chemical Works, 549, 1213 Visking Corp., 549. 1469 Western Cartridge Co., Division of Olin Industries, Inc., 549, 1213* 1469 funds, University Foundation, 1214 research, Commercial Solvents Corp., 1213 D11 Pont, E. I., de Nemours & Co., 548, International Nickel Co., Inc., 1213 Lilly, E., & Co., SSO Nutrition Foundation, Inc., 1213 Research Corporation, 1213 United States Public Health Service, SSO, SSi Karl Folkers lecture series, established, 1210 purchase, distillation apparatus, 524 electrometer, 1520 electron microscope, 852 electronic diffraction unit, 1466 equipment, 669 fume hood, 766 intensifier, 37s laboratory equipment, 1343 lens kits, 85 2 magnet assembly, 1206 potentiometers, 615 power supply, 852 refrigeration unit, 502 spectrograph^ equipment, 613 spectrometer, 502, 564 spectrophotometer, 854 storage bins, 341 vacuum pump, 852 Chemistry Annex, asphalt tile floors, contract, 545 Chen, Alice J. L., degree, 453 Chen, Chia-yung, degree, 781 Chen, Chuan F., fellowship, 1484 Chen, Han K., appointment, 391 Chen, Kuo-Tsai, appointment, 729, 971 Chen, Ming M., degree, 1535 Chen, Mrs. Mo-Ling H., appointment, 184 leave of absence, 646 Chen, P. T. H., degree, 793 Chen, Shih-Chen, degree, 794 Chen, Tien Y., fellowship, 679, 1482 Cheney, Mrs. Mary J., appointment, 333 Cheng, Kuang-Lu, degree, 780 fellowship, 731 resignation, 1382 Chenoweth, Mrs. Barbara, appointment, 1156 Chenoweth, D. L., degree, 817 Chenoweth, Verna F., degree, 1250 Cherner. Natalie F., degree, 1397 Chernoff, H., appointment, 80, 696, 913 declination, 877 leave of absence, 778 resignation, 1501 Chernoff, R. C , degree, 1395 Cherpeck, Elaine A., degree, 809 Cherry, C. N., appointment, 9 r 8 degree, 578 Cherry, S., appointment. 869, 959 degree, 790 Cherry, Sue, appointment, 1186 Cher tack, M. M., appointment, 43, 35s, 570, Chertack, Mrs. Orabelle, appointment, 312, 1149 Chervinko, E. J., degree, 813 Chesebro, Nina K., degree, 1241 Chesney, L. R., Jr., appointment, 7, 154, 989 Chesnut, Alma N., appointment, 263, 1099

1033, 1040, 1224 1213

Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad, bonds, purchase, 1420 Chicago Apparatus Co., purchase, 30, 440, 525, 526, 612, 670, 671, 767, 838, 853, 1206, 15^0 Chicago Club, bonds, sale, 568 Chicago Departments Committee, housing projects in Chicago, report, 505, 569 members, 602, 1405 Chicago Elevator a Machinery Co., bid, rejected, 651 Chicago Farmers, gift, 547i 1210 Chicago Fire Equipment Co., contract, 472 Chicago General Stores, purchase, hospital gowns, 439 laboratory coats, 375 laundry soap, 670 surgical dressing and gauze, 33 syringes, 342, 564 textiles and cotton goods, 30, 559 towels, 439 Chicago Heart Association, gift, 554, 1472 Chicago Illini Union, acoustical ceiling, contract, 865 budget, 234, 327, 1072, 1168 remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 40 roof repair, contract, 13-27 Chicago Junior League, gift, 554 Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co., purchase, 525 Chicago Producers Commission Association, purchase, 1416 Chicago Professional Colleges, administrative officer, appointment, 1320 admission, policy, 1255 appropriations, balances reappropriated, 39» 365 architectural services, minor remodeling, appropriation, 611 budget, 195, 1030 summer session, 704* *459 buildings, metal doors, replacement, contract, 1325 remodeling, release of funds, 491 coal, contract, 1205 cover glasses, purchase, 853 electrical distribution system, additions, 24 contract, 464, 848 extension, release of funds, 338 equipment, appropriation, 1324 release of funds, 49 r fees, tuition, nonresident, increase, 539 fellows, appointment, 683 housing project, bids, request, 569 bond issue, legal services, payment, 736 printing, contract, 622 resolution authorizing, 622 construction budget, revisions, 442 construction fund account, 666 contracts, 650 financing, 569, 621 inspection tour, 1504 laboratory glassware, purchase, 767 land, acquisition, 1265, 1461 microscope equipment, purchase, 439 musical instruments, appropriation, 435 nurses, housing in Preshyterian Hospital Nurses Home, 1260 Nursing School, established, 1339 old heating plant, removal and sale of equipment, contract, 1415 repairs, appropriation, 1415 parking area, appropriation, 845