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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Chan, H. W., degree, 801 Chan, Thomie, appointment, 391 Chance, P. W., degree, 1541 Chancellor, R. C„ appointment, 274, m o Chandler, Mrs. Annabel R., appointment, 1137 Chandler, F. A., appointment, 206, 229, 1043, 1067 member of advisory committee, 562 Chandler, J. L., degree, 1564 Chandler, M. Jeanne, appointment, 1145 Chandler, Mrs. Margaret K., appointment, 85, 179, 018, 1015 leave of absence, 1316 Chandler, Marion, degree, 1247 Chandler, W. G., degree, 820 Chandler Research Fund, addition, gift, 1219, 1474 Chaney, Shirley J., appointment, 276 Chang, C. C , degree, 1387 Chang, J. M., degree, 809 Chang, Kuo-Sui, degree, 577 Chang, Peh-I, appointment, 444, 1271, 1498 Chang, R. K. J., degree, 595 Chang, Szu S., appointment, 1423 degree, iS39 Chang, Tzeh N., degree, 1390 Changnon, J. R., degree, 580 Changnon, Pauline E., appointment, 150, 985 leave of absence, 1383, 1488 Changnon, S. A., Jr., degree, 820 Chanler, Josephine H., appointment, 43, 80, 914 Channick, H. S., degree, 1249 Channon, Mrs. Elizabeth J., appointment, 264, 303 Channon, S. L., degree, 576 Chao, Bei-Tse, appointment, 129, 964, 1271 Chao, Chuan-ying, fellowship, 1480 Chapin, E. H., degree, 418 Chapman, A. Z., appointment, 1349 Chapman, C. A., appointment, 78, 911 Chapman, C. E., degree, 1389 Chapman, D. H., appointment, 694 Chapman, E. R., degree, 798 Chapman, G. C , degree, 1553 Chapman, J. R., degree, 591 Chapman, Mrs. Pauline V., appointment, 284, Chapman, Pauline W., degree, 827 Chapman, R. A., appointment, 355. 1183 Chapman, W. P., Jr., degree, 802 Chapman & Cutler, legal services, housing projects in Chicago, payment, 736 residence halls, bond issue, 763, 1267 Chapman Chemical Co., gift, 1469 Chapp, Mrs. Dorothea, appointment, 318, 1156 Chapp, J. M., degree, 802 Chappee, J. H., degree, 588 Chappelear, C.~ E., degree, 580 Chappelear, F . E., degree, 1559 Chark, E. B., degree, 8og Charles, Eunice, appointment, 12 Charles, S. F., fellowship, 512 Charles, Virginia R., appointment, n o , 114, 1 IS, 944, 948 degree, 793 Charles Street, property at 920 West, purchase, 3 Charlesworth, D. E., degree, 585 Charlton, I. A., degree, 1236 Charters, Charlotte A., degree, 805 Charters, W. W-, Jr., appointment, 151, 986 Charter Seed Co., contract, 440 Chase, A. L., degree, 1551 Chase, D. M., fellowship, 681 declination, 731 Chase, J., degree, 1567 Chase, M, N., appointment, 127 declination, 403 Chase, Mary L., appointment, 108, 119, 94^ Chasman, H., degree, 593 Chatham, G. N., appointment, 1271 1120 l6ll Chatham United Presbyterian Church, gift, Chatkin case, committee to employ counsel and approve the fee structure, 459 decision, 664 Chatt, E. J., degree, 816 Chatterton, A, P., certificate, 430 Chatz, R. B., degree, 419 Chau, Sek-Hong, appointment, 643, 1193 Chaudhuri, Debdas, degree, 1243 Chaufournier, R., appointment, 43, 391, 1224, _. 1333 Chauvet, F., appointment, 353, 1181 Chazen, C , certificate, 41 Checov, L., appointment, 1313 Chedsey, W. R., appointment, 130, 965 Cheema, L. S., degree, 789 Cheever, E. G., degree, 1544 Chekytis, G. J., degree, 828 Chelin, Emily, appointment, 1175 Chelnick, D. M., degree, 591 Chemical Engineering, fellows, 1480 gift, fellowship, Du Pont, E. I., de Nemours & Co., 548, 1212 Ethyl Corp., 1212 Pan American Refining Corp., 1212, 1468 Pittsburgh Consolidated Coal Co., 549, 1468 Shell Fellowship Committee, 549, 12x2 Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, 1469 Standard Oil Co. of Ohio, 1212 Visking Corp., 1469 Chemical Engineering Research,, budget, 123, Chemical Fireproonng Corp., contract, 472 Chemical nitrogen on soil, research, contract, change, 610, 1344 Chemical research, fellowship, gift, Brown, Mrs. Antoinette F., 1262 Chemicals, effect on defoliation of plants, research, gift, 1213, 1469 purchase, 852, 1520 Chemical Storeroom, purchase, acids, 852 chemicals, 852, 1520 glassware, 526, 838, 1206, 1520 laboratory apparatus, 852, 1520 laboratory equipment, 467, 525 mantles, 671 porcelain ware, 526 Chemistry, appropriations, balances reappropriated, z7> 39, 1198 budget, 71, 265, 905, 1101 summer session, 690, 1446 fellows, 677, 1480 gift, fellowship, Allied Chemical & Dye Corp., 548, 1468 American Cyanamid Co., 548 Armour & Co., 1211 Cincinnati Chemical Works, Inc., 548 Commercial Solvents Corp., 1468 Dow Chemical Co., 548, 1212 Du Pont, E. I., de Nemours & Co., 548, 1212 1216 27%, 957, 1114 1211 Eastman Kodak Co., 549, 1212 Ethyl Corp., 540 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., 1212 General Aniline & Film Corp., 1468 Lauhoff Grain Co., 549 Lilly, E., & Co., 549» 1212 Lindsay Light & Chemical Co., 549* 146S Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Monsanto Chemical Co.-, 1468 . National Academy of Sciences, 12x2 Olin Industries. Inc., 1468 Procter & Gamble Co., 549, 1212 Rohm & Haas Co., 1469 Searle, G. D., & Co., 1212 Sinclair Refining Co., 549, 1469 Co., 1212
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