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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Bower, Lavinia M., degree, 1543 Bower, O. K., appointment, 81, 914 Bower, T. D., certificate, 841 Bowerman, F. W., appointment, 293, 1129 Bowers, R. J., degree, 816 Bowers, W., appointment, 729, 931, 950 Bowes, J. R., degree, 815 Bowing, Nancy, appointment, 321 Bow Id en, H. J., degree, 1283 Bowles, H. G., certificate, 489 Bowles, J., I l l , degree, 820 Bowman, A. H., appointment, 267, 1103 Bowman, C E., appointment, 134, 960 Bowman, C. H., appointment, 164, 262^ 69s, 1000, 1451 degree, 417 director of Athletic^ Association, 604, 1409 member of committee to hear charges against P. J. May, 605 Bowman, Hertha "L-, appointment, 1113 Bowman, J. J., degree, 1563 Bowman, J. P., degree, 1567 Bowman, L., Jr., degree, 801 Bowman, Mrs. Marcia, appointment, 76 resignation, 402 Bowman, V,, appointment, 1111 Bowman, W. E., appointment, 325 Bowman Dairy Co., gift, 1215 Bowness, L. J., appointment, 507, 1167 Boxerman, Roslyn M., degree, 1566 Boyce, L. C , degree, 818 Boyd, Alice L., appointment, 184 Boyd, Anne M., appointment, 167, 1003 Boyd, E., degree, 1539 Boyd, H. F., degree, 411 Boyd, Tames F., degree, 411 Boyd, Joseph F., Jr., degree, 411 Boyd, M. A., degree, 1567 Boyd, N. D., appointment, 303, 1139 Boyd, R. W., degree, t25o Boyd, Retta E., appointment, 227, 1064 Boyer, D. R., degree, 1393 Boyer, D.. S., degree, 1390 Boyer, D. T., appointment, 258, 1094 Boyer, F. A., degree, 1241 Boyer, G. F., degree, 796 Boyle, A. J„ degree, 586 Boyle, B. F., certificate, 1330 Boyle, M. J., & Co.. gift, 550 Boyll, R. W., certificate, 841 degree, 813 Boys, F. E., appointment, 159, 994 Boysen, H., appointment, 356, J185 Bozarth, Beatrice, appointment, 327, 1169 Bozarth, M. E., degree, 805 Brabanec, Jo Ann, appointment, 1163 Brackett, Jane E., appointment, 301, 1138 Brackett, W. W., degree, 1398 Bradbeer, M. R., degree, 1250 Bradburn, J. T., degree, 803 Bradbury, C. E., appointment, 154, 988 Bradbury, T. A., appointment, 300, 1136 Bradd, S. H., Jr., degree, 596 Bradel, T. E., degree, 823 Bradfisch, D. E., degree, 586 Bradford, C. E., appointment, 476, 673 Bradford, Elizabeth, degree, 1241 Bradley, Beth, appointment, 156, 991, i45 2 Bradley, Betty J., degree, 1560 Bradley, E. B., degree, 816 Bradley, Mrs. Joan, appointment, 1142 Bradley, P., resignation, 402 Bradley, T. R., degree, 424 Bradley, W. Q., degree, 823, 1573 Bradner Smith & Co., purchase, 31, 343, '3°5 Bradshaw, G. R-, resignation, 402 Bradshaw, Jean C , degree, 812 Bradshaw, R. B., degree, 816 Brady, Mrs. Dorothy S., appointment, 141. 142, | ? o leave of absence, 732 resignation, 1232 Brady, G. J., certificate, 42 l6oi Brady, Helen, appointment, 329 Brady, W. F., degree, 1285 Bragdon, D. E„ appointment, 869 Bragg, E. M., Jr., degree, 419 Bragg, Janet S., appointment, 266, 1102 Brahana, H. R., appointment, 80, 913, 1451 Brahm, E. J., Jr., degree, 1251 Brain biochemistry, research, gift, 1.216 Brak, Helen, appointment, 321 Brak, Margaret, appointment, n 59 Brakensiek, D. L., degree, 585, 586, 1538 Bramble, Edith A., degree, 1244 Bramel, Mrs. M. Maxine, appointment, 261 Braroel, R. G., degree, 1568 Bramlet, E. F., degree, 424 Bramlet. T. G., degree, 596 Brams, Elaine, degree, 819 Brancato, S. P., degree, 1251 Branch, B. H., Jr., degree, 1543 Branch, C. D., appointment, 363, 1192 Branch, J. E., appointment, 153, 689 resignation, 402 Branch, Mrs. Marjorie L., appointment, 1223 Brand, A. M., appointment, 357 Brandell, R. A., certificate, 41 Brandenburg, H. S., degree, 586 Brandes, R. E., degree, 1243 Brandon, A. N., appointment, 1526 degree, 1244 Brandsma, L., degree, 1550 Brandwein, R. F., degree, 422 Branigan, D. A., appointment, 15s, 336, 390, 672, 696, 990 Branigan, D. M., degree, 595 Brannan, Nancy L., fellowship, 1484 Brannick, Mrs. Patricia S., appointment, 314 Brannick, T. L., degree, 830, 1573 Brannin, D. P., Jr., certificate, 41 Brannon, Ann, appointment, 322, 1164 Brannon, J. L., Jr., degree, 830 Brannon, Mildred J., appointment, 267, 1526 Brannon, R. I., appointment, 297, 1134 Bransby, E. J., appointment, 154, 989 resignation, 1382 Bransford, L. W., appointment, 300 Bransky, R. N., degree, 789 Brantley, G. H., degree, 411 Brantley, Lucille H., degree, 793 Brantman, A., degree, 417 Brantner, Marcella, appointment, 331, 1173 Branz, E. E., degree, 1568 Brash, J., appointment, 292 Brash, W. D., appointment, 298, 1134 Brasley, M., degree, 820 Brasmer, T. H., appointment, 163, 476, 908 resignation, 1501 Brasure, D. E., fellowship, 1480 Bratman, R. L., degree, 823, 1573 Braucher, H. H., appointment, 146, 982 Braude, M., appointment, 361, 1190 Brauer, W. H., degree, 81S Brauer, W. P., degree, 1246 Braught, D. M„ degree, 588 Braun, B. D., appointment, 362, 1191 Braun, Catherine H., degree, 1560 Braun, D. L., degree, 1399 Braun, G., degree, 817 Braun, G. E., degree, 1552 Braun, H. J., appointment, 160, 994 Braunfeld, Mrs. Johanna, appointment, 242, Braverman, M. J., degree, 1554 Bray, J. R., degree, 419 Bray, R. H., appointment, 98, 932 leave of absence, 604 Brazell, Nancy J., appointment, 1376 Brazelton, D. H., degree, 799 Brazen, L. I., degree, 417 Brebis, G. J., appointment, 205, 390, 1040 Brebner, C. E., degree, 814 Bredar, F. R., degree, 585 Bredehorst, Hortense J., degree, 1241 Breed, E. R., degree, 586 702, 1081
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