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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i6oo BOAKD OF TRUSTEES Bosco, Jennie M., appointment, 1271 Bosco, L., degree, 1547 Bosket, Dorotha M., degree, 1244 Boskoff, A., appointment, 390, 699 Bosley Wrecking Co., contract, 657, 769, 1207, 1303, 1304, 1360 Bosomworth, E. L., degree, 1241 Bosselman, Mrs. Beulah C , appointment, 211, 1047 Bossi, Charlotte, appointment, 322, 1164 Bossi, Edith, appointment, 1159 Bossi, Gloria, appointment, 1159 Bost, J. S., degree, 788 Bost, W. L., degree, 1551 Bostick, C. W., degree, 794 Bostwick, Leila T., appointment, 9 Boswell, B. D., degree, 423 Boswell, B. E., degree, 415 Boswell, H. C , appointment, 282, 1118 Boswell, J. R., degree, 825 Boswell, Mrs. Marialyce H., appointment, 273 Boswell, P. P., appointment, 352, 1180 Boszormenyi-Nagyf I., appointment, 729, 1048 Botany, air conditioning rooms in Natural History Building, appropriation, 1259 contract, 1259 appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37, 1196 autoclaves, purchase, 499 budget, 71, 265, 904, 1101 summer session, 689, 1445 equipment, appropriation, 434 fellows, 677, 1479 greenhouse, repairs and alterations, appropriation, 521 laboratory furniture, purchase, 1520 remodeling, appropriation, 521, 1330 Botany Annex, greenhouse remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 39 Bothwell, Hazel, appointment, 87, 150, 1159 Bottomley, T. E., degree, 1541 Bottorff, A. A., degree, 1568 Bottrell, G. D., degree, 1548 Boub, K. W., degree, 1564 Bouc, O., Jr., degree, 809 Bouchard, J. B., appointment, 1448 Bouchard, R. L., degree, 819, 1546 fellowship, 681 Boudreau Trust Fund, gift, 547 Boulden, T. B., degree, 801 Bouldin, Mabel S., degree, 414 Bouldin, R., appointment, 1141 Bouldin, R. F., appointment, 307, 1144 Boulding, E. A., Jr., degree, 586, 1540 Bourdage, G. A., degree, 1398 Bourgin, D. G., appointment, 80, 869, 913, 1526 Bourke, E. R., certificate, 1330 Bousfield, J. R., fellowship, 680 declination, 731 Bouslog, W. A., degree, 798 Bousma, W. J., appointment, 80, 695, 912, 1451 Bovee, R. P., degree, 588 Bovik, R. E.. degree, 1249 Bovine brucellosis immunization, research, gift, 550, 1213 Bowden, Jane R., appointment, 309 Bowe, J. C , degree, 1283 Bowen, C. E., appointment, 171, 1006 Bowen, Dorothy £., appointment, 156, 990 Bowen, G. R., certificate, 841 Bowen, H. R., appointment, 137, 140, 975 member of committee for Kyoto Seminar, 1419 resignation, 487 Bowen, Mrs. Naomi J., appointment, 301, 1138 Bowen, Willa C , degree, 819 Bower, A. T., degree, 814 Bower, E. R., degree, 583 Bower, G. F., degree, 1563 Bower, L. E., appointment, 360, 1189 Bonnell, Clarissa S., degree, 1386 Bonner, R. J., degree, 597 Bonness, Q. L., degree, 1243 Bonnett, O. T., appointment, 98, 932 Bonneville, Joyce A., diploma, 1575 Bonucci, P. A., degree, 1548 BoodelK Pat J., degree, 424 Book, E., degree, 802 Bookcases, purchase, Animal Sciences Laboratory, 852 Veterinary Medicine Building, 853 Booker, Jo Anne, 161, 996 Bookkeeping machine, Business Office, appropriation, 1359 purchase, 1360 Books, collections for research in English literature, purchase, 32 gift. Engineering Library, 1214 Harper collection on architecture, 551 Bookstacks, Chicago Undergraduate Division, appropriation, 762 Bookstore, University, operation, report of General Policy Committee, 1523 Bookwalter, G. N., degree, 799 Boomer, J. H., degree, 1248 Boon, G. W., certificate, 488 Boone, R. O., degree, 822, 1571 Boor, W. J., degree, 1399 Boorman, Evelyn, appointment, n 60 Booth, A. W., appointment, 78, 694, 911 leave of absence, 1316 Booth, R. W. W., degree, 791 Booth & Thomas Co., purchase, 32 Boothe, Enid O., degree, 1557 Boots, D. L., certificate, 1490 Bopp, Mildred C , degree, 421 Boquist, G. E., degree, 1567 Borah, Grace F., appointment, 328, 1169 Borchelt, Ruth T., degree, 1241 Borcherding, R. M., degree, 803 Bordeaux, D. R., degree, 825 Borden, G. H., degree, 823 Borden, Helen S., degree, 1389 Borden Co., contract, 523 change, 1306 Borden Company Foundation, Inc., gift, 548, 553, 1216, 1467 Borek, Dolores S., degree, 828 Boresi, A. P., appointment, 134, 970, 1376 Borg, A. F., appointment, 71, 689, 903, 1476 Borgatell, R. F., degree, 808 Borgenicht, Grace, Gallery, purchase, 1466 Borgeson, E. P., certificate, 841 Borgeson, L. A., certificate, 1337 Borgolte, A. J., degree, 828 Borhauer, Mrs. Shirley, appointment, 313 Boric acid, toxicity to tissues and bacteria, research, gift, 554 Borke, M. L., degree, 828 Borklund, C. W., degree, 1564 Borkowski, B. A., degree, 802 Borleff, Mrs. Luba B., appointment, 263, 1099 Borleff, S., appointment, 289, 1125 Borman, W. M., degree, 1542 Bormann, Mrs. Valborg F., appointment, 308 Born, Gwendolyn A., degree, 819 Born, J. H., degree, 1394 Bornarth, D. M., appointment, 1349 degree, 1394 Borok, L., degree, 1399 Borri, R. P., appointment, 128, 963 Borrino, J., degree, 1550 Borrino, Vera M., degree, 1554 Borromeo, J. N., degree, 813 Borta, F. W., degree, 820 Borth, D., resignation, 46 Borton, Rebecca K., appointment, 114, 164, 947, 9.48, 999 resignation, i486 Borucki, E. A., Jr., appointment, 869, 1058, degree, 828 Bosch, Eileen M., appointment, 258 1271
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