UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1501]

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Blanyer, C. G., degree, 802 Blasius, R. H., degree, 586 Blaski, R. B., degree, 1553 Blatt, J. M„ appointment, 132, 698, 967 Blatt, N. H., appointment, 1476 Blaut, Helen, appointment, 322, 1164 Blazaich, Adella M„ appointment, 309, 1145 Blaze, J. E., appointment, 264, 298, 1100, 1134 Blaze, Ruth E., degree, 1560 Blazina, M. E., degree, 823, 1573 Bleacher, portable, patent rights, release, 458 Bleakney, W;, appointment, 136 Blechinger, F. X., degree, 790 Bleck, J. H., degree, 801 Bleck, T. F., degree, 817 Bleeker, M. J., degree, 593 Bleiler, W. E., degree, 1576 Bleiweis, S., certificate, 1328 Blessing, R. J., Jr., degree, 1566 Blessman, R. H., degree, 813 Blevins, Marjorie A., degree, 8iz Blicharski, E. F., degree, 1565 Blick, J. G., degree, 419, 1390 Blickman, S., Inc., purchase, 670 Blindt, Elizabeth M., degree, 1246 Blindt, J. J., fellowship, 1351 Blinick, G. H., degree, 828 Bliss, Rachel, appointment, 1376, 1476 degree, 1576 Bliss, W. R., degree, 1397 Block, B., appointment, 362, 673, 1190 Block, B. R., degree, 790 Block, Bette O., appointment, 259, 1095 Block, Helene T., degree, 591, 1236 Block, R. F., appointment, 271, 1107 Block, Renee B., degree, 590 Block, W. J., fellowship, 512, 682 Blodgett, D. R., appointment, 43 Blodgett, R. H., appointment, 141 resignation, 402 Blodgett, R. W., degree, 594 Blomberg, Jeanne A., appointment, 269 Blomberg, June C., appointment, 269 Blomberg, L. F., degree, 823, 1573 Blomquist, C. A., appointment, 221, 1058 degree, 1386 Blomstrom, D. C , fellowship, 677, 1480, 1500 resignation, 1501 Blood, value of ultra-violet irradiation, research, gift, 551 Blood- bank revolving account, Research and Educational Hospitals, 231, 1069 Blood cell formation, research, gift, 1216 Bloodgood, Eleanor F., appointment, 264, n 00 Bloodgood, O. H., degree, 1557 Bloom, I. B., degree, 805 Bloom, L. R., appointment, 127, 773, 962 Bloom, L. W., appointment, 242, 1081 Bloom, M., fellowship, 681 resignation, 1232 Bloom, Margaret, appointment, 75, 693, 908, 1440 Bloom, Roberta, degree, 592 Bloomer Heating & Ventilating Co., contract, addition, 715, 850 change, 639 Bloomington Engraving Co., purchase, 838 Bloomquist, Y. S., degree, 586 Bloss, F. D., appointment, 243, 673 Bloss, F. G., degree, 1536 Blosser, L. G., degree, 781 Blue, L. R., degree, 1557 Blue, M. Rl, appointment, 297, 1134 Blue, Phyllis J., degree, 1550 Blueprinting and Photographic Laboratory, budget, 200, 1127 Bluestein, Claire K., degree, 450 Blum, B., certificate, 535, 1330 withheld, 664 Blum, E. I., degree, 1563

Bitterman, A. A., degree, 817 Bitting, Barbara, appointment, 186, 1021 Bittman, A., certificate, 41 Bitz, D. E., degree, 411 Bjelland, A. A., degree, 416 Bjurstrom, Mrs. Dorothy D., appointment, 314 Blachman, M. M., degree, 586 Black, C. J., appointment, 530, 1186 Black, Dorothy M„ appointment, 186, 1021 Black, Elinor J., degree, 805 Black, Mrs. Esther A., appointment, 182 declination, 402 degree, 453 Black, H. W., degree, 453 Black, Helen F„ appointment, 320 Black, L. M., appointment, 1337 Black, Lulu S., appointment, 109, 118, 942, ?Si Black, Marilyn L., appointment, 296 Black, Robert Abner, degree, 788 Black, Robert Alan, degree, 589 Black, R. D., degree, 1393 fellowship, 1479 Black, W. E., appointment, 133, 701, 969, I4S6 Blackard, R. F., degree, 809 Blackburn, Ida B., litigation, decision, 374 legal services, payment, 435 Blackduck State Bank, depositary for civil engineering petty cash fund, 1324 Blacker, R. D., appointment, 1129 Blackie, W., member of advisory committee, resignation, 483 Blackman, A., appointment, 310 Blackmail, I. L., certificate, 41 Blackman, J. C , degree, 423 Blackmore, W. P., appointment, 221, 222, 390 fellowship, 1231 resignation, 877 Blackstone, G. R., appointment, 66, 898 Blacktop Roads Co., contract, 707 Blackwell, H. B., II, degree, 1401 Blackwell, I. H., degree, 593 Blackwell, W. A., degree, 1542 Blackwell Wielandy, purchase, y6y Blades, M. M., degree, 411 Blaford, J. S., appointment, 272, n o 8 Blagen, Helen L., appointment, 673 Blaha, E. W., degree, 591 Blair, Barbara, appointment, 331, 1172 Blair, E. S., degree, 1569 Blair, G. M., appointment, 144, 691,980, 1447 Blair, Jesse C„ degree, 1241 Blair, Joseph C., appointment, 91, 925 Blair, J. M., degree, 792 Blair, J. S., appointment, 1223 degree, 783 Blair, L. J., degree, 585 Blaisdell, Daisy L., appointment, 79, 912 Blaisdell, E. M., degree, 813 Blake, C. H., degree, 805 Blake, F. E., Jr.. degree, 80s Blake, Lois J„ degree, 1249 Blakeley, V. C , degree, 1241 Blakeman, C. C., fellowship, 1484 declination, i486 Blaker, Nancy L., degree, 589 Blakeslee, G. K., degree, 790 Blakeslee, Mrs. Janet S., appointment, 182, 1017 leave of absence, 1280 Blanchard, Carol, painting, purchase, 1466 Blanchaxd, T. E., degree, 1561 Blanchard, W. O., appointment, 78, 694, 910 Bland, A. G., degree, 1398 Bland, Lois J., appointment, 110, 117 resignation, 402 Bland, R. A., Electric Co., bid, 1519 contract, addition, 438 Blandford, B. J., certificate, 1328 Blanksma, Lorraine A., degree, 825

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