UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1498]

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Beling, Eleanor SI., degree, 818 Beling, T . E . , degree, 1552 B e l i n s o n , L., appointment, 362 Bell, A l m a D . , degree, 407 Bell, E . , degree, 587 Bell, E . F . , degree, 802 Bell, Esther J., appointment, 10, 1307 Bell, J. F . , appointment, 141, 860, 9 7 6 , 1447 Bell, J. M . , appointment, 390 resignation, 683 Bell, K. E . , degree, 582 Bell, Margaret M . , appointment, 9 Bell, Martha H . , degree, 1554 Bell, R. R., appointment, 1106 Bell, R. T . , degree, 582 Bellack, J e a n n e A . , degree, 827 Bellamia, Josephine, appointment, 323, 1165 Bellamy, A . , estate, funds, acceptance, 381 u s e , 766 Bellamy, J. E . , appointment, 76, 909, 1449 degree, 577 Bell & Zoller Coal Co., purchase, 767 Belles, H . , appointment, 2 8 1 , 1117 Bellinger, G. E . , Jr., appointment, 279, 11 i s Bell-Irving, P . , appointment, 355, 1183 Bellis & Miller, contract, addition, 370 Bells, J., degree, 424 Belnap, N . D . , Jr., degree, 1554 Belsan, M r s . Joan J., appointment, 1094 Belt, J. F . t degree, 797 Belting, C. M . , appointment, 1376 degree, 1569 Belting, Natalia M „ appointment, 79, 912 Beltz, G. C , degree, 819 Belyea Co., Inc., purchase, 29 Bement, C. E . , appointment, 300, 1136 Bemis, W . P . , appointment, 1526 Bendell, C. B., degree, 802 Bender, C. C , appointment, declination, 402 Bender, F . B., degree, 597 Bender, G. L., degree, 451 Bender, J. A . , appointment, 160, 697 degree,- 1282 Bender, J. E „ degree, 1562 Bender, J. H . , degree, 1550 Bender, M r s . Margaret A . , appointment, 1123 Bender, R u t h D . , appointment, 179 degree, 786 resignation, 877 Bendiner, B., degree, 809 Bendiner, Dolores A . , degree, 805 B e n d i x Aviation Corp., Freiz Instrument Division, purchase, 1521 Benedetti, R. D . , degree, 828 Benedict, D - , degree, 595 Benedict, Dorothy, appointment, 3 2 1 , 1159 Benedix, R. H . , degree, 591 Benefield, C. W . , degree, 587 Benensohn, S. J., appointment, 357, 1185 B e n e s , R. C , degree, 809 Benesch, M r s . E d n a V . , appointment, n i 7 > 1526 Benesch, S . E . , degTee, 786 Benford, M . C , appointment, 206, 226, 227, 230, 1042, 1063, 1064 Bengtson, V . E . , degree, 1399 Benham, H . V . , degree, 1576 Benjamin, F . B . , appointment, 1271 Benjamin, H . F . , degree, 587 B e n j a m i n , R. B . , degree, 586 B e n j a m i n , R. J., degree, 584 fellowship, 682, 1486, 1529 B e n j a m i n , R. K., appointment, 1223 degree, 781 Benn, F . E . , certificate, 1328 B e n n e , K. D . , appointment, 144, 69'> 980 declination, 777 leave of absence, 1502 member of committee for Kyoto Seminar, 1419 Benner, D . R „ degree, 589 Benner, M r s . Marjorie M . , appointment, 270


Benner, Mrs. Shirley, appointment, 1140 Benner, T. E . , appointment, 144, 6 9 1 , 980, H47 leave of absence, 475, 1194 . cancellation, 535 services to Department of State, 462 Bennett, A . G., degree, 1569 Bennett, A. L., degree, 451 Bennett, A. P., certificate, 841 Bennett, D . G., appointment, 123, 957 discovery, patent rights, release, 854 Bennett, Evelyn C , degree, 407 Bennett, Flavius E . , degree, 1285 Bennett, Foster E . , appointment, 356, 1184 Bennett, G. A., appointment, 207, 229, 1044, 1068 Bennett, G. G., property, purchase, 348 Bennett, J. L., degree, 1542 Bennett, J. R., appointment, 354, 1182 Bennett, P. L., degree, 411 Bennett, Rainey, paintings, gift, 1471 Bennett, Richard, degree, 591 Bennett, Richard C , degree, 1393 Bennett, Russell C , degree, 1564 Bennett, R. D . , degree, 1553 Bennett, R. K., degree, 1401 Bennett, R. M., degree, 1562 Bennett, R. W . , appointment, 1146 Bennett, W . R., degree, 575 Bennett Industries, Inc., purchase, 29 Bennewitz, W . C , degree, 415 Bennorth, R. B., degree, 1554 Benoliel, P. K., degree, 820 Benrimo, T., painting, purchase, 1466 Benson, D . F., degree, 818 Benson, D . H „ degree, 589 Benson, Esther, degree, 1389 Benson, H . W . , appointment, 315, 1153 Benson, Joan, fellowship, 46 Benson, Marianne, degree, 1550 Benson, R. A . , degree, 593 Benson, R. C , certificate, 488 Benson, W . R., degree, 591 Benting, A n n a M., appointment, 1097 Benton, C. H - , degree, 781 Benton, E v a F „ appointment, 185, 1021 Benton, Eva M., appointment, 289, 1125 Benton School District, contract, 1207 Bentz, D . M., degree, 1244 Benzel, Roselyn M., degree, 816 Bequests, Bellamy, A . , 381, 766 Hackett, Mrs. Jessie E . , 372 Hunter, B. F . , 662, 709 Jusina, Elsie, 523 Miller, G. A., 607 Phillips, J. D . , trustee, request for court ruling, 380 Reardon, N . D . , payment received, 1467 W y l i e , Dr. and Mrs. S. M . , 373 Beraha, L., degree, 583 fellowship, 777 Berbaum, C. H . , appointment, 1126 Berbaum, E . R., appointment, 298, 1135 Berdahl, C. A., appointment, 82, 915 Bere, P. R., degree, 1247 Berens, M . H . , certificate, 1328 Beres, M. C , degree, 423 Beresford, Pauline, appointment, 325, 327 Beresniewicz, A., fellowship, 531, ' S o o Berfield, C. M., degree, 825 Berg, E. C , certificate, 1330 Berg, E . W . , appointment, 238, 2 4 8 , 7 0 1 , 1077, 1087 Berg, Eleanor A . , degree, 1386 Berg, H . J. v a n den, appointment, 15s Berg, I. D . , appointment, 1376 Berg, K. B., appointment, 140 resignation, 402 Berg, M., appointment, 354, 1182 B e r g , M . M . , degree, 591 Berg, Mrs. Madeline H . , appointment, 2 9 3 , 1098