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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1491]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Arenberg, W. D., degree, 1551 Arends, D. G., degree, 7^7 Arends, W. G-, degree, 797 Arens, R. P., degree, 587 Argiry, Linda, appointment, 11 Argoudelis, J. J., degree, 1561 Ane, T., appointment, 2J74, I I 1 0 Arista Surgical Supply Co., purchase, 342 Arisumi, T., degree, 783 Arkin, A., appointment, 353, 1181 Arkin, J., appointment, 389, 1270 Arkins, W. J., degree, 1576 Arky, L. H., appointment, 1498 Armaos, K. E., fellowship, 680 degree, 1544 Armbruster, G. E., degree, 825 Armbruster Manufacturing Co., purchase, 613 Armed Forces, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 1197 budget, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 250, 333, 1089, 1175 Urbana-Champaign departments, 176, 292, clothing and equipment revolving account, storage facilities, appropriation, 1512 Armesy, Mrs. Dorothy M., appointment, 263 Armesy, T. W., appointment, 476 declination, 531 degree, 582 Armon, L. W., degree, 1239 Armon, W. J., appointment, 270, 1106 Armory, remodeling, appropriation, 611 balances reappropriated, 39 contract, adjustment, 1361 storage facilities, appropriation, 1512 Armour & Co., contract, 523 change, 1208 gift, 552, 1211, 1468, 1471 Arms, L. M., degree, 1400 Armstrong, Alice, appointment, 263, 1099 Armstrong, Berthe E., appointment, 643, 1182 Armstrong, Beulah M., appointment, 80, 914, 1541 Armstrong, C. A., degree, 1541 Armstrong, D. E., degree, 424 Armstrong, G. L., degree, 796 Armstrong, Grace B., appointment, 108, 120, 942, 953 leave of absence, 1353 Armstrong, H. F., degree, 816 Armstrong, J. H., legal services, payment, 736 statement, financial settlement of contract on Lincoln Avenue Residence, 534 tribute, 1525 Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. J. H., gift, 551 Armstrong, J. S., Jr., degree, 1399 Armstrong, To A., degree, 594 Armstrong, Joyce H., degree, 1554 Armstrong, Julia I., appointment, 308, 1145 Armstrong, R. E., degree, 809 Armstrong, S. H., Jr., appointment, 353, 1181 Army, contract, 378, 440, 469, 560, 1206, 1207, 1327, 1464 change, 668, 1264, 1306, 1328, i345» 1464. 1495 lease, 441 officers assigned to duty at University, academic ranks, 1337 A m , G., degree, 424 Arnett, C. E., degree, 813 Arnett, Lucille, appointment, 320 Arney, B. B., degree, 1541 Arnheim, Joanne, fellowship, 1351 declination, 1352 Arnold, C. Y., appointment, 112, 945 degree, 783 Arnold, J., appointment, 306, 1143 Arnold, Phyllis R., degree, 787 Arnold, R. H., degree, 597 Arnold, S. R., degree, 1545 Arny, Mrs. Clara B., appointment, 1448

1012 ion, 1129

Appropriations, cont'd Women's Gymnasium, remodeling, 434 Wright Street, property at 501 South, purchase, 540 remodeling, 1199 Zoology, equipment, 762 remodeling, 1339 See also Budget. Arambulo, Angel S., degree, 1570 Arata, N. N., degree, 823, 1573 Arbenz, Mary H., appointment, 86, 699, 920, I45S Arbisi, D. S., degree, 809 Arbit, J., degree, 589, 1537 Arbogast, T. J., degree, 1401 Arcade Building, restaurant space, lease, expiration at termination date, 605 extension, request, 388 referred to Committee on Buildings and Grounds and on General Policy, 1503 report, 1525 termination recommended, 517 Archambeau, E. R., Jr., degree, 415 Archdeacon, Maude, appointment, 255, 1092 authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 4, 444, 602, 858, 1405 Archer, Dolores J., degree, 1560 Archer, E. J., appointment, 444, 643, 1376 Archer, L. B., appointment, 126, 693, 960, 1449 Archer, Roberta S., degree, 799 Archibald, Rosemary A., degree, 709 Architectural Engineering, Plym fellowships, regulations, 714 Architectural services, Animal Sciences Laboratory, contract, addition, 465 Chicago Professional Colleges, minor remodeling, appropriation, 611 East Dentistry- Medicine-Pharmacy Building, contract, change, 1304, 1462 Engineering Research Laboratory, remodeling, 438, 609 appropriation, 1413 Home Economics Building, contract, 847 Huff Gymnasium, appropriation, 340 Life Sciences Building, 474 Men's Residence Halls, expansion, 367, 379, 54i Mining and Metallurgical Laboratory, addition of third floor, 609 residence halls expansion, 1290 additional services, payment, 1301 Talbot Laboratory, addition, appropriation, 1413 Architecture, appropriations, balances reapropriated, 38, 1197 budget, 153, 286, 987, 1122 summer session, 689, 1444 fellows, 1479 gift, fellowship, anonymous, 1468 Grunsfeld, E. A., Fund, 549 Ryerson, 33 St. Louis Regional Planning and Construction Foundation, 1469 scholarship, Allerton, R., 1210, 1467 Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill, 548, White memorial fund, addition, 1211 Plym fellowships, regulations, 714 Ryerson fellowships, regulations, 762 Architecture and Art, Chicago Undergraduate Division, budget, 245, 332, 1084, 1174 Architecture Building, lighting improvements, appropriation, 611 contract, adjustment, 865 remodeling, appropriations, balances reappropnated, 1198 contract, adjustment, 1306, 1417 Arden, S. E., degree. 1399 Ardis, Marjorie L.% degree, 1560 Ardisana, M. J., diploma, 1575 Aren, M. W., appointment, 354, 1182