UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1492]

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Aron, K., appointment, 389, 507, 773, 1012, 1223 Aronson, B., certificate, 841 Aronson, Jeanne E-, appointment, 1147 Aronson, P. J., 805 Arrow Petroleum Co., purchase, 853 Arsanilic acid, study, contract, 1327 Arseneau, Inka H., degree, 420 Arsonic acid derivatives, study, contract, 1206 Art, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38, 1197 coat hooks, screens, partitions, and pin-up boards, 546 equipment, 23, 434, 762 remodeling, 762 budget, 154, 286, 988, 1123 summer session, 689, 1445 fellows, 677 master's degrees, changes, 1509 prints and drawings, gift, 551 Art education, masters degree, change, 1509 Arteriosclerosis, research, gift, 1217, 1218, 1473 Art history, Fine and Applied Arts, curriculum, 536 master's degree, change, 1509 Liberal Arts and Sciences, major and minor requirements, 536 Arthritis, research, contract, 1327 gift, 553, 1214. '472 Arthritis & Rheumatism Foundation, gift, 1216, 1472 Arthur, Alice E., appointment, 729, 1074 resignation, 1382 Arthur, Marie C., degree, 793 Arthur, T. C , degree, 1386 Arthur, W . H., degree, 809 Artigues, R. J., appointment, 704, 1016 Art Institute of Chicago, custodianship of paintings, agreement, 350, 483 gift, 1214 Artisan Metal Products, Inc., purchase, 524 Artwick, W. A., degree, 1394 Arzigian, S., degree, 1545 Asai, Mrs. Janis, appointment, 1146 Asaki, G. G., degree, 1248 Asaki, Mrs. Nobu, appointment, 1100 Asay, A. H., appointment, 140 resignation, 402 Asbestos & Magnesia Materials Co., contract, 1414 Asbury, J. W., degree, 418 Aschan, H. R., degree, 802 Aschbacher, B. F., appointment, 140, 975. 1446 Aschbrenner, W. F., degree, 1251 Aschenbrenner, R., degree, 1540 Aschner, J. F., degree, 583 Aschner, Mrs. Mary J., appointment, 1121 Ascoli, G., appointment, 389, 967, 1453 Ash, G. I., degree, 797 Ash, H. L., degree, 809 Ashby, Mary M., appointment, 1270, 1540 Ashby, R. C-, appointment, 94, 927 Ashby, W. O., degree, 1394 Ashe, D. H., certificate, S41 Ashelford, L. E „ appointment, 162, 997. 127° leave of absence, 513 Asher, A. L, degree, 418 Asherman, C. D., degree, 1249 Ashland Iron & Steel Co., contract, 1415 Ashley, Audrey M., degree, 1241 Ashley, C. A., appointment, 1188 degree, 830 Ashley, G. E., degree, 407 Ashley, W. M., Jr., degree, 4»8 Ashwill, T. D., degree, 586 Ashworth, Betty J., appointment, 4 i . '82, 697, 1017 Q Ashworth, Mrs. Ruth, appointment, 319. ' ' S * Asimopulos, G. N., degree, 593 Asklund, C. K., degree, 1401 Asmus, E. W., Jr., degree, 419


Aspey, S. A„ degree, 785 Aspley, J, C., member of advisory committee, 36 Asrow, Gertrude, appointment, 42, 389, 1045 Assell, R. F., degree, 802 Associated Military Stores, purchase, 344, 439, 527, 767, 1263, 1343 Associated Piping Contractors, Inc., bid, 658 contract, 650, 1312 Associated Seed Growers, Inc., contract, 440 Association of American Railroads, contract, 769 change, 610, 668, 1417, 1464 Asthmatic Children's Aid, gift, 554, 1216 Astrahan, D. F., degree, 1399 Astronomy, area for study of stars and planets, construction, appropriation, 611 contract, 660 budget, 70, 903 summer session, 689, 1445 head of department, appointment, 1292 Astrouski, R. L., degree, 1394 Atanus, H., degree, 1557 Atay, S. A., degree, 790 Atchison, W. F., appointment, 81, 914, 1451 Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Co., stock, purchase, 568 Aten, D. L., degree, 819 Athletic Activities Committee, members, 602, '405 . , , Athletic Association, appropriation, band expenditures, 1200 field work by Alumni Association, 1200 auditors, employed, 518, 1420 band trip to Michigan, assignment of funds, 436 baseball coach, appointment, 1358, 1497 Board of Directors, appointment, 604, 1409 budget, adjustments, 605 approved, 6, 855 authority to make changes, 6, 855 changes, 1492 Business Manager, appointment, 365 Ice Skating Rink, repairing roof, appropriation, 1522 services of Alumni Association, appropriation, 491 swimming coach, appointment, 1497 Atkin, Mrs. Estelle, appointment, 103, 115 Atkin, L,, degree, 1401 Atkins, A. L., Jr., degree, 1535 Atkins, C. P., appointment, 124, 958 Atkins, H. T., degree, 808 Atkins, J. M., degree, 1563 Atlas, A. C , certificate, 1337 Atlas Electric Devices Co., purchase, 670 Atmospheric environment, adjustment to sudden changes, research, gift, 1216, 1217 Atomic Energy Commission, contract, 1207 change, 561, 610, 1208., 1344, 1465 Atteberry, G. D., degree, 798 Atterberry, F. A., degree, 1548 Atterbury, R., appointment, 1057 Atwood, C. A., insurance, purchase, 711, 1466 Atwood, R. A., degree, 1567 Au, Tung, degree, 575 Aubert, C. E., degree, 586 Aubuchon, M. J., degree, 1557 Auby, L. C , degree, 801 Audi, L. D„ degree, 813 Auditorium, draperies, purchase, 439 organ console, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 38, 365 sprinkler system, engineering services, contract, adjustment, 1495 use by McKinley Memorial Presbyterian Church, 372 Auditors, employed, 518, 14*0 Audrieth, L. F., appointment, 72, 905 discovery, patent rights, negotiations, 1514 release, 1514 Auer, Genevieve E., degree, 790