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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Andrews, J. B., appointment, 94, 117,928,950 Andrews, Mrs. Marian, appointment, 329, 1169 Andrews, Norma J., appointment, 296, 1132 Andrews, O. L., Jr., appointment, 1270 Andrews, R. L., degree, 417 Andruss, L. J., Jr., degree, 597 Anell, Esther W., appointment, 184, 1019 Anesthesia, clinical faculty, 364, 1193 research, gift, 552, 553, 1215, 1216, 1471 Anesthetic drugs, investigation of, gift, 1216 Ang, Choh-Yi, appointment, 1498 Ang, Lucille N., degree, 1244 Angelillo, Jeanette, appointment, 324, 1166 Angell, J. S., appointment, 357 Angelo, V-, degree, 1570 Anglemier, O., Jr., degree, 1401 Anglin, F. W., appointment, 1110 Animal Genetics, building to house small animals, appropriation, 1259 contract, 1260 Animal Genetics Building, addition, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 39 Animal Hospital, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 40* I r 9 9 cages, 1324 equipment, 23, 476 microtome, 521 autoclave, purchase, 525 budget, 202, 307, 1033, 1141 safelites, purchase, 767 Animal Nutrition, fellows, 676, 1479 furniture, purchase, 469 Animal nutrition, study, contract, 668 Animal Science, advisory committee, 1194 appropriations, balances, reappropriated, 1197 chilling room, 654 income, 856 paving area west of swine barn, 435 truck, 339, 667 budget, 101, 270, 935, 1106 fellows, 677, 1479 fellowship, gift, Ralston Purina Co., 1212 purchase, autoclave, 499 bulls, 341 cages, 615, 669 chairs, 838 collector, 467 heifers, 343, 377 kneading and mixing machine, 669 laboratory equipment, 467, 525 laboratory furniture, 557 lambs, 376, 1206 microscope, 5 2 4 refrigerators, 439 steel building for South Farm, 1343 steers, 669, 1416 truck, 341» 7*2 research, gift, 1213,1214 Animal Sciences Laboratory, area for study of stars and planets, construction, appropriation, 611 appropriations, balances reappropriated, 1198 contract, 660 construction, release of funds, 654 contract, air conditioning, addition, 715 architectural services, addition, 465 electrical work, addition, 49s equipment, additions, 1346 gas service, 463 general work, addition, 371, 545 landscaping, 1203, 1517 plumbing, addition, 370 refrigeration work, addition, 473 steam service, 339 utilities distribution system, 26 ventilation, addition, 715* 850 operation, appropriations, request, 384 1585 Animal Sciences Laboratory, cont'd purchase, bookcases, 852 cabinets, 853 chairs, 524, 838 furniture, 469, 557 Venetian blinds, 671 Animal sheds, Zoology, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 365 Anison, G-, resignation, 402 Ankrum, E. T., degree, 1567 Annable, Patricia C , appointment, 694, 1450 Anner, G. E., appointment, 1506 Annis, R. W., appointment, 127 Ansel, R. E., degree, 591 Ansley, R. J., degree, 1571 Anspon, B. W., certificate, 771 Antacid compounds, research, gift, 1215 Ante, Marie C , appointment, 9 Antenna Research Laboratory, Inc., purchase, 852 Anthony, P. F., degree, 589 Anthropology, fellows, 682 See also Sociology and Anthropology. Anti-asthmatic drugs, research, gift, 1215 Antibacterial substances, study, contract, 769 Antibiotics, study, contract, change, 713 Anticonvulsant substances, research, study, 1214, 1464 Antihistamines, research, gift, 1213 Antimalarial drugs in rheumatoid arthritis, research, gift, 1214 Antimonik, Vera R., degree, 805 Antirenin, research, patent, release, 518 Antman, M., degree, 1557 Antoniou, A. A., degree, 1248 Anundson, L. I., degree, 813 Aoyama, F. S-, degree, 587 Aoyama, H. T., degree, 802 Apartment building, 829-833 South Marshfield Avenue, Chicago, tuck pointing, contract, 707 Apfelbach, H. W., appointment, 358, 1187 Aplington, T. W., degree, 597 Appell, Alice J., appointment, 183, 729, 1018 Appelle, Suzanne, appointment, 256 Apperson, Pauline M., appointment, 285, 1121 Apple, C , appointment, 357, 1186 Apple, H., degree, 823 Apple, R. F., certificate, 841 Appleby, F. W., degree, 1554 Appleby, W., lease, 1306 Applegate, L. B., appointment, 177, 1013 Applegate, L. L., appointment, 265 Appleton, J. H., appointment, 729, 959 Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics, budget, 216, 313, 1053, 1150 purchase, colorimeter, 852 spectrophotometers, 852 sterilizer, 852 research, gift, 1215 Applied Physics Corp., purchase, 1326, 1520 Appointment of Teachers, Committee, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38 Appointments, made by the President, 6, 42, 350, 389. 430, 444, 461, 476, 488, 506, 530, 546, 570, 603, 643, 652, 673, 704, 729, 736, 773, 842, 869, 1178, 1223, 1254* 1270, 1292, 1312, 1320, 1333, 1337, 1349* U76, 1406, 1423. i459» 1476, i49i» 1498, 1506, 1525 See also Budget Appropriation bills, 844 biennial, 772 hearings, 685 Appropriations, balances reappropriated, 36, 365, 1196 budget, summary, 50, 53, 195, 236, 882, 886, 1030, 1075 land, payments on approved purchases, 349 nonrecurring expenditures, 23, 340, 366, 434, 470, 476, 491. 521, 54<5, 611, 654, 706, 762, 844, 1199* 12S9* 1324, 1339* 1359, 1461, 1493. 1512
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