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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i5»o BOARD OF TRUSTEES Advisory committees, Agriculture, 1194 Commerce, 36 resignation of W. Blackie, 483 Labor and Industrial Relations, 1195 Pharmacy, 430, 1255 Services for Crippled Children, 562 Veterinary Medicine, 365, 1195 Aermotor Co., stock held by University, liquidation, plan, 567 Aeromedical and Physical Environment Laboratory, budget, Chicago, 224, 315, 1061, ii53 Urbana, 137, 284, 972, 1120 centrifuge, appropriation, 611 purchase, air-conditioning equipment, 30 centrifuge, 670 oscillograph, 558 remodeling, appropriation, 23 Aeronautical Engineering, budget, 122, 277, 956, 1113 summer session, 688 curriculum, changes, 1410 purchase, fuel oil, 375 interferometer glass, 344 pipe, 524 . scholarships, gift, Air Foundation, Inc., 1467 Aeronautical Laboratory A, name, 462 Aeronautical Laboratory B, name, 462 Afeld, D. J., degree, 820 Afremow, M. L., appointment, 353, 1181 Aftandilian, V. D., fellowship, 1480 Aftergut, S., certificate, 1407 Agase, H. D., degree, 1399 Agase, L., appointment, 389, 995 degree, 411 Agate, G. H., appointment, 546, 898, 982 Agers, Mrs. Helen L., appointment, 264 Agnello, E. J., fellowship, 46 Agranoff, Jean R., degree, 592 Agricultural buildings, construction and remodeling, release of funds, 338, 654 Agricultural Economics, advisory committee, 1194 Allerton farms, painting and minor repairs, 344 budget, 94, 269, 927, 1105 summer session, 688, 1444 farm record books, printing, 341, 710, 1520 fellows, 676, 1479 Agricultural Education, budget, 143, 285, 979* 1121 Adams, W., appointment, 318 Adams, W. A., degree, 795 Adams, W. W., resignation, 402 Adams Fund, budget, 114, 274, 947, m i Adamson, Lucile F., appointment, n o , 944, 948 resignation, 1530 Adamstone, F. B., appointment, 87, 920, 1456 Adaptometer, Psychology, purchase, 672 Addesso, Mrs. Ruth M., appointment, 320, "59 Addiego, Beverly R., degree, 419 Addison, A. A., degree, 594 Additional Cooperative Fund, Agriculture, budget, 11S, 951 Addressing machine, purchase, Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, 613 Mailing Center, 613 Addressograph equipment, Research and Educational Hospitals, appropriation, 492 balance reappropriated, 1199 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., purchase, 502, 710 Addressograph Sales Agency, purchase, 30, 613 Adedeji, L. A., degree, 1546 Adelman, S., degree, 816 Adelson, M., degree, 408, 1535 Adkins, L. O., Jr., degree, 579 Adkins, O. R., Jr., degree, 815 Adkins, R. W., degree, 588 Adler, Betty, I I , degree, 816 Adler, F. J., degree, 584 Adler, Georgia M., degree, 827 Adler, S., painting, purchase, 1466 Administration Building, remodeling, appropriation, 366 balance reappropriated, 39, 1198 contract, 503, 1462 adjustment, 524, 561, 610, 611, 713, 770, 865, 1209, 1264, 1306, 1328, 1345, 1361, I4i7» 1495 roof, appropriation, 366 contract, 545 Administrative employees, nonacademic, regulations, 1440 Admission requirements, curriculum preparatory to teaching in elementary schools, 538 Dentistry, change, 1321 Engineering, changes, 761 industrial design curriculum, change, 1460 Law, changes, 761 Medicine, policy, 1255 music education, program for advanced certificate, 1512 musicology graduate program, 1507 nonresidents, 1323 nursing curriculum, 1510 recreation graduate program, 1509 Admissions, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 226, 316, 1063, 1154 Admissions and Records Office, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37 budget, Chicago Professional Colleges, 198, 306, 1034. 1143 Chicago Undergraduate Division, .239, 330. 1078, 1172 Urbana-Champaign departments, 62, 260, 894, 1096 purchase, diploma covers, 31, 1263 diplomas, 31 Admissions from Secondary Schools, Committee on, budget, 62, 261, 895, 1097 Admitting Clinic, budget, 216, 313, 1052, 1150 Adolph, R. J., degree, 823, 1573 Advanced Certificate, music education, 1512 Advertising, scholarship, gift, 1210 Advertising Executives Club of Chicago, gift, 1210, 1467 fellows, 1479 master's degree, 1255 Agricultural employees, work schedule, change, 705 Agricultural Engineering, advisory committee, 1194 appropriations, balances reappropriated, 1197 budget, 96, 269, 930, 1106 summer session, 688, 1444 curriculum, changes, 141 o fellows, 676, 1479 gift, research, 550, 1470 scholarship, Lincoln, J. F., Arc Welding Foundation, 547, 12.11 income, appropriation, 856 limestone and rock phosphate, purchase, 614 truck, appropriation, 655 purchase, 671 Agricultural Engineering Annex, contract, electrical work, 847 general work, 847 heating, 847 plumbing, S47 ventilating, 847 Agricultural Engineering Building, addition, engineering services, contract, 836 fire protection and safety improvements, appropriation, 655, 1413 balance reappropriated, 1198 contracts, 1414
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