Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
15*2 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 SUMMER SESSION OR HALF SEMESTER Nursing 311—Field Practice in Community Nursing (for students electing Community Nursing), or Nursing 310—Field Practice in Management in Nursing (for students electing Institutional Nursing) 4 Candidates will be admitted to the revised program beginning in September, 1952I concur. On motion of Mr. Grange, this program was authorized. ADVANCED CERTIFICATE IN MUSIC EDUCATION (11) The Faculty of the School of Music and the University Senate recommend establishment of a program leading to the Advanced Certificate in Music Education set up as follows: The program leading to the Advanced Certificate in Music Education shall consist of a minimum of one year of work beyond the master's degree and is designed to provide advanced professional preparation for music educators. It is a terminal program and students who become candidates for the Certificate will not be considered as beginning work leading to the degree of Doctor of Education with a major in Music Education. Admission A candidate for admission must hold a master's degree in music or music education from an accredited institution and must have maintained a B average in all previous graduate work. He must have completed satisfactorily at least two years of professional employment in music education. At the first registration, placement examinations will be administered in music theory and applied music to determine the candidate's level of proficiency in those areas. A candidate whose level of proficiency is below that required by the University of Illinois for the Bachelor of Science degree in Musie Education will be required to take work in addition to the course work prescribed in the section on Program. Residence The minimum residence requirement is one semester during which a minimum of three units is successfully completed, or two summer sessions during each of which a minimum of two units is successfully completed. All work for the Certificate may be completed in summer sessions. Program A minimum of eight units of course work beyond the master's degree is required. All of the course work must be taken on the Urbana campus of the University. Music 420 and 421 and either Education 411 or 412 are required. The remainder of the program will be based upon the student's needs and interests and upon the deficiencies revealed in the placement tests. No more than one unit of applied music may be counted toward the Certificate. Students who at the time of first registration do not hold from the state in which they are employed a valid teaching certificate in music will be required to take courses sufficient to meet the certification requirements with the prior approval of the adviser. Courses in music which carry two-hundred numbers may be approved for graduate credit, not to exceed two units in all. Such credit will be computed at the rate of one-quarter unit for each semester hour, and will not be accepted in any degree program except the Advanced Certificate. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Holt, this program was authorized. SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR N O N R E C U R R I N G EXPENDITURES (12) The Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations recommends assignments of funds as follows: 1. College of Agriculture, equipment for south farm $ 6 coo 2. Armed Forces, storage facilities in Armory 4 000 3. College of Education Clinic, remodeling 15 co° 4. Department of Medical Social Work, equipment 4 S°° Total. $29 5°°